Theses from 1980
The Development of a Faculty Handbook for Parkview Junior High School, Ronald K. Negley
Health Curriculum: Kindergarten Through Tenth Grade, Linda Kay Niendiek
Two Sculptural Fabrications That Utilize Tension, David Robert Olson
The Development of a Responsibility Education Program with a Student Handbook of Rules, Rights and Responsibilities for Intermediate Students, Lynne Pellegrini Padovan
The Relationship Between Expressed Anxiety and Assertiveness, Douglas J. Pawlarczyk
Administrative Field Experience, Kinmundy-Alma High School, Theodore D. Phillips
Planning to Improve the Public Relations Program in the Mattoon Community Unit School District #2, Mattoon, Illinois, Howard Price Powell Jr.
Administrative Internship, Mt. Zion Community School District #3, James D. Price
Analyses of Illinois Wild Turkey Habitat and April Foods, Kim D. Price
An Approach to Metalsmithing and Its Correlation to Specific Drawings, Susan Isabel Randall
An Evaluation of the First Year of the Instructional Media Intern Program in Northeastern Illinois, Roger Joseph Rezabek
A Study of the Utilization of the Harper Community College Sixteen Millimeter Film Collection and Instructors' Motives for Using Those Films, Roger Joseph Rezabek
A Study in the Development of a Handbook for Student Personnel Workers on First Semester Freshmen, Alexander B. Russell Jr.
The Use of Thorsen’s Primary Individual Language Screening Test as a Language Assessment Tool, Susan K. Sanders
The Development of a Student Handbook for the Argenta-Oreana Middle School, Michael Schmitz
The Effects of N-Serve on the Availability of Urea and Ureaformaldehyde Nitrogen on Lolium perenne L., Ronald E. Schroll
The Relationship of Self-Concept and Locus of Control, Dirk David Sheehan
Comparative Effects of Two Avoidance Paradigms Upon Ethanol Self-Selection, Richard O. Shellenberger II
Selmaville Community Consolidated School District No. 10 Board Policies, Vernon G. Shook
A Survey of Selected Illinois High School Girls’ Track and Field Programs, Sally J. Smith
An Examination of and Plan for the Integration of Audiovisual Services into a Community College Learning Resources Center, Vicky R. Smith
Physical Attractiveness And Sex Roles, Randall J. Soland
The Illinois Problems Index: A Look at the South Ridge Public Schools, Carol Spencer
An Analysis of Procedures Used in the Formulation of School Board Policies in Cerro Gordo, Illinois, Harry R. Starkey
Exploration in Design, Graphic Communications and the Creative Process, Starla A. Stensaas
The Work of Brian Sullan in Relation to Contemporary Non-Objective Painting, 1979-1980, Brian Sullan
Cezanne, the Unknowing Father of Modern Art, David Thomas
Comparative Reproduction of the Red-Eared Turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans, in Heated and Natural Lakes, Gary Marshal Thornhill
A Five Year Financial Projection of Dieterich Community Unit #30, Elliott Kent Tuttle
An Approach to Wire Using Textile Techniques, Toni Vallette-Satterfield
The Effects of Self-Monitoring, EMG Biofeedback, and Relaxation Tapes in the Treatment of Tension Headaches, Daniel A. Viens
The Establishment of a Student Self-Scheduling System at Greenville High School, Bill Wells
A Cardiovascular Exercise Program for a Paraplegic Amputee, Roger D. Wells
A Descriptive Research Study of the Pilot Learning Adjustment Classes I and II Including a Summary of Related Research on Compensatory Education, Melodye Maye Williams
A Taxonomic and Ecological Study of the Lichens of "Rocks Park" in Coles County, Illinois, Robert Arthur Williams
Career Awareness Program K-8, North Wayne Community Unit #200 Schools, Richard T. Wilson
The Costuming of Hair: An Interdisciplinary Study, Mary E. Yarbrough
The Removal of Viruses from Water by Conventional Water-Treatment Practices, Janet S. Ziegle
Theses from 1979
A Comparison of Stimulus Control Procedures and Progressive Relaxation in the Treatment of Insomnia, Mark L. Balen
Notes on Seasonal Variation and Infectivity of Haemogamasus reidi, a Vector of Hepatozoon griseisciuri, on Eastern Gray Squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, Mohammed Bashiru
Woman, a Vehicle of Visual Expression in Contemporary Times, Tamara C. Bogue
A Population Study of the Cave Beetle Neaphaenops tellkampfi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Mushroom Cave, Hart County, Kentucky, Robert E. Bon Durant Sr.
