Theses from 1983
Development of a Public Relations Program for the Newman Community Unit School District #303, Charles E. White
Freedom at Midday: Elements of Existentialism in the Works of Ambrose Bierce, Sharon A. Winn
Residual Phytotoxicity of MON-097 in Sludge Enriched Soils, Jennifer A. Woods
Theses from 1982
The Effects of Total Communication on the Expressive Language Behavior of Individuals Labeled Trainable Mentally Retarded, Lenore Aebischer
Proposal of Development of a Gifted Program to Be Implemented by South Eastern Special Education, Brenda Kaye Palmer Allen
Development of an Emergency Preparedness Manual for Parkview Junior High School, Richard Philip Alsman
A Stylistic Comparison of Six Twentieth Century Piano Sonatinas Written Between 1905 and 1950, Judith Marie Blakley
An Examination of the Verbal-Performance Differences and the Bannatyne Pattern of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Susan Hanft Bowyer
Higher Education Administrators' Knowledge of Section 504, Laura Montgomery Bundy
Administrative Internship in an Elementary School, Cean Kimball Cartwright
Seasonal Movements Of White-Tailed Deer In East-Central Illinois, James E. Chelsvig
Monetary Factors and the Business Cycles, Nattasin Chongsanguan
Charles Simic: Trends Toward an International Poetry, Denise Clark
A Study of the Role of the Learning Resource Center in the Education of Gifted Elementary School Students, Jeanne L. Clark
Two Movements for Orchestra, Larry A. Cox
A Community Climate Survey of the Mattoon Community Unit #2 School District, Doug Craig
A Room of One's Own: The Women's Room, Lou Ellen Crawford
A Comparative Study of the Chemical Variants of the Cladonia pyxidata-chlorophaea Complex in East-Central Illinois and Northern Michigan, Cheryl A. Cunningham
Infinite Intellectual Leap-Frog: Tracing Three Character Voices Through Four of Tom Stoppard's Works--Lord Malquist and Mr. Moon, Albert's Bridge, Jumpers, and Dirty Linen, Judy Laurene Donaldson
An Evaluation and Needs Study of Clinton School Buildings, Thomas Lee Dougherty
A Planning-Budgeting System for the South Eastern Special Education Joint Agreement, George C. Dudley
Inhibitors Affecting Bacterial Action in Reaerated Activated Sludge, Alice M. Dunn
An Analysis of the Casey School District's School-Community Relations Program, Juanita E. Worden Fribley
The Treatment of Women in the History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, Cindy Fritz
A Comparison Of Perceived Exertion Ratings And Heart Rate Responses Of College Athletes During A Standardized Treadmill Test, Mpakaboari Fyneface
Computerized Student Scheduling at Centralia High School, Richard F. Gibson
The Social Psychology of Imitated Jaywalking: An Extension of Model Sex and Social Status, Edward W. Gregory Jr.
Controlling the Number of Metal Sites to Which a Poly(tertiary Phosphine) Coordinates to Group 6 Metal Carbonyls, Nestor Paul Hansen
An Overhand Passing Test for Girls Volleyball, Jarielle L. Harner
Foods and Feeding of the Redfin Shiner (Notropis umbratilis) in Coles County, Illinois, Karen Denise High
Social Democracy in North America: A Canadian Example, Rodney Lavern Johnson
A Field Experience Involving an Administrative Internship and the Development of Course Descriptions and Curriculum, Wayne P. Johnson
A Comparison Of The Personality Characteristics Of Athletes And Non-Athletes At Eastern Illinois University, Alan Kirkup
Woody Vegetation at Burgner Acres, East-Central Illinois: Composition and Changes Since 1964, Larry Philip Lehnen Jr.
