Theses from 2025
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on College Sport Communications, Will Barnhart
Prevalence of Insecticide Resistance Gene in Aedes albopictus Populations of Central Illinois, Merylann Akinyi Ochieng
Theses from 2024
Molecular Investigation of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Feral Swine (Sus scrofa) from Seven US States, Sofiane Aiche
Synthesis of a Basket-shaped Host Molecule Based on p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene featuring Pyridinyl Groups for volatile Guest molecule, Boluwatife S. Ajewole
Effects of Hemp Fibers on the Mechanical Performance of Concrete, Hamida Baassou
Autophonia: A Memoir in Essays, Amy Blanchard
Investigating Prodigy Math Program to Improve Students' Success in Mathematics, Justin A. Bledsaw
Incarcerated to Educated: The On-Campus Experiences of College Students Post Incarceration, Taylor Comer
A Reflective Study of Textbook-Centered ELA Curricular Resources, Autumn Frykholm Damann
Social Gender Norms and Depression in College Students, Derek Deeney
Reprogramming of Rat and Human Hepatoma Cells with Fibroblast-Specific Transcription Factors MSX1 and PURA, Merve Diler
The Transition of Music Students into College, Amanda J. Durbin
Investigating Morphological and Molecular Identifiers for Culex restuans and Culex pipiens from Central Illinois, Savannah L. Ettien
Navigating Campus Climate: Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Impacting Trans* College Students on College Campuses, Chas Figueroa
Teacher Self-Efficacy and Teaching Experience, Nicholas Daniel Hafner
Edison Elliot and the MIDAS Files, Brianne Hankes
Teacher Acceptability of Praise Across Grades (K-12), Laura Heuermann
Student Perceptions of Teacher Praise: Considering Diversity, Kealie S. Jenkins
READ THE BONES: Creative Work, Craft and Critical Analysis, Tera J. Johnson-Swartz
Shedding Light on Ester Drug Metabolism: Investigating Carboxylesterases in Live Cells with Fluorogenic Chemical Tools, Carolyn J. Karns
Emailed Support for Implementation Fidelity: The Effects of Email Prompts on Teacher Use of BSP, Kathryn Krouse
“What Planet Are You On” - Making Meaning of Sustainability Through Storytelling, Nancy T. Ladeinde
Examining Bigheaded Carp Ichthyoplankton Drift in Tributary and Mainstem River Systems of Two Midwestern Rivers, Adam Landry
Student Perceptions of Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Elementary Classroom, Emma Larson
Are Elaeagnus umbellata Invasions Limited by Microbial Interactions?, Cody Anderson Leverette
Exploring a Medicinal Strain of White-Rot Fungus for Biofuel Applications, Kortney L. Lucius
Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Role in Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs, Rachael McDonough
Effective Communication Strategy During Crisis: A Case of the 2010 Toyota Recall Crisis, Masud Mensah
COVID-19 Pandemic and College Students’ Mental Health: Vulnerability and Resilience Factors, Jensyn Morrison
Nocturnal Behavior of Communally Roosting American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Caitlin M. Mrowiec
Influence of Seeding Strategy on Insect Communities Within Utility Lands, Kylee E. Nissen
The Role of Liver-Specific Transcription Factor HNF4 in Reprogramming of Fibroblasts, Mary Odubote
The Sewage Microbiome Dynamics of Different Serving Neighborhoods in Charleston, Illinois, Sandra Chiamaka Okoye
Navigating Black Identity: Black Young Adults’ Perception of Being ‘Black Enough’ in America, Tabitha Omanano
High Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and Associated Risk to Humans in Central Illinois, Esther Onuselogu
From Screen to Classroom: The Role of Televised Narratives in Enhancing Educational Belongingness for Black American Students, Feyi Oshinyemi
Impact of Interparental Conflict and Maternal Attachment on College Students’ Social Anxiety and Emotional Regulation, Kendra Ostermeier
Investigating Sleep Education Criteria in Illinois Public Schools and Its Alignment with Evidence-Based Practices, Bayleigh T. Pasley
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge of K-12 Teachers, Ailish Raftery
Further Psychometric Examination of the Late Adolescent Social Support Inventory, Nicole Shaffer
Opossums and Pathogens: A Survey of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Pathogens from Didelphis virginiana in the Midwest, USA, Cassandra C. P. Strehl
Population Demographics of Channel Catfish in the Lower Wabash River, Valerie J. Thompson
The Role of Study Abroad Directors in the Internationalization of Higher Education, Alexandra Tserenova
