Theses from 1975
A Photomicrographic Guide to the Saprolegniaceae of Illinois, Ronald L. Butler
The Social History Delinquency Scale, Mary A. Byrne
Linoleum Printmaking: Its Various Methods, Judd Eugene Caraker
The Great Depression In Coles County, Illinois, 1929-1939, David E. Carpenter
A Manual of French and German Lute Notation, Elizabeth Carson
An Empirical Study Which Measures Principals and Teachers in Their Attitudes Toward, and Their Perceptions of the Leadership Dimensions of Initiating Structure and Consideration, Joseph Renick Chmeleck
An Investigation of Receptive and Expressive Pluralization and Tense Inflectional Skills of Three Year Old Children, James Michael Coffman
A Publications Policy for the Official Student Newspaper at Quincy Senior High II, Quincy, Illinois, Dwight Connelly
Establishment of a District Media Center in Ottawa School District 141, William L. Connelly
A Survey Study of the Illinois Principalship, James W. Cox
The Use of Fiber to Create Sculptural Forms, Christine Danner
The Use of Audiovisual Equipment by Superintendents of Public Schools in the State of Illinois, Joanne Marie Decker
Field Dependency and the Accuracy of Heart Rate Control, Emil V. DeRenzo
The Histology of the Pineal Gland in Odocoileus virginianus, Terry Michael De Villiers
Metal as a Decorative and Structural Element in Wood Sculpture, Gordon F. Disharoon
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Loneliness and Differential Diagnosis in a Rural Mental Health Center, Kathryn Dunscomb
A Building Program Study, Dawsie Frederick Edwards
An Analysis of Industrial Marketing Practices and Strategies of Nigerian Manufacturers, Efiong John Etuk
An Analysis of the Death-Rebirth Archetype in John Donne's "Songs and Sonets", Eva Diane Fletcher
Power Parity in Dyadic Disputes: Towards an Analysis of International Organization Success, Jerry D. Florence
The Creative Imperative: A Metaphysic in Lawrence Durrell's "Alexandria Quartet", Stephen Franklin
A Comparison of Police and Criminal Personality Characteristics as Measured by the MMPI, Dale Ray Fuqua
Survey of Qualification of Employed Machine Trade Teachers in Illinois, Henry Graham
The Steel Sketch in Monumental Scale, Ronald James Gregoire
Major Trends in the Explanation of Direct International Investment, Mark Grier
Homing Studies of Bank Swallows in Eastern Illinois, Jennifer Eileen Hagerstrom
Prediction of School Achievement in the Primary Grades, Bonnie Kay Hanley
Lincoln School: Evaluation of Learning Resources and Five-Year Plan for Improvement, Gilbert Dale Hanneken
Religious Change as an Influence on Sacred Musical Styles in Tudor England, Susan Hayes Hitchens
Reasons for College Choice: A Study of Responses Given by Eastern Illinois University Fall Freshmen, 1974, and Their Parents, Janet F. Holley
A Study of the Danville Public Schools Cable Television Project, Robert L. Hoskinson
A Basis for Articulation in Community Unit No. 2 Schools, Crawford County, Illinois, Carl E. House
The Use of Modals in Everyday English, Helen Whitlock Howe
Restructuring a Staff Appraisal System, Larry Douglas Janes
The Development of an Administrative Handbook for the Charleston Community Unit Schools, David Frank Johnson
A Review of the Procedure Used for Changing the Reading Series in Grades Kindergarten through Fifth in Community Unit District #300, Sullivan, Illinois, James A. Johnson
An Analysis of Sugars in Vein Tissue and Free Mesophyll Cells of Squash Leaves, Charles Wayne Kennedy
Existential Elements in the Works of Ernest Hemingway, Carl Klemaier
A Communication Channel: Its Existence and Its Use, Michael Lee Klipp
The Appointed Administrator in Community Government, Robert Len Knabel
An Investigation of the Counselor-Disciplinarian Role at the Oak Park and River Forest High School, Bruce D. Knicley
The Nuremberg Decision, Sauckel and Speer, Michael P. Koeberlein
Mechanistic Studies of Alkylation of Cobalt(I) by Cyclobutyl Derivatives, Hao Ku
Reactions of Tungsten Carbonyl Complexes Containing Diphenylvinylphosphine, George S. Leotsakos
An Alternative to Suspension for Smoking Violations in Palatine High School District 211, Donald B. Maddox
The Fenian Movement In Illinois During The Civil War Period 1861-1868, Michael P. Mallaney
Zwitterionic Carbonyl Halide Complexes of Tungsten, Dragoslav Marcovich
Comparación de las novelas Doña Perfecta y Silas Marner, Margarita Means
Performance on a DRL Schedule as a Function of Deprivation Levels, Scott E. Memenga
Collagraphy: A Synthesis of Color and Texture, Maralyn Mencarini
Parasites of Channel Catfish in Illinois Hatcheries, Charles Dale Meryman
The Intramolecular Torsional Potential and Dielectric Properties of 2,3-Butanedione, Gevert H. Meyer
Method of Karyotype Determination for Cercaria: Application to Family Azygiidae (Trematoda), James Everett Mick
A Neoplatonic Reading Five Donne Poems, Yuko Miyazoe
Descent into History: Chicago, Ideologies and Repression 1917-1918, Richard Allen Morton
Vegetation Study of a Terrace Forest in Clark County, Illinois, Randy Warren Nyboer
A Statistical Approach to the Study of the Ecosystems of Seven Ponds in East-Central Illinois, Gregory Lee Orr
The Relation Between a Teacher Evaluation Checklist and Actual Student Course Gains, Thomas Michael Ozee
A Comparative Analysis of Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Economic Activity, Ray B. Pachciarz
The Internship: A Practical Experience, Guy D. Parr Jr.
