Theses from 1984
The Effects Of Background Music On The Overt Behavior Of High School Students Labeled As Being Behavior Disordered, Karol Lynn Cowell
Operant Conditioning in the Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon), Angela R. Deitz
Dissident Artists' Associations of Germany 1892-1912, Mary Jo Eberspacher
Development of a Prison Schools System Handbook, Andrew J. Eggett
Time in John Cheever's The Housebreaker of Shady Hill, Charles M. Elliott
"Training" and Twain's Discovery of Its Role in His Major Novels, Gary Dale Ervin
Sex Differences, Intimacy, and Attractiveness in Reported Self-Disclosure: Same-Sex Dyads vs Opposite-Sex Dyads, Edmund Forst Jr.
An Analysis of the Administrative Operation of Project ABE (Arts in Basic Education) in Community Unit District #1, Charleston, Illinois, Suellyn Garner
Avoidance Learning and Memory in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Fed Bufo Tadpoles, Randy John Gawlik
The Effects of Dogmatism, Rhetorical Sensitivity, and Attitude Valence on Selected Speech Ratings, Chris B. Geyerman
A Sophomore World History Gifted Program: A Second-Tiered Curriculum, Franz Grossman
The Fragmentation of the Ulster Unionist Party, Declan Lawson George Hall
Juglans Cinerea: The American White Walnut, Dennis Robert Hattermann
Comparison of Surface Polysaccharides of R. leguminosarum ANU57 (Exo-1), R. leg. ANU57(pBR1AN) (nod+, nif-), and R. leg. ANU57(pJB5J1) (nod+, nif-), Frank G. Hustmyer
A Comparison Of Soccer Skills Of Male Participants In The Charleston Youth Soccer League With Non-Participants, Judith Diane Hyndman
Attitudes, knowledge and behavior related to savings: A study of Southern Illinois rural women, Donna L. Kaufmann
Vegetation Changes in Four Study Areas at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Kathryn Ann Kerr
The Effects of Immediate Vs. Delayed Knowledge of Results on the Acquisition and Retention of Multiplication Tasks, Lynn Ruth Kidwell
A Descriptive Study of Healthy Religion and Its Effects on Personality, Lowell R. Kivley
The Development of a Substitute Teacher Handbook for Paris High School, Paris, Illinois, Lois M. Kloker
The Intermolecular Force Field of Acetylene-HCl: The Normal Coordinate and Centrifugal Distortion Analysis of Two Weakly Bound Rigid Rods, Rebecca S. Lee
An Assessment Of The Teaching Of Technology In Elementary Schools Of East Central Illinois, Peter R. McClure
A Study to Investigate Predictors of Mathematical Giftedness as Measured by the Scholastic Aptitude Test - Mathematics, Jolene McGrogan
A Comparison Of High And Low Fitness Groups Of College Age Students On Selected Coronary Heart Disease Risk Variables, Karen Joy Meyers
Creating a Model for a Career Planning and Placement Center at Kaskaskia College, D. Rennie Minton
Comparison of Sentence Completion Procedures for the Elicitation of Copula and Auxiliary Verb Forms from Three-Year-Old Children, Teresa Ann Muchmore
The Physical Fitness Status Of Selected Female Participants In The Eastern Illinois University Adult Fitness Program, Christine Maria Mullinax
Operant Conditioning in the Psittacine, Amazona amazonica, Gloria J. Nadolski
Woody Vegetation of Baber Woods: Composition and Changes Since 1964, James Alvin Newman Jr.
Observations on Relationships Between Limb Measurements and Mode of Locomotion in Malaysian Turtles, Duayne Nyckel
A Study of Oxygen Functional Groups in Illinois Coal Fractions, Kenneth R. Osborne
A Study of Arts Education in the State of Illinois, Debbie J. Raymer
Preschool Children'S Perceptions Of And Attitudes Toward Elderly People, Susan Lynn Reuter
Impact of Austerity: The Changing Role of School Counselors, Jimmie D. Rice
Elementary Gifted Program for Paris Union School District No. 95, Brenda J. Rothenberger
A Comparison of the Temporal Spawning Distributions and Growth Rates of Young-of-the-year Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) and Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) in Three Illinois Impoundments, Craig Douglas Schmittler
Sediment Oxygen Demand in Streams Receiving Sewage Effluent, John J. Schultz
Characterization of the Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from Four Transposon Generated Symbiotic Mutants of Rhizobium trifolii, Robert G. Shatters Jr.