Validation of the Tactual Performance Test as an Organicity Screening Device, Stephen C. Lippold
Cleavage and Deoxygenation of Phenolic Ethers, Derhsing Luu
Virginia Woolf: A Study in Style, Gregory Lee Manifold
Referendum Issue: An Analysis of Procedures Used in Past Issues and an Examination of Procedures Unit Seven Schools May Utilize to Correct Building Problems in the Future, Charles L. McChesney
There's No Place Like Home: The Haunted House as Literary Motif, Mary Catherine McDaniel
Analysis of the Assistant Principal at Johns Hill Middle School, Craig E. Milligan
Formation of Teacher, Substitute Teacher, and Parent/Student Handbooks for Maroa-Forsyth High School, D. Leroy Mills
A History of the North Wayne Community Unit 200 School District, Dennis Patton
A Laser Interferometric Study of Electric Field Effects on Methane-Oxygen Flame Plasmas, Mark D. Prairie
An Objective Measure Of Assertiveness In Children, Deborah K. Price
Student Misbehavior Disciplinary Actions and Alternatives, Vic Provinzano
Diospyros virginiana: The American Persimmon, Michael P. Quinnett
Determination of Shorthand Enrollments and Homework Procedures in East-Central Illinois High Schools, Nancy Louise Rippy
Preschoolers' Dessert Preferences And The Effects Of A Nutrition Lesson On Them, Colleen Ann Ruebke
Menstrual Cycle Effects on Blood Pressure, Body Weight and Heart Rates During Rest, Exercise and Recovery on College Athletes, Dawn J. Shutter
The Photograph and Superrealism, Christopher Stokes
A Multivariate Analysis of the Effects of Money in Congressional Elections on Incumbents and Challengers, Larry Summary
Human Inspirations as the Connecting Links of History: Demonstration Through Contrasts of Imaginative Literature and Historical Record, Glenn W. Sunderland
A Study of Junior High Student Awareness of Guidance Services in Taiwan, the Republic of China, Chia-nan Tai
Analogic Communication as a Method of Facilitating Change, Patricia Ann Tennery-Williams
An Elementary Special Education Program, Community Unit District #3, Georgetown, Illinois, Nancy B. Thompson
Coping with Enrollment and Revenue Declines in Assumption Community Unit District #9, Randolph L. Tinder
A Cytomorphological Study of Podospora curvicolla (Winter) Niessl, Stephen F. Tomasino
A Survey Of The Duties Of The Athletic Director And Activities Director In Central Illinois High Schools, Joe Tomlinson
A Proposal for the Development of a Program of the Use of Microcomputers in the Red Hill School District, Paul William Tougaw
A Comparison of the Surface Polysaccharides of Rhizobium trifolii SU843 with its Genetically Altered Mutant, 8002, Which is Defective at Root Hair Curling (HAC-), Elroy Alfredo Turnbull
The Pessimistic Themes of The Mysterious Stranger as Reflected in Mark Twain's Previous Novels, Judy Dale Hill Walker
The Family in Modern Northern Irish Drama, Ray Wallace
The Relationship Between Consumer Needs Of Adults And Their Willingness To Participate In Adult Education Classes, Alicia E.L. Womack
An Internship with a Superintendent of a Small High School, Robert A. Yeazel
Theses from 1981
Relationship Between Anxiety and Level of Aspiration Among College Male Physical Education Students, Taoheed Abdul Adedoja
The Influence of Women in Vardis Fisher’s Western Literature, Sylvia L. Alderton
April Foods and Parasites of Wild Turkeys in Northcentral Illinois, Kathleen M. Andrews
Three-Dimensional Home Range of the Eastern Fox Squirrel, Sciurus niger, Joi L. Augustin
Analysis of Coal Fractions Using Dibromotriphenyl-Phosphorane: A Selective Ether Cleaving Reagent, Michael L. Ballard
Controlling the Number of Metal Sites to Which a Polytertiary Phosphine Coordinates in Tungsten Carbonyls, Rodney D. Borger
An Exploration of Intaglio Processes Influenced by the Woodblock Style of Utamaro, Lenore Branchaw
Correlation of Hook-and-Line Vulnerability of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) with Selected Physicochemical Parameters at Ridge Lake, Dale P. Burkett
Bryophytes of Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois, David C. Burnette
Pyridine Hydrogen Iodide as an Ether Cleaving Agent in Coal Chemistry, Agnes Mei-Ying Chen
Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Sex-Attributes and Sex-Roles at Eastern Illinois University, Li-Hsing Chen
The Politics of Repression: Argentina, 1976-79, Nattasin Chongsanguan
The Influence of Structural Painters on My Work, Susan Crotchett
An Exploratory Investigation Comparing Battered and Non-Battered Women Using the Hand Test, Debra A. Dalton
A Trophic Analysis of Three Species of Elmidae from Polecat and Riley Creeks, Coles County, Ill., Robert D. Davis Jr.
Middle School Interscholastic Athletic Handbook, Jim Deremiah
Curriculum Problems and Recommendations: Cowden-Herrick Community Consolidated School District 11, Jamie R. Driskill
Internship with the Public Affairs Office, Illinois Arts Council, Ann Adele Dunn
Marlowe's Doctor Faustus Finds Reality: In the Comic Mask, Eva Marie Enis
Toward a More Comprehensive Operational Definition of Student and Faculty Member Informal Contact, Paul D. Ewald
The Public School Superintendent in the Administration of Schools, Chuka J. Ezekigbo
Mt. Zion School District Gifted Elementary Reading/Language Arts Program, William D. Fancher
A Study of the Relationship Between Life Events and Empathy, Catherine Ferme
The Need for a Curriculum Director in a School District of 2500 Students, Pamela A. Feutz
The Endlessly Elaborating Poem: A Comparative Study of Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens, and the American Experimental, Long Narrative Poem, Paul Freidinger
Administrative Involvement in the Tower Hill Building and Renovation Project, James A. Gray
Summer Enrichment Program for Academically Talented Students, Michael D. Gray
Character Motivation and Definition Through Dialog in the Memory Plays of Harold Pinter, Douglas E. Grohne
The Biblical View of the Fall of Man in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Marble Faun, Lois Darlene Hanson
The Ungraded Primary Department: Centennial Lab School, Decatur, Illinois, John Reeves Henry
Vocational Education Field Experience, Bonnie Kimball Hill