Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Gerhard C. Matzner


The purpose of this field study is the description of a program involving a self-contained classroom for those freshmen entering high school who exhibit difficulty in adjusting to the high school setting. The program seeks to aid these students in developing confidence in themselves and their decisions, improving or altering negative self-concepts, encouraging feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction in participating in high school activities, enhancing relationships with others, and emphasizing successes in the academic area.

Chapter one examines the major problem areas facing students as they make the transition from the junior high to the senior high school. A major goal of the program, as stated in the needs assessment rationale, is the provision of an atmosphere whereby the student may develop more positive feelings of adequacy and self-worth as well as the realization of academic accomplishment. Included in the objectives rationale are developmental learner objectives whose aims are to facilitate the acquisition of feelings of adequacy and self-worth. Additionally, program objectives are outlined.

The second chapter details a description of the program in terms of duration, scheduling of students, selection process, grading, and areas of instruction. Also, a discussion of the characteristics that may be exhibited by a student to be selected for the program is provided. Since the self-contained classroom is designed to be staffed by a certified teacher and an instructional aide, a complete job description for each is provided in the field study. Concluding chapter two is an analysis of the physical needs of the program.

The final chapter examines the process of evaluating the self-contained classroom program. Methods for both student and program evaluation are presented as well as a listing of the sources of data that will be used in the process.

Since the self-contained classroom is designed to provide instruction in language arts, geography, math, and general studies, course descriptions and outlines are contained in an appendix. The general studies is unique only to the self-contained classroom and will explore, use, and integrate a variety of skills that would assist the student in making the transition to the high school setting.

A self-concept rating scale used in the assessment process for selection, parent permission form, teacher referral form, a checklist for evaluation purposes, and a parent evaluation form are included in additional appendicies. A bibliography containing source material on innovative programs and self-concept building concludes the study.