Influence of Attack Performance on the OVC Volleyball Regular Seasons 2022 & 2023, Ignacio Valdemoros
The Effect of School Uniforms on High School Students’ Feelings About School and Their Communities, Maggie Vavrik
Taking a Look at the Chicago Renaissance: A Cultural and Influential Movement, Shannon Watkins
Burnout in Resident Assistants of Color, Lily Weaver
Estimating Daily Growth of Age-0 Channel Catfish in a Free-Flowing, Commercially Exploited Midwestern River, Kaleb B. Wood
Using Community Science to Monitor Eastern Box Turtles and Engage Public in Conservation, Sarah Zoppa
Theses from 2023
Excess Capacity in the Banking Sector and Its Effects on the Sub-Saharan Economy, Fu-Ad Wumpaeh Alhassan
Implications of Intraspecific Variation in Soil Microbes on Solidago Performance, Yazeed Alshammari
Triclosan Degrading Bacteria from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Central Illinois, Mohammed Alsulami
U.S Fans’ Identification with La Liga Teams, Pilar Barrio Sánchez
Distinctly Average: Analysis of the Musician Celebrity's Persona Shift, Cole J. Belcher
From Homeschooling to Unschooling: A Comparison of Academic Achievement, Myra Breen
The Amulet of Nethelar, Sarah J. Brown
Assessing the Reliability of the Five-in-20 Classroom Observation Tool, Danielle Buechlein
A Preliminary Investigation of a Brief, Virtual, Behavioral Parent Training Program on Parents’ Self-Efficacy and Young Children’s Behavior, Taylor Daniels
Asian Americans Perceptions of Mental Health Help-Seeking, Austin Dye
Effects of Prescribed Fire on Planted Oak Growth and Survival in Restored Savannas, Allison Earl
The Transition into Higher Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Tj Estabrook
Social Anxiety, Worry, and Intolerance of Uncertainty, Yu-Jin Eun
Assessing a Byproduct of the CBD Ethanol Extraction Process for Potential as a Wood Finishing Product, Avani M. Flanagan
A Non-Profit as a Branded House: Douglas-Hart Nature Center and Foundation Branding Alignment, Skylar Fushi
Fraternal New Member Processes: An Alumni Perspective, C J. Gibson
Investigation of CH4 Adsorption and Activation on Modified Metalloporphyrin Graphene Sheets, Brianna Haase
The Toolkit for Social Support and Social Anxiety: S*A*S*S*, Cynthia E. Kmety
Development of a Chemical Biology Approach to Uncover the Influence of Sequence Variations on CES1 Activity in Live Cells, Samuel James Knebel
Still, We Rise: Experiences of Black Women in Leadership Positions at Predominately White Institutions, Dionne Lipscomb
Academic Faculty Perceptions of Student-Athletes, Jacob M. Mueller
Exploring Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears and Athletic Identity as Predictors of Disordered Eating Behaviors in Female Collegiate Soccer Players, Niondina M. Nyström
Student-Athletes’ Decision-Making Process for Selecting an Academic Major, Gina S. Pearson
Critical Consciousness, Social-Emotional Learning, and Serving Diverse Students, Brooke Poeschl
The Influence of Cover Crops on Grassland Restoration, Josh C. Poland
Personal Branding, Reality Television, and Social Media: How Former Big Brother Contestants Create, Maintain, and Alter Their Public Image, Justin L. Richards
HIV/AIDS Policy in Nigeria and Ghana: How Socio-Cultural Norms Prejudice Sexual Minorities and Adolescents, Jibril Richter
The Construct Validity of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Second Edition (WASI-II) and the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS-2), McKenzie K. Sopoci
Predictors of Attitudes About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Claire Sullivan
Evaluating the Assessment of Resident Assistant Training, Diego Ulloa
The Role of Time Perspective in the College Major Selection Process, Anders C. Voss
Wolbachia Infection in Gall Associated Insect Communities in Illinois and Indiana, Jakeb Watts
The Wellington Affair: A Detective Story, Anakin Weston
Compassion Fatigue Among Resident Assistants at Five Illinois Public Institutions : A Mixed Methods Approach, Téa E. Wheat
Does Need for Social Support Moderate the Relationship between Perceived Availability of Social Support and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress?, Katherine E. Whisenhunt
High School Teacher’s Education and Training on Trauma, Macey Wienstroer
Representation of South Asia in American Television, Zahin Zaima
Theses from 2022
Identification and Cloning of Transcripts from Triterpenoid-Induced Neuronal Outgrowth in Neuro-2a Cells from Mus musculus, Meshael Alrashidi
Pd-based Photocatalysts for Heck C-C Cross-Coupling Reactions, Suha Ali Alshehri