Theses from 1973
The Development of a Severity Rating Scale for Evaluating Harsh Voice Quality, Sandra Kay Slater
The Sequential Development of Decorative Forms and an Analysis of Sculptures Produced During the Final Stage, Larry Edward Sluder
Study of Coeducational Housing at Colleges and Universities, Mary M. Smith
Seasonal Variation in the Tubular and Interstitial Areas of the Testes in Sternotherus odoratus L., Robert Hans Spaet
Decision Making: A Proposal for Civic Education, Doris Steinmetz
Formulation of Job Descriptions for the East Richland Public School System, Owen E. (Gene) Strain
A Thesis on the Formulation of a Manual on Education Development/Change, Howard Bertram Taylor
A Study of the Retarded in Relation to Their Ability to Perceive and Acquire Knowledge of the Basic Elements of Art, Tony J. Taylor
The Effects of Exposure to Darkness on Sugar Translocation in Straight-Neck Squash, Frank Douglas Tenne
A Comparison of Various Practice Methods Used in Learning to Shoot Free Throws, Stanley Joseph Tomlinson
Changing Patterns of Agriculture in Alabama Since 1910: Diversification to Specialization, Bertha J. Totten
Comparison of /s/ Acquisition Under Block vs. Intermittent Scheduling, Vicki Tripp
Landscapes Unique: Manuscripts to Paranoics, Mark Alan Trumper
A Study of Organochlorine Insecticides in Freshwater Crayfish -- Analytical Problems and Biomonitoring Survey, Robert C. Vanderjack
La Renaissance en France: Quelques Contributions de Ronsard et de du Bellay a la Poeśie Franc̨aise, Leyla Audi Peck Waddell
El Arte del Cuento de José Revueltas, Elizabeth Ballsrud Walker
The Transformation of a Frontier, Kankakee County, 1850-1870, Donald L. Wasson
A Comparison of Elapsed Times for Football Place Kicks and Block Rush Attempts, Robert Charles Weber
Communism in Unity and Conflict: Poland, Yugoslavia, USSR, Steven E. Weber
A Geographic Analysis of the Impact of Interstate Highways 57 and 70 on Certain Aspects of the Economy of the City of Effingham, Illinois, Roger A. Worman
The Conductance of Some Polyvalent Electrolytes, Jack Lee Worthington
Pattern of Carbohydrate Distribution in Girdled and Intact Squash Petioles, Leif John Youngdahl
The Palestine Resistance: The Politics of Despair, Najib N. Younis
Theses from 1972
The Dynamics of the United States Foreign Policy in Latin America: An Assessment of United States Police Assistance and Latin American Revolution, Mohammed Ehsanullah Ahrari
A Comparative Study of Selected Chorale Settings from Martin Luther to J.S. Bach, Emmanuel Mark Allen
The Processes of Social and Political Power: The Case of the IERAC in Ecuador, Ernesto Arroba
Cardiovascular Response To Exercise In Water, Dennis Wayne Aten
Equilibrium and Kinetic Study of the Substitution Reactions of Pentacarbonylaminetungsten (O) with Triphenylphosphine, William O. Bailey
Determinants of Residential Housing Starts, S. Christopher Baird
American Reaction to the Sovietization of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, 1945-1948, Dolores Balent
A Comparison of Reaction Times of High and Low Level Fitness Groups Before, During and After Treadmill Exercise, Robert Bruce Bergstrom
Voluntary Control of GSR Using Continuous Visual Display and Simultaneous Changes in Other Autonomic Functions, Laurence E. Boyce
Water Quality and Benthos of a Small East Central Illinois Stream, with a Selected Literature Review, Kenneth Lloyd Brummett
A Descriptive Analysis of Selected Textbooks in Public Speaking Revealing the Principles of Effective Informative Speaking, Daniel Gary Bruneau
Demographic Correlates of Foreign Affairs Disposition: An Analysis of Two Elite Groups, Charles R. Burns
Development and Improvement of Services of the Charleston Community Day Care Center, Marilyn Samsa Buxton
The Students' Conception of the Informational Services Function at the High School Level, Calvin B. Campbell
Polystyrene and Urethane Foams in Sculpture, Victor C. Connor
Gastro-Intestinal and Abdominal Helminths of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Southern Illinois, Thomas W. Cook
The Effects of Leader Presence and Moderate Stress upon Small Group Sentiment and Interaction, Ray Lewis Cordon
The Fool in Lear Exposes a Foolish Lear, Anthony John Cuccio
Research into the Development of Collage through Certain Works of Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, and Kurt Schwitters, Noel P. Cummins
A Comparison of Four Methods of Soccer Throw-Ins, Joseph Edward Donnelly
The Illinois Indian Trade 1783-1818, Dennis Downey
A Self Evaluation of Men and Women Resident Assistants of Eastern Illinois University and a Comparison of Their Recognized Interactions with Hall Residents, Doris Dunkirk Enochs
Applications of the Halle-Keyser Theories of Metrical Stress, Gary Forrester
Cross-Validation of the Length-Complexity Index Screening Form, Shari A. Galloway
A Study of Thoracic Skeletomusculature in Peracarida (Crustacea), Donna R. Gill
