Theses from 1977
Stability Constants of NaCO3-, NaSO4- and KCO3- in Water at 25°C, Frank Dennis Blum
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Different Types of Media on Selected Fifth Grade Students at Franklin Elementary School, Mattoon, Illinois, Lester Raymond Burton
The Observation and Evaluation of Elementary Teachers in Illinois, Paul C. Burton
A Study in Lowering Counselor-Trainee Anxiety Related to Selected Controversial Issues, Sharon L. Butts
An Analysis of the Optimum Learning in Regular Classrooms Project in Charleston, Illinois, Patricia Tucker Chaney
An Investigation of the Plume Theories of Briggs and Hanna, George Kyle Cooper
Case History of the Capital Assistance Program for a High School in Georgetown, Illinois, Robert Arthur Delmotte
Production and Utilization of Sunflower Food Plots at Shelbyville Wildlife Management Area, Illinois, Duane T. Dust
Home Range And Movements Of Fox Squirrels (Scirius Niger) In East Central Illinois, Sheryl L. Dyer
A Log of Activities with References to the Role of a Residence Hall Counselor at Eastern Illinois University for the Fall Semester 1974, Doris Dunkirk Enochs
A Philosophy of Art, Robert Erickson
A Plan for the Development of an Ideal Learning Resource Center at Crowder College, Barbara Lou Farrar
Studies on the Grooming Behavior and Morphology of the Freshwater Prawn, Palaemonetes kadiakensis, Bruce E. Felgenhauer
Jacobs High School Instructional Materials Center Policy and Procedure Handbook, Kenneth Gene Felgenhour
Effects of Behavior Rehearsal Versus Behavior Rehearsal Combined with Feedback and Instructions on Components of Positive Assertive Behavior, Timothy Paul Follick
V. S. Naipaul: The Development of His View of Man, Kim Lin Forrester
Ecology of the Pirate Perch, Leslie D. Frankland
An Analysis of Student and Teacher Opinions Regarding the Shortened School Day, Renshaw Benjamin Garshelis
The Effects of Superovulation on the Reproductive Cycle of Mature Female Mus musculus, David F. Grace
Formation of the Wayne City High School into a Community Unit District, Donald R. Haile
Analysis of the Capture-Recapture Method of Determining Fish Population Size in a Pond Community, Richard E. Hall
Reliability and Validity of the Transactional Analysis Freehand Script Maze, Mark William Hardy
The Resource Allocation and Management Program at Eastern Illinois University, Diane T. Harris
Hour House and the Practicum Student: Suggested Guidelines, Stan G. Harris
Implementation of Ecology and Conservation Education in the Findlay Grade School, Ronald L. Hash
The Inevitability of Abstract Expressionism in America, Brenda Hawtin
Malacostracan Crustacea from the Sundance Formation (Jurassic) of Wyoming, Elizabeth M. Herrick
A Concise History of Education in Illinois with Special Reference to Coles County and Charleston Community Unit School District #1, William James Hill Jr.
Germination Study of Dormant Cercis canadensis L. Seed, Glenn Hosokawa
Selected Poems of Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim, Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim
A Comparison of Self Ratings of Change Done Dependently and Independently, Pamela P. Irwin
Evolution of a Multi Service Agency, Diane Burden Johnson
Cytology of Chaetomidium fimeti, David D. Kimmel
The Effect of Locus of Control Orientation on Faculty Evaluations, Kristie L. Kirby
Constructing and Implementing an Evaluation Program for Certified Personnel in the Stonington School District, David E. Kuetemeyer
An Analysis of the Intern Program, Kolawole Lafinhan
Implementation of the Metric System, School District 118, Gayle LeCount
Samuel Sebastian Wesley--His Life and Music in Relation to the Nineteenth Century, Jean Logue
Speech Library Series: Formulation and Utilization, Johnn Edward Malloy
Howells, Marriage, and Swedenborg: The Influence of Swedenborg's Teachings on Howells' Portrayal of Marriage in His Novels, Nancy Danner Marlow
Oil-Bodies of Selected Leafy Liverworts of East-Central Illinois, Steven Monroe Martin
The Peristome Teeth of Selected Genera of Acrocarpous Musci of East Central Illinois, Roger McBroom
Reactions of 1-Bromo-2-(p-Tolyl)Cyclopropane with Nucleophiles in the Presence of Crown Ether, Gerald McComas
Recommendations for the Implementation of Title IX at Charleston High School, Dolly McFarland
The Three-Dimensional Image of Chance, Calvin Alexander McFarlane
Part I - Merrill Area Public Schools, Part II - Schools of Great Britain, Lucille A. McJunkin
Paint Application: Theories and Techniques, Nancy King Mertz
The Effect of Ergosterol on the Desaturation Of 14C-Labeled Oleic Acid in Tetrahymena, Maynard E. Neville Jr.
