Theses from 1974
A Measure of the Creative Dimension of Administrative Leaders, Rod Buffington
A Proposal for the Identification and Prevention of Emotional Dysfunction in Primary School Children, Dan Allan Butler
Hermann Hesse and Vedanta Philosophy: A Discussion of the Correlation Between the Basic Themes in the Later Novels of Hermann Hesse and the Traditional Philosophy of India, James Edgar Carnahan
Reconstruction of Childhood Nostalgia Using Mixed Media, William H. Christ Jr.
A Comparison of Career and Homemaking Oriented Women Using the Strong Vocational Interest Blank, William L. Clark
Phonetic Context and Articulation Therapy of /r/ Blends, Deborah D. Cline
A Follow-Up Study of Senior High School Graduates of the Navajo Methodist Mission School, Farmington, New Mexico, Dolores Marie Conyers
Attitudes Toward Dormitory Regulations and Procedures at the Navajo Methodist Mission School in Farmington, New Mexico, James Franklin Conyers
Status of the Wild Turkey in Southwestern Illinois in 1970, Robert Merle Cottingham
Variables Relating to the Community Adjustment of Female Adolescents from a Residential Treatment Facility, Cheryl Dworak Cox
The Life of Dr. Maynard "Pat" O'Brien and His Professional Contributions to Eastern Illinois University in the Areas of Physical Education and Athletics, John Melvin Craft
Symbolic Meaning in the Objects of Robert Rauschenburg and Jasper Johns, Jacqueline Crouch
The Social History Questionnaire as Related to Length of Stay in Psychotherapy: A Cross-Validation, Robert Crowley
A Contextual Analysis of Auditory Discrimination of /r/, Amy Daugherty
Eight Teacher-Potters, Bob Daugherty
Freudian Dream Symbols in Q.E.D., Melanctha and Ida, Victoria M. Davis
The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Student Drug Abuse Procedure, Glenn W. Decker
A Survey of the Water Quality and Fishes of Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois, Larry J. Decker
Vascular Vegetation of Moultrie County, Illinois, Larry M. Dennis
Effect of Speed of Muscle Contraction on Strength Improvement, Terry Alan Dieckhoff
A Phonetic Context Analysis of General American Consonants and Vowels, John Edward Dorn Jr.
College Students' Attitudes Towards the Aged, John Edward Duffy
Acrylic Sheet in Combination with Other Plastics as a Personal Art Form, Olga K. Durham
Faculty Attitude Assessment: A Tool For Media Services Planning, Douglas J. Elwell
The Effect of Walking and Jogging on Selected Cardio-Respiratory Parameters of Middle-Age Men During the Initial Phase of a Training Program, Monsuru Lasun Emiola
The Roles and Functions of the School Psychologist and the Counselor: Perceptions of School Psychology Trainees and Counselor Trainees, Leslie A. Englehart
The Establishment of the Position Assistant Dean of Residence Hall Management and the Development of an Accounting System for Bond Revenue Projects at Eastern Illinois University, Richard Glenn Enochs
Determination of the LD-50 Level for 2,4-D on Wild Type Culex pipiens Mosquito Larvae in Illinois, William H. Ettinger
Comparisons of Phonetic Context Distributions in Lexical and Child-Generated Nonsense Utterances, Dona Diane Evans
A Comparative Analysis of Selected Twentieth Century Watercolorists, Bonnie L. Ferguson
Megasporogenesis and Early Embryogeny of Sanguinaria canadensis L. (Bloodroot), Stephen R. Foor
An Examination of Ten Personality Variables and Their Effect on ESP Clairvoyance Test Results, Terry L. Foreman
Comparisons of Phonetic Context Distributions in Lexical and Adult-Generated Nonsense Utterances, Patricia Diane Frankland
Tradition in American Realism, George L. Ganley
A Structured Analysis of Ostpolitik: A Paradigm of a Systems Approach, James E. Getz
The Application of Information Theory to a Single Visual Search Task, Charles F. Gidcumb
Whitman's and Melville's Civil War: A Comparison of Drum-Taps and Battle-Pieces, Martha M. Gower
A Survey of Certified Personnel Working in the School Districts Under the Supervision and Control of the DeWitt County Educational Service Region Concerning the Consolidation of the DeWitt County Educational Service Region as Mandated in Section 3A of the Illinois School Code, Richard Leon Green and Richard Norbert Michel Jr.