Gastro-Intestinal Helminths of Illinois Bobwhites, Michael Eugene Gordon
The Terms of Trade Thesis Revisited, Richard L. Grabowski
Experimental Approaches with Multi-Media Textures in Weaving, Diantha Greenwood
Social Comment in Art, Robert David Griffith
The Exploration and Utilization of Unpredicted Movement in Kinetic Sculpture, Relying on Wind as a Natural Force, Using Metal Rod and Cloth Sails as the Medium, Gary A. Grohmann
The Impact of Kaiser Bauxite Company on Western St. Ann Parish, Jamaica, Shirley A. Anderson Hallaron
Cook County Regular Democratic Organization, Richard Hamilton
A Comparative Study of the Role of Women and Sport in England and Mexico, D. Sue Hankins
An Investigation of the Effects of Specific Parameters on an Experimental Analogue of the Anxiety Relief Hypothesis, Gary W. Hardy
Nitrate-Phosphate Levels of a Small Mid-Western Lake, Pamela Kay Harmon
Necrogeography: A geographic analysis of the cemeteries of Coles County, Illinois, David E. Heckel
Range and Optimum Growth Concentrations of Phosphate and Nitrate for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Thomas E. Hill
Physiological Bases of Children's Preferences for Picture Sequences, Elizabeth A. Hipskind
Policy Handbook for the Galesburg High School Library, Thomas R. Hoehn
Biomonitoring of Organochlorine Insecticides Using the Clam, Amblema plicata, Terry M. Hogan
The Whole of Harmonium Music in Relation to the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, Mary Alice Hollowell
Organization of a School Citizens' Advisory Committee in St. Francisville Community High School District, Merle E. Holsen
Woody Vegetation Survey of Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois, James T. Hughes
Effects of Binaural Summation on Articulation Defective and Normal Speaking Children, June M. Imberman
The Social History Questionnaire as Related to Length of Stay in Psychotherapy, David P. Jachim
A Comparative Study of Student Assistant Training Programs in Colleges and Universities, Jurel DeShazer Jackson
The Effects of the Four Psychological Primary Colors on GSR, Heart Rate, and Respiration Rate, Keith W. Jacobs
The Machiavellian Influence Manifested in Christopher Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great and The Jew of Malta, Carol L. Janssen
A Report on the Preparation and Publication of a Student-Parent Handbook for Oakview Junior High School, District #122, New Lenox, Illinois, Robert K. Jenkins
A Rhetorical Analysis of Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson’s United Nations Address of October 23, 1962, During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Jeanne F. Jones
My Magic Moonscapes, Larry Karch
The Influence of Age and Disease upon Language, Mary Ellen Kelleher
Photoperiodism and Dormancy in Silver Maple Seedlings, Maria Regis Kilkenny
Psychological Bases for Children's Preferences for Picture Sequences, Charlotte A. Kingery
A Comparison of Nocturnal Restlessness of Caged Thrushes and Migration of Free Thrushes, Charles Goodwin Kjos
The Politics of Henry Fielding: A Whig Journalist and Essayist, Martha Ann Klestinski
The Effects of Verbal Reinforcement on Three Subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Michael C. Klinnert
Variability of Cardiorespiratory Responses to a Standardized Submaximal Treadmill Test on Successive Days, Kenneth Paul Klipp
A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum as Offered in the Community Colleges of Illinois, Richard William Koppitz
Broomsedge in Illinois, David F. Kunz
Preliminary Observations on the Effects of Treflan to Fishes, P. Bradley Latvaitis
Le Role de l'Amour dans Certains Romans de Balzac, Le Lien
A Comparative Study of the Systems Approach to Teaching and Learning and the Traditional Approach to Teaching and Learning as Applied to Art Education, Thomas R. Littrell
Development of a Guidance Public Relations Program for Grades Eight and Nine, Eleanor F. McCabe
A Survey of the Lichen Flora of Turkey Run State Park in Parke County, Indiana, Charles J. Mertz
Edvard Munch: Motifs and Motivations, Gordon Moffett
A Personal Relationship to the Development of Drawing into the Cartoon Form, V. Gene Myers
The Effects of Institutionalization upon the Self Conceptions of Nursing Home Residents, Jack D. Nelson
Voting Behavior of Rules Committee Members: An Analysis of Constituency Influence, Diana K. Nichols
The Effects of Desoxycorticosterone, Hydrocortisone, and Prednisone on Myogenesis in Vitro, Gregory K. Nienaber
Attitudes Toward the War in Viet Nam: A Population Study, Ralph George O'Sullivan
Vegetation Survey of Floodplain Forests Along the Wabash River, Philip E. Phillippe
A Study of the Reading Program in West Richland Elementary School at Noble, Illinois, Robert L. Phillips
Ethnobotanical Studies on Selected Plants of Northeastern Mexico, Wayne M. Pichon
An Examination of the Relationship Between Social Class and Crime, Carl H. Plath