Theses from 1986
Adolescents'Interests And Concerns Regarding Food, Nutrition And Eating, Mary Elise Moline
The Use of Traditional Articulation Tests in Phonological Analysis, Teri L. Moser
Cooperating Teacher Training: Proposals for a Needs Assessment, Program Design, and Evaluation, Ingrid J. Murray
Spotted Owls In Harvested Areas, Kathleen R. Nickell
Isolation and Partial Analysis of Proteins and Polysaccharides of Rhizobium trifolii, Manuelito M. Ordonez
The Development of a Program for Minority Dropout Prevention in the Decatur, Illinois Public School District #61, Priscilla Marjorie Palmer
Integration of Visual Art with Other Subjects in the Illinois High Schools, Laura Lynn Pottala-Irle
An Analysis of Waterfowl Hunter Activity and Harvest on Selected Public Hunting Areas in Illinois, Gary E. Potts
Empirical Equations for Activity and Osmotic Coefficients, N. Ragunathan
A Study of the Truants Alternative Program in the Clay-Jasper-Richland Educational Service Region, Southeastern, Illinois, Larry Rinehart
An Application of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Theory of the Grotesque to the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor, Holly Roberts
Mating Behavior of the Giant Waterbug Belostoma flumineum Say, Janet E. Ruppert
The Free Negro in Illinois Prior to the Civil War, 1818-1860, Steven J. Savery
Attitudes of Preservice Elementary Teachers Toward Science and the Teaching of Science, Gregory C. Schaeffer
Analysis and Trends of Education and Employment: 1985 Fountain Central High School Graduates, Beverly J. Shelton
The Effects Of Short-Term Fasting On Fat Utilization During Jogging, Dianne M. Smith
The Republican Party and Civil Rights, 1877-1976, Gordon E. Sparks
Enhancement of Ether Cleaving Reactions by Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding, Nobumi Takemura
The American Reaction to Germany's Annexation of Austria, Mark A. Tarner
Wit and Humor in ASL, Keila Tooley
Superintendent Internship in Jasper County CUSD #1 and Robinson CUSD #2, Beverly L. Turkal
The Deterioration Of U.S.-German Relations, 1933-1939, With Special Focus On The Czechoslovakian Crisis, Robert D. Ubriaco
The Relationship Between Moist-Soil Plant Seed Production and Drawdown Date in an East-Central Illinois Subimpoundment Managed for Waterfowl Hunting, Jeffrey M. Ver Steeg
Stress Factors On Adult Children Caring For Elderly Parents, Jeanne Rene Waller
Analysis of the Charleston, Illinois Water Supply for the Presence of Organic Mutagens Utilizing the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Assay, Steven Lee Washburn
Female Criminality and Feminism – Is There a Causal Relationship?, Heather Whitcroft
The Evaluation and Selection Process of Instructional Games and Toys, Linda Kay Young
Studies of Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate-Water-Electrolyte Interactions, Xiaoxiang Zhu
Converting the Bement Junior High School to the Bement Middle School, Greg Zollman
Theses from 1985
Bimetallic Complexes of Tungsten and Mercury, Zakariah Abdullah
Knowledge And Attitudes Of College Freshmen On Selected Consumer Redress Topics, Rebecca J. Benedict
A Study Of Age Discrimination In Job Hiring, Kim M. Beystehner
Salinity Tolerance in Forage Grasses, Kent Alan Boyles
Surveying Computer Graphic Trends, Angela Bradley
The Bryophytes of Fox Ridge State Park, Coles County, Illinois, David A. Breen
Winter Concentration Areas of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Illinois: A Discriminant Analysis, Paul A. Brewer
Evaluating School District 428's Curriculum Media Development Center's Clientele, Randolph H. Burge
E. Taylor's Use of Canticles, Clella J. Camp
The Diplomacy of William Jennings Bryan, Patricia Sue Chism
Mammals at Hidden Springs State Forest, Shelby County, Illinois, Leslie L. Clapp
Keyboarding: Computer-Assisted Method of Instruction Versus the Traditional Method of Instruction, David D. Collins
Partial Characterization of the Extracellular Polysaccharides Produced by Mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum and Rhizobium trifolii, Lendell L. Cummins
Educational Poll of Public Attitudes Regarding Decatur School District #61, David Ford Curtis
Egypt: The Shifting Cornerstone to the East-West Balance of Power in 1956, David C. Dalgaard
Desperate Laughter, Sara Farris
Determining the most effective therapy for a client: A literature review with an original pilot study, Perry Fred Finck
Effect of Sex-Biased and Sex-Fair Item Selections on Interest Inventory Results, Christine Elizabeth Franklin-Panek
A Comparison of the Acidic Extracellular Polysaccharides from Rhizobium trifolii Mutants Affected in Trifolium repens Root Hair Curling, Brian Andrew Hanley
A Study to Determine the Extent of a Justification for a Building Bond Referendum in Mt. Zion, Illinois, Robert Herrmann
Handmaidens of God: The female figures Judith, Juliana, and Elene in Old English heroic poetry, Anita Obermeier Hodge