Relationship of Locus of Control and Other Personality Characteristics in Enuretics, Judy Louise Bowlby
Influences on the Collage of Ken Brewer, Ken Brewer
The Administrative Procedures Surrounding Computer Scheduling at M.L. King Junior High, Diedrus U'Vonne Brown
The Relationship Between Compensating Students to Attend Summer School and the Students' Attendance and Suspension Rates the Following School Year, Barbara Buckles
Biosystematic Studies of Impatiens pallida and Impatiens biflora (Balsaminaceae), Sandra M. Buening
Habitat Utilization And Partitioning Within A Community Of Nesting Grassland Birds, John E. Buhnerkempe
Low-Fire Salt-Glazing, Rhonda M. Cearlock
A Survey of Media in the Spanish Language Classroom, Joanne Chacon
A Study of Basic Characteristics of "The Man of Tao" of Lao Tzu and "Self-Actualizing People" of Maslow, Kuang-fu Chang
Administrative Experiences at Moulton Junior High, Andrzej Cichalewski
Program Manual for Education Department at the Vandalia Correctional Center, Glen Donaldson
Androgyny and Occupational Choice, Ruth Carol Ellerbusch
The Military as Agents of Development: The Nigerian Case-Study, 1970-1979, William Ross Ennenbach
The Relationship Between Oxygen Debt Size and Blood pH Change During Recovery from Exercise on the Bicycle Ergometer and Treadmill, Timothy J. Falconer
Studies of the Lysogenic Response as a Function of Multiplicity of Infection of Lambdoid Bacteriophages, Mark Floyd Fedyk
Black Attitudes Towards Social Affiliation with Whites and Its Influence on Academic Achievement, Alvin Finderson
A Slide-Tape Presentation for Parent Orientation of the Public Schools of Hillsboro Unit District #3, Wayne C. Ford
An Advanced Studies Program for the Gifted Students at Arcola High School, Malcolm N. Fox
A North Central Association Self-Evaluation Visitation and Implementation Process, Gary E. Glosser
Fitzgerald's Use of the Four Elements in The Great Gatsby, John Philip Hawkins
Leaching of an Acetanilide Herbicide, CP55097 in Soil Columns, Regina K. Higgins
Chromosomal Variation of Claytonia virginica L. in Illinois, Russell Arthur Hintz
Self Disclosure Among The Chinese And American College Students, Mau-Sun Hua
A Study to Identify and Analyze Problems Experienced by International Students Enrolled in Eastern Illinois University, Ru-Ing Hwang
The Distribution of Cadmium, Chromium and Lead in Crabs, Clams and Oysters from Calcasieu Estuary, Louisiana, Fritz Jaenike
A Taxonomic and Ecological Study of the Cladonia Species of the Central Portion of Fox Ridge State Park in Coles County, Illinois, James L. Jannesse
A Guide to Programs in Industrial Education Offering Masters Degrees, Philip Joseph Jenks
Fundamental Aspects of a Metalsmithing Career, James Walter Johnson
The Ritual of Torero, Harbert J. Jones
Parent Visitation as a Public Relations Tool, Franklin Jack Kenny
Problems of Political Development in Bangladesh, Haroon-ar-Rashid Khan
A Feasibility Study for the Development of a Career Educational Instructional Cooperative for the High Schools of Crawford County, Illinois, Gerald Eugene King
Adventures in Health Careers Education, Lois M. Kloker
A Three Year Maintenance Schedule for the Junior-Senior High School Building of the Beecher City School District, George M. Kohut
Bacteriophage Populations in Wastewater Effluent, Guy William Lawrence
Preparation of N,N-Dimethylhydrazones and 1,1-Dimethylpyrazolium-5-Oxides, Tso-Ping Li
A Comparison of the Effects of Two Therapeutic Exercises on the Muscle Action Potential of the Vastus Medialis, Janet J. Lozar
Title I Is Working!, Marguerite Stapleton Lucas
Test-Retest Reliability of the Hand Test with the Institutionalized Elderly, Thomas J. Lundquist
Functions of Menace: A Comparison of The Room and The Birthday Party, Lee R. Martin
Histology of Dichromatic and Seasonal Color Change of the Cranial Region of Callagur borneoensis, Kevin William Matson
The Advent of Sound in Motion Pictures, Michael P. McHugh
The Preparation of a Student Handbook, Kenneth L. Miller
Use of Fishes and Macroinvertebrates in the Assessment of Water Quality in an Illinois Stream Receiving Sewage Effluents, Robert George Mosher
Analysis of Lead in Freshwater Clams from the Embarrass River, Coles County, Illinois, Kwaku D. Nantwi
Polar Opposites in Hermann Hesse's Novels, Karen Lea Nead
The Ecology of Invertebrate Drift and Feeding Chronology of the Striped Shiner, Notropis chrysocephalus (Rafinesque) in Polecat Creek, Illinois, Dennis L. Newman
Technician-Potter Versus Artist-Potter, Diann Marie O'Brien
Economic Feasibility of Ethanol, Methanol and Alcohol-Gasoline Blends as Alternatives to Gasoline as Motor Fuels, Marjorie Diane Pettypool
The Photograph as a Model in Painting, Denise Dale Plumlee
Fielding's Clergymen, Kathleen Marie Puhr
Retention in Salem Elementary Schools, Charles M. Raglin
Translocation of C14-Labeled Assimilates in Squash Petioles, William John Raupp
A Multimodal Approach for Counseling Rural Women: Models and Case Studies, Mary Vick Roth
Saul Bellow's Henderson the Rain King: A Fusion of the Comic and the Serious, George William Russo