Theses from 1976
An Analysis of a Principal's Professional Activities, Second Semester, 1975-76, Jerry R. Clemens
Evaluation of the Building Requirements of Paris School District 95, Thomas E. Coleman
The Body Language of Self-Disclosure, Duane Connett
Conversion of Community Unit No. 20's 1975-76 Budget to the New Chart of Accounts in the Illinois Program Accounting Manual, James Joseph Courtney
An Ecological Study of the Algal Potamoplankton Communities Upstream and Downstream from a Sanitary Landfill on Riley Creek, Coles County, Illinois, Larry W. Coutant
Systematic Relaxation Training and the Process of Methadone Detoxification, Dennis Crowley
Father and Sons in Bernard Malamud's The Natural and The Assistant, John Timothy Dailey
Belize (British Honduras): Odd Man Out, a Geo-Political Dispute, Gustave D. Damann
The Effects of Self-Concept Instruction as Part of the Basic Speech Course, Gayle Lynn Davenport
Development of Board Policy Manual for Kincaid Elementary School District #182, Robert F. Davis
Muscle Relaxation Training: A Comparison of EMG Biofeedback with Verbal Instruction, Michael D. Dennis
Food Habits of the Steelcolor Shiner, Notropis whipplei (Girard), Mark A. Dyer
A Development Plan for Friends Creek Township, Michael J. Edwards
The Sound and the Fury: A Study of Jason Compson and His Relationships with Women, Shari J. Fitzgerald
Litchfield Senior High School Guide for Computer Scheduling, Farrell Flatt
April Foods of the Wild Turkey in Southern Illinois, David K. Fleenor
The Field Experience: An Internship at Charleston High School, George William Fleming
A Criticism of Elder Olson's Poetic Method, Ernest Edward Force II
A Study of Six Interventions Strategies in Altering Attendance Behaviors of High School Students, Robert T. Freehill
Mercury Levels in Muscle Tissue of Stream-Dwelling Fish, Tom Frost
The Cloze Procedure as a Testing and Teaching Device, Suzanne Gibbs
A Survey of University Undergraduate Speech/Communication Education in Southern Brazil, Natalie Gidcumb
Blood Parasites of Illinois Wild Turkeys, Ulrike G. Guenthner
The Teaching of Chemistry with the Behavioral Outcomes Approach, Gulam Habeeb
The Development of Job Descriptions for Community Unit District No. 20, Lawrenceville, Illinois, Donn W. Hammer
A Rural Education Program Developed for the Illinois Office of Education, Richard Haney
A Didactic Group Therapy Program for the Treatment of Depression, John J. Hansen
Galena, Illinois During the Lead Mine Era, Gary Henry
The History of Men's Intercollegiate Athletics at Danville Junior College, Danville, Illinois, Terry T. Hill
A Selective Study of Negro Worksongs in the United States, Margaret E. Hilton
A Developing Frontier: Logan County, Illinois to 1872, D. Mark Huddleston
An Evaluation of Junior High Guidance Services in Taiwan, Republic of China, Chen-ku Hwang
Romanticism and Evangelical Christianity in William Cowper's The Task, Carol V. Johnson
A Study of Local Production at Media Preparation Services of Higher Education Institutions in the State of Illinois, Larry D. Johnson
The Role of Instructional Design in Selected Educational Programs for Senior Citizens, Charles Lee Kauderer
Fibers and Fabrics in Stuffed Sculpture, Carol Ann Haskell Kessler
A Study of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Central Processing of Media Materials, George E. Kidd
A Survey of the Practical Learning Experiences Provided the Media Intern Through the Suburban Chicago Media Internship Program, Barry W. Kishpaugh
Azide Sensitivity in Species of Chlamydomonas and Carteria, Kim Michael Kobriger
An Internship as Superintendent of Schools in Community Unit District No. C-1, Casey, Illinois, James R. Koss
Administrative Field Experience in the East Richland School District, Mike Kowalis
The Theme of Othello, James Irving Krumrey
Organization and Use of a General Occupational Advisory Committee, Frank Dale Lane
The Endless Journey: William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath: A Comparative Study, Sherri L. Lawrence
The Effect Of College Instruction In Family Relations On Marital Satisfaction And Marital Stability, Kathryn L. Lister
Recommendations for Survival of St. Anne Community Consolidated District 256, Jack G. Magruder
Feeding Selectivity of Young-of-the-Year Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede, in Four Rearing Ponds, Gordon Brent Manning
The Internship, Mary Ellen Martin
The Effect of Social Rank of Male Swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri) on Sexual Behavior, Janet N. Marum
Student-Parent Handbook for Macon High School, Owen R. McCorkle
The History of Intercollegiate Track and Field at Eastern Illinois University from 1967 through 1976, Johnie H. Meisner
The Effect of Caffeine on Pisum sativum with Emphasis on Meiosis, Terese M. Mikottis
