Theses from 1981
Character Motivation and Definition Through Dialog in the Memory Plays of Harold Pinter, Douglas E. Grohne
The Biblical View of the Fall of Man in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Marble Faun, Lois Darlene Hanson
The Ungraded Primary Department: Centennial Lab School, Decatur, Illinois, John Reeves Henry
Vocational Education Field Experience, Bonnie Kimball Hill
A Feasibility Study on the Inception of a Nine-Hole, Par Three Golf Course at Eastern Illinois University, William Derek Cunningham Hilton
A Study of the Duties and Functions of the Assistant Superintendent and the Cabinet Members in the Danville Public Schools, Norman M. Hofmann
Culture-Based Humanities Units, Nancy Hogan
The Development of a Proposed Policy and Procedures Manual for the South Eastern Special Education District, Paul Thomas Homan
A Factor Analysis of Physical Fitness Components for Seventh Grade Chinese Students, Chen-Hsing Huang
Spectroscopic Studies of Pre-Mixed Hydrocarbon Flame Plasmas, Tsao-Chin C. Huang
St. Michael in the Arts, Ruth Jaenike
Development of a Women's Health Care Course at Eastern Illinois University, Sandra K. Kammermann
Gastrointestinal Cestodes and Nematodes of Coyotes from Southeastern Illinois, Valerie Keener
Effects of Prior and Interpolated Shock Exposures on Subsequent Escape/Avoidance Conditioning with Goldfish, Toshiyuki Kimbara
A Key to the Hepaticae of Coles and Clark Counties, Illinois, Michael J. Klopmeyer
Annual Marks in the Sagittae Otoliths of the Bluegill and Their Use in Age Determination in a Thermally Perturbed Environment, William D. Kraus
Notebook to Stage: The Creative Process in Dramatic Art, Terry Kroenung
A Redescription of Spironoura duyagi from the Stomach of Malayan Box Turtles (Cuora amboinensis), Rex A. Kuye
A Study Of Nata Certification Candidates' Perception Of Preparation Before And After Taking The Certification Exam, Richard J. Lloyd
Lomax Norms For Eastern Illinois University Women Athletes On The Twelve Minute Run, Linda J. Lomax
Prediction of Junior Required English Grades Using Expectancy Tables at Central High School, Clifton, Illinois, Richard Lee Longfellow
Cis Labilization: A Study of the Reactions of Group 6 Pentacarbonyl Phosphido Anions, Matthew J. Madigan
Abstract Expressionist Ceramics: Peter Voulkos, Kenneth Price, John Mason, James J. Maher
Illinois Principals’ Conference, Daniel J. Mash
Sexual Harassment of Working Women: An Exploratory Study, Cheryl McMichaels
An Analysis of a Building Bond Referendum, Daniel L. Meyer
Daily Growth Increments in the Otoliths of Young-of-the-Year Largemouth Bass, Micropterus salmoides, Steven J. Miller
From Ritual to Resurrection: The Exploratory Poetic of Seamus Heaney, Susan L. Morris
A Field Study Experience with a High School Business Administrator, William A. Murray
School Emergency Administration Plan, Samuel R. Nall
The Development of a Faculty Handbook for Washington Elementary School, Richard D. Nicolas
The Photograph and Photo-Realism in Painting, Nancy G. Odom
Painting from Photographs, Judith A. Poynter
A Survey of Selected Economic Plants, Virgil S. Priebe
Job Satisfaction and Attitudes of Professional Autonomy Among Community Hospital Staff Nurses, Michael Thomas Quinn
Grade Point Averages And Fraternity Pledging, Janice Lynel Rambo
The Assistant Principal of Operations Position, Phillip S. Reasor
Chekhov, the Doctor as Dramatist: A Study of the Four Major Plays, Gloria Rhoads
Progressive Development and Implementation of an Enrichment Program for Sixth Grade Students at Forsyth Grade School, Robert Ritter
Female Figure Study, Jason F. Rockhold
An Intercultural Comparison of Instrumental and Terminal Value Preferences of American and Chinese Students, Ferne M. Rogers
The Dependent Development of Brazil: 1822-1980, Robin Guy-Michel Romans
Physical Education Program For Autistic Children, Karen Sue Moss Smith
A Practical Choral Edition of Motets from a Sixteenth Century Choirbook, Kathleen Rose Stone
Administrative Assistant Gifted Coordinator of North Clay Unit 25, Charles Stortzum
Eva Hesse: Art, life and absurdity, Stella Tripp
A High School Mini-Course Program, Darrell Dean Tucker
Homosexuality in Art, Julian P. Wade-Salisbury
The Distribution and Relative Abundance of Aquatic Oligochaeta in the Upper Cache River System, Southern Illinois, in Relation to Water Quality, Mark Julian Wetzel
Description and Taxonomic Importance of Penial Morphology in the Cryptodiran Turtles of Malaysia, Lynn D. Wike
Moss Sensitivity to Sulfur Dioxide, John W. Wilcut
Theses from 1980
James D. Barber: "The Presidential Character": An Attempt of Applicability, Renate Irene Ahlers
