Theses from 1973
The Effects of Crowding on the Diurnal Ascorbic Acid Levels of Albino Rats, Mary Jo Barr
A Survey of Ectoparasites from Microtus ochrogaster ochrogaster (Wagner), Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fisher), and Cryptotis parva harlani (Say), Fred Basolo Jr.
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Glasser Classroom Meeting Technique, Michaelene Suzanne Baugher
The Effect of Gesturing Behavior on Verbalization in Pre-School Deaf Children, Pamela S. Blair
Content Analysis Of The Arte Or Crafte Of Rhethoryke By Leonard Cox With Suggestions For Further Study, John Earl Bland
A Transcription and Analysis of a Seventeenth-Century Bolognese Trumpet Sonata, Steven Bradfield
A Description of Specific Morphological Skills for Ten Group III Aphasics, Claire Braker
Homosexual Recall of Parent-Child Relationships: A Sampling Problem?, Tim J. Cain
Temporal Reliability of the Feature Finders, Rosalie Carson
A Comparison of Incarcerated and Non-Incarcerated Women Based on the M.M.P.I., Rose Marie Carter
Political Domination by the Military in the People's Republic of China Since 1965, Thermpojana Chamarakula
Comparison of American and Chinese College Students by Means of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Te Jung Chang
A Method of Improving the Predictive Validity of the Predictive Screening Test of Articulation, Bradley R. Chase
An Analysis and Evaluation of John Connally's May 28, 1971 Speech at Munich, Germany During the International Monetary Crisis, Rita Lynne Colbert
The Effects of Acute Stress on Adrenal Ascorbic Acid Levels, Robert Joseph Collier
In the Process of Change, Claudia Denise Cox
The Organization of a Citizens Advisory Council in the West Richland Community Unit #2 School District, 1972-73, Robert L. Craft
The Isolation and Purification of a Fluorescent Compound from Pseudomonas, Thomas M. Davey
Comparative Study of the Photopositive Coleoptera of the Embarras River Floodplain and Upland Ridge, Ann Decker
A Production Study for "A Poor Man's Profession", Michael E. Drake
The Planning of a Media Center for the Nuttall Middle School in Robinson, Illinois: A Field Study in Instructional Media, Clifford Ehorn
Bryophytes of Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, Michael A. Ellis
A Phonetic Context Approach to Articulation Therapy for /r/, Karen W. Ettinger
Trois Classes Sociales dans La Terre, L'Assommoir et Germinal d'Emile Zola, Janet Adair Evans
Two American Jacobins Abroad, Joel Barlow and Thomas Paine, 1789-1801, Ginger Grigg Faber
The China Factor in Arms Control and Disarmament, Yung-Laung Fang
A Comparison of Two Explosive Power Tests for a Variety of College Athletes, James Leo Fehrenbacher
Kindergarten-A Full Day Session?, Ross Foley
Grain Elevator Differences Along the Cash Grain Boundary: A Restructuring of the Boundary, Kenneth L. Folkerts
Comparison of the Morphological Language Skills in Normal and Language Delayed Children, Annette R. Forrest
The Consideration of Some Aspects of Two Methods Used to Study Ion Association, Richard Karl Gard
The Personality of Psychology Majors as Measured by the MMPI, Bill W. Garmon
Edward Taylor: The Recurrent Theme of the Mystical Union, Naomi Ruth Gieseking
The Fauna and Paleoecology of the Charleston Quarry Shale, James Karl Gilliam
Effect of Spatial Titration on Task Performance, Lawrence M. Glowacki
An Analysis of Non-Print Selection Aids, Richard R. Goff
The Impact of University Departmental Social Organization on Student Attitudes Toward Education, James J. Graham
Chaucer's Poetics and the Evolution of the Narrator in Troilus and Criseyde, Judith I. Green
A Durational Analysis of Inter- and Intra-Syllabic /s/ Blends, Ajit Harisinghani
Recent Shifts in the Location of the Soybean Processing Industry, Charles C. Harper
Trends in Apple and Peach Orcharding in the Lower Wabash Valley of Indiana, Robert J. Hartig
Three Projects Attempted by the Flora Grade School District During the 1970-71 School Year, Gerald Hearring
Titration of Intertrial Interval in the Matching-to-Sample Paradigm, Gregory T. Hochstetter
Gastro-Intestinal and Abdominal Helminths of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Carroll and Jo Daviess Counties in Northern Illinois, Jeffrey Joseph Hodge
A Survey of Sport as an Art Form, R. Garey Hodge
A Production Study of Thornton Wilder's The Skin of Our Teeth, Le Hook
Middle Class Follies Reflected in the Comedies of Thomas Shadwell, Lila Elaine Horn
A Comparison of Communication Climate and Sponsored, Formal Media Between a Large University and a Small University, Mark A. Howell
An Analysis of the Treatment of Platonic Love in Ford's Nondramatic Works and Independent Tragedies, Kathryn M. Jackson