Where Past Meets Present: A History of the Arthur Amish, Jane Ann Ping
An Assessment-Diagnostic Center for Pre-School Public School Handicapped Children in Illinois: The Rend Lake Project, John Powell
The Pottery Industry of Tazewell County, Illinois, Alice Ann Reif
Studies of Acetylcholinesterase in Synaptosomes, Syed Abbas Rizvi
Establishing a General Vocational Advisory Committee for Cumberland Unit District #77, Robert G. Rogers
Developing Counselor Awareness of Problems Related to International Student Personnel, Gary F. Rold
"Project DIAL": An Early Childhood Screening Program, Lewis S. Sarff
Effect of Variation in Manner of Oral Reading on the Fluency of Nonstutterers, Saralynn Scott
Recapitulation and Alteration in Faulkner's Snopes Trilogy, Elizabeth Anne Shapland
The Suicidal Nature of Chivalry: A Study of Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Timothy A. Shonk
Some Relationships in the Water Quality and Life Forms of Field Tile Effluents and Downstream Water, Joseph C. Sidwell
Chamber Work, Larry Simpson
An Investigation of the Behavioral Effects of Methylphenidate Hydrochloride on Schedule-Induced Polydipsia in Rats, Linda Sederquist Smith
The Status of Beaver in East Central Illinois, Kenneth Edward Snearley
Mechanistic Studies of Alkylation of Cobalt(I) by Cyclopropyl Derivatives, Lailing Magdalene Soong
George Willard's Progress toward Maturity in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Patrice Grassinger Spencer
The Social History Questionnaire as a Predictor of Therapeutic Outcome, Susan E. Suter
Administrative Internship in an Open Space Junior High School, Jeanette Antoinette Sweet
MMPI: An Attempt to Fake Profiles of Policemen, Odie M. Swift
The Development of a Checklist for E.M.H. Prescription Learning, Imogene Jo Anne Tilford
The Parent Involvement Program of M. L. King Upper Grade Center in Kankakee, Joseph W. Vits
The Social History Questionnaire in Relation to Suicide Risk Potential, Edward Ward
Treflan and the Oxygen Consumption of Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), Barbara Jo Warner
Fungicides and Insecticides for Control of Rose Pests, Paul F. Webb
Aquatic Plant Communities of Vermilion County, Illinois, John A. Wiedman
The Pana Learning Center, Bruce Wieneke
School Bus Transportation in Illinois in 1974 & 1975, Emil F. Williams
Comparative Studies of the Computational Analysis of One Dimensional Gas Flow, Johnny Ziebarth
Breeding Bird Study on the Douglas-Hart Nature Preserve, an East-Central Illinois Modified Oldfield, Charles F. Zimmer
Theses from 1974
New Deal Programs and the Great Depression in Effingham County, Edward Lee Allen
Development of a Pupil Personnel Specialist Model for Illinois Public Schools, R. Steven Allen
The Influence of Henry Clay upon Abraham Lincoln Regarding Lines of Argument on the Slavery Issue, Kenneth E. Aubens
The Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Fauna of Lake Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, Paul Barding
An Introduction to the Ethology of Citellus variegatus, John W. Bell
Beyond Noah's Arc, Ten Panel Polyptych, Dennis D. Berger
The Social History of Therapists and Their Clients, as Related to Outcome of Therapy, Howard A. Bernstein
The United States and the SPD, 1945-1949: An Examination of Policies and Attitudes, Bruce L. Berry
A Study into the Effects of Knowledge of Peer Group Evaluation upon Self-Concept Change, Janice Marie Beyer