A Student Developed Minimum Competency Test for Donovan High School Study and Use, Stephen Anthony Shuda
Seasonal Lekking Behavior of the Greater Prairie-Chicken in Illinois, Scott A. Simpson
Minimal Competency Testing in Community Unit # 2 in Mattoon, Illinois, Lila E. Sullivan
Social Skills Training in Elementary Children, Marsha Calvert Thiel
A Survey of Strategies Used by Public School Teachers in Clark County, Illinois to Decrease Unacceptable Behaviors in Elementary School Children, Cheryl D. Thompson
Needs Assessment Model for Microcomputer Utilization by Public School Systems, Michael W. Throneburg
Improvement of Supervision for Vocational High Schools in Taiwan, Republic of China, Kuo-Hung Tseng
The Effects of Self-Monitoring on the Disruptive Behavior of Students Identified as Severely Behavior Disordered, Claire Thompson VanVickle
Sexual Sterilization of the Mentally Retarded, Nancy Ann Wallace
A Study of Cladonia cryptochlorophaea and Morphologically Similar Species in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, Scott S. Wilcer
A Study of Finances of Community Unit District #3, Georgetown, Illinois for the Years 1977 to 1983, Richard Eugene Wilson
A light amid the darkness: An analysis of sin and its effects on the individual in The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun, Tina L. Townsend Winings
Similarity/Dissimilarity of Couples Communication Competence in Relationship to Their Marital Satisfaction, Thomas Kenne Worthen
The Purification and Partial Characterization of the Surface Polysaccharides from Three Fast-Growing Rhizobium japonicum Strains, Madhav P. Yadav
Instructional Media Materials Used in the Physical Education Program at Eastern Illinois University 1899-1984, Marina Su-chin Yu
Theses from 1983
Sex Role Stereotyping Among Preschool Children As Seen In Family Life Center, Melanie Ann Read Adams
Preparation and Characterization of Tertiary Phosphine Carbonyl Ruthenium (0) Complexes, Joann C. Bady
A Plan and Guide for the Implementation of a Computer Curriculum at Southeast Fountain Elementary School, Robert Joseph Baker
"Bootstrap Theatre": A Prompt Book for The Fantasticks, Jayne A. Ball
Assertiveness Training with Mildly Mentally Retarded Institutionalized Persons, David Larry Bokor
A Delphi Analysis of Cooperative Purchasing in Southern Illinois, Robert E. Bon Durant Sr.
Internal Rotation Effects and Nuclear Hyperfine Structure in the Microwave Spectrum of Propyne-HF, Roger E. Bumgarner
Understanding Needs and Concerns of Black Students in Pursuit of Higher Education, Thomas M. Caulfield
A study of Chaucer's Pandarus: His character, his actions, his motives, Zita Cobble
The Effects of Training in Visual Cognitive Skills on Reading Comprehension, Valerie Joan Croll
Dreamworlds and the Art of Illustration, Donna Crotchett
A Comparison Of Active And Inactive Senior Citizens On Selected Tests Of Balance, Strength, And Flexibility, Nancy J. Daum
A Study of Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Eligibility for High School Athletics and Other Extracurricular Activities at Windsor High School, David Rodney DeLaCruz
Analysis of the Surface Polysaccharides of R. trifolii SU843 and Its Sym Plasmid Alterated Mutants, Jauh-Lin Duh
Observed Changes in the Largemouth Bass Population Since Construction of a New Pump Storage Reservoir at Charleston, Illinois, Lawrence B. Durham
Communication, the Missing Ingredient, Rex W. Eddy
Inflation and Taxable Capacity: Some Recent Evidence, Barbara Allison Haney-Powell
Post Object Art and Sociological Influences on the Internal Processes of Art Making, Steve Havens
Establishing the Essential Building Blocks for Understanding Collective Behavior, Janet L. Heitgerd
The Sound and the Theory: A Study of the Theoretical Position within Metzian Film Semiotics of Sound in Cinema, Kathryn L. Ingle
The Effect of Repeated Spermiation on Sperm Density in the American Toad (Bufo americanus), Michael A. Kriz
Noncompetitive Effects of Morning Glory on Growth of Soybeans, D. R. La Bonte
Relationship of Field Dependence/Independence to Personality for Younger and Older Adults, Thomas T. Lambirth
Raw Water Quality in the New Charleston, Illinois Pump Storage Reservoir, Kevin G. Lookis
Revision of the Argenta-Oreana Faculty Handbook, Grades K-8, Ralph J. Lutz Jr.
Nutritional assessment of alcoholics: Emphasis on vitamin A and selenium, Karen M. McCauley
An Aerobic Exercise Prescription For An Asthmatic, Jeffrey Alan McClung
Factors Influencing Reforestation of Surface Mined Lands in Southern Illinois, Jill R. Medland
The Relationship Between Whole Brain Catecholamine Depletion in Carassius auratus and the Exposure to Inescapable Shock in a Learned Helplessness Paradigm, Roderick J. Misunis
Some Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Cool Season Turfgrasses, Robert C. Morrow
Career Day for Effingham and St. Anthony High Schools, Effingham, Illinois, Roger L. Neal
Autumn Olive Reproduction in Three Illinois State Parks, James Daniel Nestleroad
North Korean Relations with China and the Soviet Union: The Impacts of Changes in the Leadership of the Two Communist Powers on North Korea, Myung-Ork Park
A Study Of Alcohol Use/Abuse Among High School Students In A Small Illinois Rural School, Stephen Eugene Race
School Effectiveness Model for Washington Elementary School, Clara Coleman Rouse
Vegetation Analysis of Three Zones of Belmont Prairie, DuPage County, Illinois, Susan Eckert Ruta
American Arts and Artists of the Twentieth Century: 1900-1941, Janet M. Ryan
The Mysterium Coniunctionis: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Shirley Savage
The Perception of Coincidence: Artistic Symmetry in the "Wandering Rocks" Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses, James A. Scruton
The Development of a Special Education Handbook for Community Unit School District No. 20, Lawrenceville, Illinois 62739, Mary M. Shaffer
Variables That Affect Success in Debate, Karen S. Shelton
The Development of a Student-Parent Handbook for Lake Crest Elementary School, Oakland, Illinois, Ezra W. Smithson