Between Two Worlds Become Much Like Each Other: Man In and Out of Time in the Four Quartets, James Thomas Jones
Parasites from Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, in Lake Charleston, Illinois, Francis M. Yabai Kaikumba
A Comparison of Communication Climate and Sponsored, Formal Media Between a Small University and a Large University, Patricia S. Karnes
The Robe and Crown Imagery of Edward Taylor's Poetry, Juliana Kaufman
A Rhetorical Analysis of Mrs. Coretta Scott King's Commencement Address, Janice Kenney
The Second Morrill Act, John D. King
Morphometric Variation in Aphelenchus avenae Bastian, 1865 with Varied Nutrition and Time, John P. Kline
The Military in Political Leadership in Ghana, Kenneth Koroma
Efficacy of Reinforcement in an Observational Paradigm, Charles M. Krizic
Mechanistic Studies of Cobalt Super Nucleophiles, Audrey Yeh Ku
An Electromyographic Study of the Effects of Lateral Asymmetry on the Upper Leg Muscles Used in Normal Walking on a Treadmill, S. Marie Landmesser
A Study of Soccer Goalkeeper Restarts Comparing Two Methods of Throws and Two Methods of Kicks, Kenneth Joel Levy
The Status of the Craft Program in Industrial Arts in the Secondary Schools, William H. Lietz
A Study of Soil Amoebae Infective to Mice, Pamela McDaniel
A Historical Treatment and Analysis of Attempts at Reorganization by Chrisman, Scottland and Ridgefarm, Harold Edward Means
Scapegoats, Safety Valves, and Social Structure: A Sociological Analysis of the History of a Deviant Stereotype in Western Society, John W. Means
Development of a Subject Content Outline and a Learning Center Program, Anthony P. Menke
Initiating a Home Visitation Program, Wanda F. Miller
Utilization of Attendance Centers, Community Unit No. 20, Lawrence County, Illinois, Alan C. Moore
Un Análisis del Desarrollo del Comentario Social en la Poesía de Nicolás Guillén, Kathy Nelson
The Legal Status of Sexually-Oriented Material in the State of Illinois, John Philip Novak
A Survey of Seniors and Boards of Education Concerning the Junior College Movement - Fayette County, Illinois, Jimmie D. Page
Floristic Study of Crawford County, Illinois, Loy R. Phillippe
Aspects of the Extent and Effectiveness of Career Guidance and Career Education in Illinois Public Schools, Grades 1-12, Kenneth G. Prillaman
A Production Study of Thornton Wilder's Our Town, Donald Frank Pritchard
The Existence of Ambivalence Among Students: A Question Concerning Alienation, Stephen M. Puckett
An Illustrated Guide for the Identification of Genera and Species of Filamentous Aquatic Phycomycetous Fungi from Illinois, Sharon Kay Reed
A Survey of Selected Speech-Communication Graduate Curricula in Illinois, Patricia Lynn Richards
Etching as an Embellishment Technique in Metalsmithing, Michael B. Riegel
Metaphorical Metaphysics: The Doctrine of Reincarnation in the Works of Herman Melville, Ruth A. Riegel
The Secular Song of the Renaissance, John W. Rinesmith
The Development of a Program of Studies and Curriculum Guide for Secondary School Students Attending St. Elmo Community Unit District #202 High School, Carl Gene Robertson
Thomas Hardy's Shorter War Poems, Anne Marie Rodgers
An Empirical Study of Foreign Exchange and Economic Development, Kathy L. Runyon
Morphological and Physiological Effects of 2,4-D on Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria, John H. Rupnow
The Economic Impact of the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Thailand, Savaraj Sachchamarga
Upper Illinois River Valley Germans in the Election of 1872, Denny L. Schillings
British Intellectuals and the Great War: A Survey of Intellectual Opinion, Vincent Paul Schmidt
Phonetic Context and Articulation Ability, Carole Schneider
Occupational Identification: A Study of Undergraduate College Students, Martin J. Schultz
A Study of the Validity of Two Indirect Predictors of Maximal Oxygen Uptake, Robert V. Sedik
Critical Factors Affecting Success of Retraining Welfare Recipients, David P. Seibert
Numerical Study of Slow Motion of a Smoke Filament, Tapan Sen
Computer Investigation of the Variation of Conductivity with Concentration, Larry MacPeers Shadwick
The Development of a Severity Rating Scale for Evaluating Harsh Voice Quality, Sandra Kay Slater
The Sequential Development of Decorative Forms and an Analysis of Sculptures Produced During the Final Stage, Larry Edward Sluder
Study of Coeducational Housing at Colleges and Universities, Mary M. Smith
Seasonal Variation in the Tubular and Interstitial Areas of the Testes in Sternotherus odoratus L., Robert Hans Spaet
Decision Making: A Proposal for Civic Education, Doris Steinmetz
Formulation of Job Descriptions for the East Richland Public School System, Owen E. (Gene) Strain