The Balfour Declaration and International Law, Thomas Noreuil
Blood Parasites of Squirrels from Coles and Lake Counties in Illinois, Nicholas I. Obiri
Designing Curriculum with Community Resources: Using a New England Town—Charlton, MA—as a Model, Kevinetta Clare O'Brien
The Relationship Between Governmental Structures and Ethnic Conflict in Black Africa, Aggrey Joel Otieno
Objectivity and New Realist Painting, Jacky Palman
To Expand the Learning Resources Center of Jefferson Junior High School, Mattoon, Illinois, James Hindle Pass Jr.
A Proposal for a Career Development Program in Community Unit #4, Oblong, Illinois, Allen R. Price
Novice in Wonderland, Thomas A. Ratay
An Internal Public Relations Plan for Neoga Community Unit #3's Title 1 Project, Marilyn Gilmer Rennels
Creative Dramatics as a Language Facilitating Technique, Gail J. Richard
A Cytogenetic Study of XX/XY Chimerism and Other Anomalies of Bos taurus in a Sampled Dairy Herd, Ferne M. Rogers
Effects of Distance and Sex on Verbal Productivity and Anxiety, Peter Lindsay Rogers
Cold Connections as Used by the Metalsmith and Sculptor, Deborah A. Rohr
A Stream Survey of Riley Creek, Coles County, Illinois, Using Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Organic Pollution, Joseph R. Rowe
The Development of the Self-Death Awareness Scale, Thomas Francis Ryan Jr.
The Troubled Ecstasy of Yeats's "Purgatory" and "At the Hawk's Well", Gregory Michael Sadlek
The Role of Betrayal in Selected Drama of Tennessee Williams, Craig E. Sanderson
Tanzania: The Politics of Socialism and Rural Development in an Emerging Country, Yasmin Delpha Scharschmidt
From Rendezvous to Picket Fence: Tracing the Changing Frontier and Novelistic Development in A. B. Guthrie, Jr.'s Western Pentology, Raymond Charles Schmudde
Viability of Pre-Adult Stages in Drosophila melanogaster, Khadijeh Shakerifar
A Plan for the Design of an Ideal Instructional Media Center in the Teachers Colleges of the Republic of China, Yung-Ger Shang
Saxicolous Bryophytes of Coles and Clark Counties, Terri M. Simon
A Taxonomic Study of the Lichen Flora at the Peaks of Otter Natural Area Along the Blue Ridge Parkway, Bedford County, Virginia, Michael L. Slaughter
Three American Women Artists, Cynthia Lenore Stansil
Programmed Instruction from the Instructor's Viewpoint, Michael D. Stoll
Ecology Of A Mixed Gray And Fox Squirrel Population, Thomas R. St. Peter
An Appraisal of the Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness: A Methodological Analysis, Hoi Kin Suen
The Bryoecology of Montgomery County, Illinois, Elbert A. Traylor
Cytological Investigations of Eremosphaera viridis de Bary, Richard Allen Valentino
Problems of Community Museum, Peter Velez
Aquatic Plant Communities of East-Central Illinois, Randolph Lee Vogel
Female Initiates in Faulkner, Nancy Joan White
William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience: From Innocence to Experience to Wise Innocence, Robert W. Winkleblack
Long-Run Debt-Income Model of Consumer Installment Credit, Tseng Ho Wong
Theses from 1976
A Study of the Feasibility of Consolidation of School Districts 113, 115, and 116, Richard B. Adams
Zooplankton Community Dynamics and Water Quality of Polecat Creek, Coles County, Illinois, Spring, 1975, Carl Edward Baird
An Attempt to Find Auditory Communication in the Squirrel Monkey via Cooperative Conditioning, Michael T. Bardo
Ruth Twigg Carr: A Visual Interpretation, Belinda Carr Beccue
The Effects of a Calisthenic Exercise Program on Fourth Grade Elementary School Children, Toby Bedford
The Effects of Teachers of Both Sexes on the Achievement of Male and Female Mathematics Students, Betty Jo Ring Benz
The Development of a Job Description for Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, David Michael Beube
The Establishment of a Pilot Elementary Career Education Program in Community Unit #2, Robinson, Illinois, Dale E. Boyd
Schizophrenia: Institutionalization and Dependence, Jerry L. Boyd
A Report of Pupil Transportation Operations for Carlyle Community Unit School District #1: Contracting and District Owned Operations Compared, Donald O. Bretsch
Latin American States and the Law of the Sea, King Farouk Brimah
Ethnically Important Woody Plants of East-Central Illinois, David Eric Brussell
Counselor-Disciplinarian, Carolyn J. Butler
Initial Impact of Physical Attractiveness on a Counselor's Perceived Helpfulness and Rated Personality Traits, Jodell Lorna Cheska
An Analysis of a Principal's Professional Activities, Second Semester, 1975-76, Jerry R. Clemens
Evaluation of the Building Requirements of Paris School District 95, Thomas E. Coleman
The Body Language of Self-Disclosure, Duane Connett