An Account of an Administrative Internship at Carl Sandburg and Lerna Elementary Schools, Cheryl J. Millar
A Proposed Course for High Risk Students Using Mediated Learning Units, Shirley Moore
Page and stage: A structural investigation of Agatha Christie's "Three Blind Mice" and "The Mousetrap", Martha Morrow
Land Snail Diversity at Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois, Daniel J. Mott
A Study of the Spectroscopic, Thermodynamic, and Dielectric Properties of the t-Butylbenzene/Tetracyanoethylene Molecular Complex, Donald W. Mundell
The Effects of Crowding, Density, and the Duration of Each on Learning, Richard A. Neetz
A Comparison of Age and Growth of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) in Two Ponds in East-Central Illinois, Mark Fevold Nelson
An Analysis of the Danville Administrative Intern Program, Spencer Bruce Nelson
Grid Organization Development: The Behavioral Significance of Systems Upon Effectiveness, Henry James Nix
City Planning and Politics in 136 Midwest Cities, James A. Owen
Androgyny and Its Relationship to Time Competence and Inner-Directedness in a College Sample, Margaret A. Padula
An Analysis of the Pupil Progress Reports for the Charleston Community Unit School District #1 (Grades 1 through 8), Gary Patterson
Illusion vs. Reality in The Tragedy of Hamlet, Glendora S. Plath
Ecology Of East-Central Illinois Hill Prairies, John Thomas Reeves
Ecological Comparisons of Four Plethodontid Salamanders in a Ravine in West Central Indiana, Stephen L. Reinbold
Faculty Handbook (Cowden-Herrick High School 1974-75 School Year), Elin Ann Richardson
Knowledge Level and Degree of Utilization of the Self-Study Materials Center, Booth Library, Leta B. Ridgeway
Predestination as a Motif in Faulkner's Light in August, Virginia A. Riegel
Norms for a Twelve Minute Run/Walk Test for the Jefferson Elementary School, Charleston, Illinois, Grades 3-6, Wilfredo Rios
Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism, Michael R. Robins
Jungermanniales of Coles and Clark Counties of Illinois, Charles T. Schiller
Tecumseh: His Rhetoric and Oratory, Bette-Jon Schrade
Preliminary Report of Building Expansion Needs of Wheaton Warrenville High School, Wayne Alan Schurter
A Historical-Critical Review Of Subliminal Communication And Its Relationship To The Field Of Speech-Communication, Michael Lee Shehorn
A Proposed Learning Resources Center for Illiterate Adults of Lagos, Nigeria, Ahmed O. Shodeinde
Desegregation Issue in the Centralia City Schools, Kenneth E. Spicer
The Arthropod Ectosymbionts of the Fox Squirrel in Coles County, Illinois, Jeanine L. Stanis
Beckett's Manipulation of Audience Response in Waiting for Godot, Robert Carl Themer
Lactate Removal from the Blood of Trained Distance Runners Following Strenuous Intermittent Exercise, Benjamin F. Timson
Breeding Birds and Vegetation of the Central Illinois Floodplain Forest, Daniel Edward Varland
Educational Plan for Community Unit School District No. 20, Lawrence and Crawford Counties, Illinois, Phase II, William E. Waggoner
A Faculty Handbook for Findlay Community Unit District #2, William C. Walters
Alternative Schools: A Literature Review and a Proposal for the Middle-School-Age Students of Decatur, Illinois, District 61, Harold Wilson
An Investigation into Art Preparation for Teachers of Mentally Handicapped Children, Larry D. Wilson
Joe Christmas: A Hero in Conflict in Faulkner's Light in August, Carole Booker Winkleblack
Development of an Evaluation Service for the Freshman Guidance and Counseling Program at Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park, Illinois, Richard C. Wolford
Development of Auto Body Technology and Industrial Maintenance Technology, Richard W. Yandell
A Comparison of Low and Middle Socio-Economic Status Blacks on Two Measures of Intelligence, Anthony Young
Theses from 1975
The Socialists Within the Black American Experience, 1917-1924, John M. Andrick
The Growth of the Red-Ear Turtle Pseudemys scripta elegans in a Thermal Lake in Southwestern Illinois, Diana Avalos
A Faunal Study of Illinois Silphidae (Coleoptera), Brian Baldwin
Identification of Exemplary Secondary Media Practices Within the Southeastern United States, Donald T. Beagle
Experiences of a Curriculum Development Specialist with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jimmie C. Beasley
An Intercorrelation Analysis of the ITPA and Feature Finders, Debra Betts Bork
Variability of Personality Traits in College Cross Country Runners, Richard William Bowman
Preparing a High School Handbook, Larry Roger Bradford
A Proposed School Budget and Faculty Handbook for Salem Elementary Schools, District # 111, Galen Brant
Pesticide Residues in the Illinois Wild Turkey, John M. Bridges