Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

David W. Ebdon


Computer programs were developed tor the conductance equations of R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager as well as for the conductance equations of T. J. Murphy and E. G. D. Cohen. These programs were used to calculate values from selected conductance measurements. The resulting values were compared with values produced by other computer programs using the equations of Fuoss and Onsager as well as the equations of E. Pitts. The comparisons demonstrated the equations of Murphy and Cohen to be the equal of or superior to the other equations for the majority of cases. The equations of Pitta were superior for the solutes HCl, NaOH and KI.

Only the equations of Murphy and Cohen are applicable to asymmetric electrolytes. The values computed using those equations for various asymmetric solutes in a variety of solvents indicated fair agreement with accepted values, particularly with the values of the association constant.

The equations of Murphy and Cohen are an extension of and an improvement to the equations of Fuoss and Onsager, which have been the standard equations used to evaluate conductance measurements. The equations of Murphy and Cohen will most likely achieve that status in the future.