Increased Rate of Response in Programmed Reading Through Contingent Peer Tutoring, Nancy Lynn Grimes
Women in the Political Elite, Lois M. Guymon
Auditory Discrimination and Phonetic Contexts in School Age Children, Mary Anne Hanner
The Selection, Training, Function and Duties of a Student Counselor in Student Self-Scheduling, Roger R. Hartmann
Defensive Behavior of the Hognose Snake (Heterodon platyrhinos), Brenda S. Hemken
Student Parent Handbook, Michael G. Henning
A Historical-Rhetorical Analysis of Selections of Martin Luther's Rhetoric, Maynard D. Hilgendorf
A Comparative Study of Visual Communication Education and Graphic Arts Curriculums in the High Schools of Illinois, Gary E. Hinkle
The Illinois Populists: Radical Politics at the Township Level, 1892, David Merle Holford
Lawrence Yates Sherman: United States Senator from Illinois, 1913-1921, Jerome Bentley Holstein
Helminth Parasites of Illinois Wild Turkeys, James W. Jackson
Some Ethnically Important Herbaceous Plants of East-Central Illinois, John E. Jester
Rate of Growth as a Method of Assessing Water Quality, George L. Johnston
An Analysis of the Value of a Sentence Articulation Inventory, Carol Ann Jones
The Adaptability of Aluminum-Plate Lithography to Eastern Illinois University, Nancy Sue Jones
Metal Promoted Reactions of Enamino Ketones, Suhas Satchidanand Joshi
Experience as Art Form, Karen Karabasz
Student Appraisal of Decentralized Advisement and Centralized Advisement, Dale Henry Kuntzman
The Photo-Image: Its Transformation and Reformation, John Lim
The Innocent Character in Twain's Public Scenes, Connie J. Link
A Phonetic Context Analysis of Nine Frequently Misarticulated Sounds, Katherine Ann Little
The Effects of Age, I.Q. and Achievement on Children's Ability to Reverse the Necker Cube, Johnny Lee Matson
Assessment of Sort-Teach-Test-Sort Technique with Bilinguals Learning English Vocabulary, Janaye Lucille Matteson
A Survey of Blood and Intestinal Parasites of Peromyscus leucopus and Microtus ochrogaster in Coles County, Illinois, James William Matthews
An Analysis of the Growth of Organized Professional Baseball 1955-1970, Thomas E. McDevitt
Pupil Personnel Services in Charleston Community Unit School District Number One: Evaluations and Recommendations, Dorothea Vaupel McDonald
The Effect of Thermal Increases on the Acute Toxicity of Copper and Hexavalent Chromium to Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), Alan Kirk Millis
Sentencing Disparity in Illinois' Courts, Maurice Moore
A Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Michael Joyner Mugge
The "Illuminusion" Concept, Ray Murman
Field Dependence and Field Independence on a Series of Inverted Field Tasks, David R. Murphy
School Board Involvement in a School Building Program at Flora Junior High School, Harlan C. Newbold
Conodonts of the Mecca Quarry Shale, Timothy Charles O'Neill
Competition in the Retail Package Liquor Industry in East-Central Illinois, Carl S. Osterlund
Transfer of Learning Effects in Misarticulations of /r/ Singles and Blends, Patricia J. Park
The Morphology and Cytology of Preussia vulgare (Corda) Cain, Marcial Antonio Pastor-Corrales
Stone Imagery In The Poetry Of Sylvia Plath, Louana L. Peontek
An Analysis and Comprehensive Account of the Administrative Internship at Lake Land College, Raymond Joseph Pranske
Relationships Among Measures of Language and Work Performance of Adult Retardates, Debra Preisser
Attitude Survey of Selected Subgroups of Administration, Faculty, and Students Regarding Locally Produced Television Tapes at Oak Park and River Forest High School, Robert W. Rennels
A Slide-Tape Presentation for Teacher Orientation for Public Schools of Decatur, Illinois, William L. Rotz and Derrill V. Meyer
The Corticolous Mosses of East-Central Illinois, Daniel J. Royse
Pesticide Effects in a Simulated Soil Ecosystem, Raymond J. Samp
The Forests of Coles County, Illinois, David R. Sampson
Career Education Resource Laboratory Survey Report, Carol Sanders
Influences Of Spanish And/Or African Dance On Five Character Dances Of North, Central, And South America, Cecilia Velasco Serra
A Study on the Simultaneous Transmission of Incongruent Information, Dennis Keith Smeltzer
The Stations of the Cross: A Personal Interpretation, Roy Rusty E. Smith II
Borrowed Images: Work in Color Separation Photo Serigraphy, Eugene Arnold Staudt
Vicarious Learning in Group Articulation Therapy, Lynda C. Stout
Predicting Delinquent Sub-Types with the Social History Questionnaire, Charles S. Sulcer
A Study of Mark Twain Parent, Teacher and Pupil Reactions to a New Pupil Progress Reporting System, Julia Triplett
The Writing of a School District Program Plan Under Guidelines as Set Forth in the Circular Series A Number 160 Issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Thomas Allen Veihman
A Durational Analysis of Inter-Syllabic and Intra-Syllabic /r/ Blends, Jerry E. Wasson
Relationship between phonetic context and velopharyngeal integrity, Barbara Westrick White
The Effects of Metrazol on Acquisition of an Oddity Task in Squirrel Monkeys, Stephen Wilson
Sculpture Through Interchangeable Boxes, Dale Wisniewski
Planning for Improvement, Noble Foreman Wright
Theses from 1973
General Studies Track Reviewed and Reported from East Richland High School, Olney, Illinois, James A. Ahlfield