Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

James J. Reynolds


The Purpose of the study was to design a handbook containing objectives, policies, procedures and rules for the instructional media program at H. D. Jacobs High School. A media staff has the imperative charge to set up its facility and make sure that it runs smoothly. This challenge was met at this high school to a certain extent, but the smoothness or professional element was lacking. The efficiency of operation is the premise of concern with which the policy-and-procedure handbook deals.

The ideas for this handbook have been compiled from years of visiting libraries and media centers. While visiting libraries and media centers, pamphlets, forms, handbooks, and idea sheets were picked up and stored for future use. While well aware that the handbook is just a partial answer to better efficiency, one must realize it is a beginning in the direction toward smoother operations. This handbook was written to satisfy the needs of a high school with a student body of 827 and a faculty of 53.

One should keep in mind that this handbook was prepared by one staff member, the media director. The handbook was conceived as a first draft, and was designed for the faculty and for the students that work in the instructional material center or the production facility which would be presented to the media staff. It contains the policies and procedures for an instructional material center and for a production center which combined, make up the media facility. This facility has been in operation for one academic year. Due to the limited time in operation of the two centers, the handbook does not have the broad scope that one from a more developed center would have. The policies and procedures outlined in the handbook have not been tested. Upon examination of the handbook by the media staff, additions and deletions will be made, then the revised handbook is to be presented to the chief administrator for his approval.

One of the areas of concentration in the handbook is the instructional material center. This area is where most of the patron flow originates. This section includes the overall philosophy, selection procedure, organization, kinds of materials housed, and the circulation procedure for the media facility.

Another area of concentration in the handbook is the production facility. This area houses the equipment which is disseminated to faculty and students. This area of the handbook includes the responsibilities and a few special problems of the production facility.

The handbook's last area of concentration is the evaluation of the media program. From this questionnaire, the media staff can select ideas which will contribute to the improvement of policy understanding by the students and faculty.

Considering both the conclusions and the recommendations of this paper, one can see that a policy handbook of this magnitude was an important undertaking. This process was finalized into a policy handbook with format and content upon which a department can make changes. With this policy handbook in a looseleaf form, additions and corrections can be easily made in order to facilitate communication between patron and staff. The media staff must have a policy base upon which to build in order to eliminate any unecessary motion that would hinder patron and staff rapport. A media department which has objectives and a policy handbook has a better chance of continuing success in the years ahead than one which has no guidlines.