An Assessment of Communication and Service Needs to be Provided to the Regular Education Teacher by the Resource Teacher, Jacqueline Lee Holt
Policies and Procedures on the Use of Corporal Punishment in the Clay, Jasper, and Richland Educational Service Region, Clifford E. Jones
The Effects of Language Processing Strategies Upon Reading Comprehension, Kathy Ann Kirby
A Comparison of Two Training Programs in Preparing for the Army Physical Readiness Test, Herbert E. Lattimore
Health Food Use And Physical Activity Among Rural Older Adults, Laurie A. LaVoie
An Analysis of the Opinions of Senior Students of Teachers' Colleges or University Concerning Practice Teaching in Taiwan, R.O.C., Mao-sen Liang
The North American Distribution of the Cladonia cryptochlorophaea Asah. Population Containing the Para-depside Atranorin as an Accessory Substance, Paul Raymond Lock
"Failed Love" in the Drama of Edward Albee, Steven Leonard Long
The Use Of Water Rehabilitation Exercises For The Injured Athlete, Laura L. Lutes
Some Effects of Viterra 2 Hydrogel on Soil Physics and Plant Growth, Julia E. Maserang
Approximating an image: Beauty among female university students, Gamine Beth Meckel
Administrative Field Experience, Office of the Superintendent, Atwood-Hammond Community Unit School District No. 39, Atwood, Illinois, James E. Morgan
Response of a Nitrifying Biofilm to Copper, Denise Moldroski Mott
Wordsworth's The Prelude: Critical Tradition and Beyond, Manuela Mourao
Employment Trends and the Population Identified as Visually Impaired, Donna Mumford-Hinrichsen
Nature vs Society in the Works of Stephen Crane, Rodney R. Parker
"Four Dreams": A Chamber Symphony, Richard Pauley
The Future of Equipment Repair in School Media Centers in Central Illinois, Connie Peters
A Study of Eastern Illinois University Physical Education Majors Graduates from 1978, Greg H. Rigoni
Fecal Coliform Membrane Filtration Recovery Techniques, Pamela Rose Rinebold
Differences in Maximal Performance Between an Exercise Test on a Monark Bicycle Ergometer and a Racermate Wind Load Simulator, Carmen J. Ritz Haas
Mark Twain's Confidence Men, Sharon K. Scruton
Factors Related to Job Satisfaction of Academic Faculty and Administrators in Higher Education, Sutin Somprakit
History of women's intercollegiate track & cross country at Eastern Illinois University from 1975 to 1985, Christopher Thomas Stec
A Study of the Relationship between Leadership Responsibility and the Career Aspirations and Salience of College Women, Deborah R. Stevenson
Self Assessment Model for Local Boards of Education to Evaluate Effectiveness, Charles N. Sutton
An Analysis of the Effects of the New Discipline Policy of Danville School District 118, Danville, Illinois, Robert M. Thomas
Some Factors Affecting Male Back Space Availability in the Water Bug Belostoma flumineum Say, Amanda M. VanDenburgh
The United States And West German Rearmament 1950-1955, Hans R. Velten
Teachers', Students', and Principal's Perceptions of School Effectiveness Factors at Sullivan High School, Richard J. Voltz
A Revision of the Board Policy Handbook for Cowden-Herrick High School District #188, David F. Walle
Bimetallic Tungsten Carbonyl Complexes, Jin-Guu Wang
The Law and Mark Twain, Jeff Andrew Weigel
The Effects of Test-Taking Instruction Upon the Test Scores of Students Labeled as Learning Disabled, Deborah Wolfson
Thermodynamics of Ion Association in Aqueous Fluoride Solutions. Determination of Stability Constants for (NaF), (MgF)+ and (CaF)+ Ion Pairs, Waldo Zamorano-Santander
Theses from 1984
Use of Skelettochronology in Age Determination of American Toads (Bufo americanus) from East Central Illinois, Philip M. Acker
Teachers' Perceptions of School Effectiveness Factors in the Stewardson-Strasburg School District, Edward Lee Allen
Aesthetic Experience as an Epistemological Concept, Patricia Avellano
A Brief History of Metalworking Techniques on Armour, Cheryl M. Bannes
An Evaluation for the Reading Program for Rome Community Consolidated School, James Edward Burnes
A Comparative Study of Filipino and American Student Essays: Common Errors and Sentence Length, Paz Navarro Canilao
A Proposal for the Development of a Computer Literacy Curriculum in the Charleston School District, David Robert Carey
A Proposal for the Implementation of a Quality Circle Program at Cumberland High School, Joseph A. Ciaccio
Supplementary Materials on Drug Education, Vickie Ellen Clay
Early Intervention Services And Parent Involvement, Joyce Elaine Coleman
A Study of the Dual Role as Athletic Director and Principal, James A. Cook
The Effects Of Background Music On The Overt Behavior Of High School Students Labeled As Being Behavior Disordered, Karol Lynn Cowell
Operant Conditioning in the Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon), Angela R. Deitz
Dissident Artists' Associations of Germany 1892-1912, Mary Jo Eberspacher
Development of a Prison Schools System Handbook, Andrew J. Eggett