Theses from 1972
Regulation Q and the Stance of Monetary Policy, Paul John Plath
The Effects of Advertising on Inter-Industry Growth Rates, Norman K. Plummer
Old Field Succession in Pinellas County, Florida, Roger T. Poole
Introduction to Industrial Education: A Course Proposal, John Albert Pritchard
Squillites spinosus (Syncarida, Malacostraca) and a New Unnamed Crustacean from the Mississippian of Central Montana, Joan Matthews Rumore
The Relationship Between Self Concept and the Draw-a-Person Test, William Maurice Schaefer
The Conductance of Some Non-Rigid Bolaform Electrolytes, William Terry Schmidt
Operant Conditioning in the Garter Snake (Thamnophis), William A. Schmitz
The Gene Frequencies of Ten Different Alleles in Man as Determined by the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Elizabeth Suzanne Shaw
Validation of a Measure of Aggression, Jack Edward Shook
An Automatic-Response Approach to Drawing, Clyde W. Sims Jr.
The Nutritional Adequacy of Five Strains of Bacteria for Vorticella microstoma and Oxytricha sp., Michael J. Sinsko
Home Range and Movement of Fox Squirrels in East Central Illinois, Michael D. Sliva
The Bryophytes of Shelby County, Linda L. Spessard
Poland's Foreign Policy, 1945-1956: A Case Study in Soviet Subordination of Satellite Diplomacy, Thomas M. Stanley
A Determination of the Need for and Content of a Consumer-Oriented Law Course at the Community College Level, David L. Stapleton
The Foreign Policy Of The Republic Of Ireland Toward Northern Ireland And Great Britain, Pisan Suriyamongkol
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Long Hair Worn by Males upon Immediate Recall in the Classroom Situation, Edward George Sutter
Achievement and Retention in the Audio-Tutorial Program Versus the Traditional Program, Rose Anna Swanson
The aesthetics of Stravinsky's musical style: The relationship of culture and the arts, Rose M. Trahey
The Mechanism of the Reaction of Lead(IV) Acetate, Thallium(III) Acetate and Mercury(II) Acetate with Ketones, Su Hsiung Tsung
Some Observations on Drawing Facial Expression, Pamela Fae Slater Uptmor
The Hemoglobin of Tubifex tubifex, Lalitchandra Vrajlal Vora
An Empirical Investigation of Selected Stock Issues in Debate Evaluation, Bill Waggoner
A Determination of Attitudes Toward Instructional Media at Eastern Illinois University, Willis O. Waltman
Educational Achievement and Religious Belief, Gary L. Webb
The Use of Behavior Modification to Control the Classroom Behavior of Socially Maladjusted Junior High School Students, Jack L. Wheeler
A Study of Health Education in the Public Schools and Community of Tomah, Wisconsin, Bernita Helen Wildes
Reorganization of Schools in Lawrence County, Illinois, James L. Williams
Theses from 1971
The Field Experience: An Internship at Lake Land College, John Neil Admire
Comparison of Articulation Severity Ratings of /s/ and /r/ by Lower-, Middle-, and Upper Socioeconomic Groups, Stephen R. Alcorn
Pseudomonas as Causative Agents of Fluorescence in Anguispira kochi (Pfeiffer) Mucus, John Michael Baum
Lysis of the Rhizobiaceae, Craig Richard Baumrucker
Kurdish Minority Politics in Iraq, Hassan A. Bazzaz
The Dynamics of Figure Ground Relationships When the Ground Is Emphasized, Russell Dean Benjamin
Reproductive Cycle of the Male Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Linné), Harold Edward Benny
Evaluation of a Continuous Progress Program in Mathematics - Carl Sandburg School, June B. Bouknight
The Effect of a 12-Week Progressive Jogging Program on Selected Physiological and Psychological Parameters of an Obese Subject, Howard Thomas Boward
The Biblical Parallels of Suffering in Jude the Obscure, Denny Lee Brandon
A Comparison of Circulorespiratory Responses to Weight-Supported and Non Weight-Supported Exercises in Moderately Obese Subjects, Charles G. Brown
A Comparison of Two Methods of Running to First Base, Leon Campbell
A Study of the Subfamily Classification in the Gramineae, Jimmy L. Carlen
A Structural Analysis Of The Symphony For Band By Vincent Persichetti, John P. Christie
Two Who Laugh New Englandly: A Study of the Yankee Wit of Dickinson and Frost, Mary K. Coleman
Industrial Pollution in Coles County, Illinois, Michael William Conlin
The Effects of a Ten Week Jogging and Running Program on an Obese Subject, Michael J. Conroy
Comparative Nitrogen Nutrition of Certain Fresh-Water Algae, William H. Culp
Un Analisis Estilistico de las Rimas de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Martha Sue Davis
A Comparative Analysis of Buyer Patterns in the Asphalt Paver Market, Leonard Llewellyn Decker
Administrator Opinion on the Need for Small and Large School Divisions Within the North Central Association, Gordon L. Eckols
A Social Studies Program Developed for Elementary Schools in Crete-Monee District 201-U, William Stewart Edmunds