The History of Boys Basketball at Oakland High School from 1958-1979, Linda Kathleen Andrews
A Comparison of Certain Personality Characteristics of Allergic and Non Allergic College Students as Measured by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, Bernard Norman Bernstein
Comparison Of Personality Traits Of Female Athletes And Non-Athletes At John Brown University, Lynn Best
The Effect Of A Single Period Of Aerobic Exercise On The Concentration Of Serum Cholesterol In Humans, Stanley B. Blank
An Investigation of the Gerontological Educational Background and the Need for Training of Practitioners in East Central Illinois, Kathryn L. Carey
Repopulation of Fishes in Riley Creek, Coles County, Illinois Following Nitrogen Fertilizer Pollution, Kim James Carney
British Reaction to German Foreign Policy, January 1933 to June 1936, Nigel J. Cox
The Effects of Fin Clipping and Tagging on Growth and Behavior of the Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides), Daniel M. Daley
Evaluation of Potential Wild Turkey Habitat in Eastern Illinois, Cara B. Daugherty
A Fieldtrip Handbook for Mattoon Community Unit School District, Number Two, Thomas W. David
The Transportation Program in Illinois School Districts, Lenard A. Defend
High School Self-Contained Classroom: A Program Description, Dennis Downey
Surface Treatment of Metals, Dorothy Dunkirk-Bennett
Curriculum Development for Cooperative Education, Ann Ferris
The Innocent Narrator in Mark Twain's Roughing It, John R. Fisher
A Study of the Free-Floating Phytoplankton of the Embarras River and Polecat Creek, Coles County, IL, Richard Gary Fried
Expressionism for Painting Sports, John T. Graves
Herman Melville and Paul Tillich: An Ontological Interpretation of Billy Budd, Michael E. Gress
The Assessment Of Life Stress And Related Symptoms, Donald B. Hane
Synthesis and Reactivity of Some Fe(0) and Ru(0) Compounds, Michael E. Hawkins
A Needs Assessment Survey for Parent Involvement in Ina Community Consolidated District No. 8, Ina, Illinois, Clyde D. Hayes
The Influence of Atrazine (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino-s-triazine) on the Severity of Gibberella zeae-Induced Seedling Blight of Corn, Louis A. Heaton
Community Development: Youth Programming in a Model Neighborhood in Peoria, Illinois, Ann Flesor Henby
An Analysis of Israeli Domestic Political Characteristics and Their Affect on the Middle East Conflict, David Hight
Dr. John Milton Strahl: His Life and Professional Contributions to Physical Education and Athletics at Greenville College, John Andrew Holak
Photo Realism, Maureen A. Howe
A Feasibility Study on Minimum Competency Testing, Cerro Gordo School District, Josephine Howerton
A Study of School Achievement Among Elementary School Students with Working and Nonworking Mothers, Chi-hung Hsieh
MCT - A Competency Test for Westville, Illinois, Eighth and Twelfth Graders, Larry Huber
Students' Needs and Perceptions of the University Counseling Center at Eastern Illinois University, Eugene Hughley Jr.
A Search for Lymphatic Tissue in the Mouse Pineal Gland, John B. Hutchinson
The Library Skills Learning Package: An Evaluation, Kathleen H. Jenkins
An Investigation of Educational Theatre and Professional Training Needs for Costume, Lighting, Sound, and Scenic Designers, Barry P. Johnson
An Inservice Program for Developing Teacher Lesson Plans, Jane Kennedy
Dirofilaria immitis in the Wild Canids of Illinois, Thomas J. Kick
A Diet and Reproductive Study for Selected Species of Malaysian Turtles, Colleen E. Kimmel
A Numerical Method for the Solution of the Schrödinger Equation by a Trial Wavefunction Improvement Formula, Chun-Sheng Ko
A Test of the Fertilizing Value and Inhibitory Qualities of Sewage Sludge, Gregory D. Kugler
A Report on Curriculum Development Through the Use of an Adoption Cycle, Charles Dallas Langley
The Use of the Blueprinting Process on Fiber, Lisa D. Larson
The Relationship of Reported Sexual Activity and Reported Sexual Daydreaming in Unmarried College Men and Women, Barbara Stansell Lavery
The Positive Approach: In-School Alternatives to Suspension, Gary Bryan Layton
The Effect of Walk or Jog Recovery from Anaerobic Work on Blood Lactate Levels and Subsequent Two-Minute Run Performance, Rick Alan Livesey
Homiletics Courses in Five Major Protestant Denominations: A Rhetorical Analysis, Ricky W. Manwaring
The Illinois Ferns of Coles, Clark, and Cumberland Counties, Bill N. McKnight
Escape from Reality: A Comparative Study of Bleak House and Little Dorrit, Julie L. McMillen
The Need, Development and Implementation of a Student/Parent Handbook for Warrensburg-Latham High School, Roger T. Mitchell