A Followup Study Of Illinois Home Economics Job Training Programs, Joyce Timberman Felstehausen
The Effects of Warm-Up Duration on the Physiological Responses of Trained Runners to a Strenuous Treadmill Test, David Eldon Fix
Dr. Charles P. Lantz: Eastern Illinois University 1911-1952, Charles F. Flamini
Some Ecological Effects of the Oil Industry on Farmland in East Central Illinois, Dale E. Fruendt
A Comparative Limnological Study of Three East Central Illinois Farm Ponds, Charles W. Furrey
Canada: Developing a Unit of Study for the Social Studies Curriculum of the Junior High School, Patricia-Marie Green
The Relative Effectiveness of Traditional and the Model Method of Teaching Beginning Architectural Drafting, Jerry B. Hamilton
The Status of Selected Hamlets and Villages in Edgar County, Illinois, Charles A. Hand
The Cytogenetics of the Salivary Gland Chromosomes of Three Wild Type Strains of Drosophila melanogaster, Rosemary Ann Harris
Dominant Aesthetic Influences Affecting My Work as an Artist, Noel Kenneth Heffley
Wilson: Naval and Military Strategist, Gordon E. Herron
The History of Football at Robinson High School from 1919 to 1970, Larry J. Higgins
Pleistocene Aquifers in Coles County, Illinois, James D. Hopkins
An Empirical Study of Measured Closemindedness and Intension as Exhibited Through the Response to Perceived Images, Kathleen A. Humphrey
James Hamilton, Third Earl of Arran: A Study of Scottish Relations with England and France (1559-62), Harvey Joe Inman
Explosive Muscular Power, Reaction Time, and Running Speed Within and Between College Athletes and Non-Athletes, Willie Clyde Jackson
Thornton Wilder's Recurring Theme of Love, Bette L. Bails Johnson
An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Two Instructional Devices: The Student Study Guide and the Project Model, Larry D. Johnson
The Clinical Utility of the Feature Finders, Nancy C. Keenan
Antislavery and disunion: An analysis of arguments in selected speaking events in Coles County, Illinois from 1847-1863, Gary Wayne Kent
The Phenomenologically Perceived Symbolic Structure of the Work of Steven Huff Keplinger, Steven Huff Keplinger
An Analysis of the War and Peace Position of Senator Edmund Muskie, Cheryl Kaye Keyser
Administration of Vocational-Technical Education at Illinois Eastern Junior Colleges, District #529, Jesse H. Keyser
The Immediate Effect of Swimming and Track Competition on Blood pH Values, James B. Knott
Requirements for Entry Drafting Positions as Indicated by a Survey of Companies Employing Draftsmen, James P. Kull
Jean Toomer's Cane: The Death of an Era, Christine Ann Lamberti
Robinson Community Unit District #2: A Survey of Its Constituents' Views Toward Their Schools, Donald A. Leinberger
A Study on the Concept and the Painting of Trees in Art, Charles F. Linderman
Nutrition Studies of the Brindled Madtom, Noturus miurus Jordan, Based on Stomach Content Analysis, Randall Stephen Madding
Charles E. Ives: Two Works Explored, Wallace G. Moon
A Feasibility Study on the Formation of a Community Unit District for Oblong Township High School, Edgar W. Morgan
Protozoan and Helminth Parasites of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Southern Illinois, Sarah M. Mugwanya
The Illinois State Federation of Labor During World War I, Nancy Wilson Owen
A Taxonomic Study of the Coprophilous Ascomycetes of Southeastern Illinois, Alan Douglas Parker
Studies in the Preparation of Metal Enolates of 3,3,5,5-Tetramethylcyclohexanone and Their Reactions with Lead(IV) and Mercury(II) Acetates, Donald Robert Paveska
A Comparative Analysis of Selected Eulogies: United States Presidents Who Died in Office, 1900-1970, Mary Ruth Rang
A Survey of Injuries Related to Physical Education Activities at Eastern Illinois University from 1960 Through 1966, Fred Arnold Richardi
An Investigation of Certain Aspects of Embellishment with Wire, Elizabeth A. Rickmeyer
Internship in Joliet Public Schools - District 86, Coleman Rogers
Comparison of Diffusion Coefficients Measured Electrochemically and Non-Electrochemically, Terry Dick Rotsch
Yugoslavia, 1918-1941: A Case Study in the Socio-Political Structure with Emphasis on the Peasantry, John Dennis Roy III
El Quijote de Cervantes y El Quijote de Avellaneda, Nohra Russi
An Analysis of the Pattern of Financing of Non-Financial Corporations, 1959-1968, Mohammad Abdus Saleem
A Critical Analysis of the Sermon Delivered by Chaplain Harry C. Wood on December 14, 1941, Judy Jones Sarver
Tungsten Carbonyl Complexes Containing Positively Charged Phosphorus Ligands, Dilip Poonamchand Shah
Effect of Splenectomy on Relapse of Hemal Parasites in Pigeons, Phillip James Sprino
A Comparison of Two Methods of Student Evaluation via Video Tape in a Fundamentals of Speech Program, Ronald Lynn Stephenson
A Revision of Harlow's Recursive Cobweb Model for the Hog Industry from 1960 to 1968, James David Stewart