"A Multimodal Approach for Counseling Rural Women: Models and Case Stud" by Mary Vick Roth

Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Paul D. Overton



The purpose of this study was to develop a counseling model which would provide time-efficient and effective counseling services to meet the needs of rural women. Criteria were established for selected of a model and for evaluation of outcomes.


Research on previously-tested methods of counseling women as well as that on other counseling models was examined. Models were evaluated on the basis of established criteria. Discussion of use of the model selected was presented with three case studies illustrating its application. Evaluation of outcomes at the conclusion of therapy and on a follow-up basis concludes each case.

On the basis of evaluation of subject's counseling gains, the following conclusions may be drawn:

  1. The Wholistic Model is a time-efficient and effective means of providing counseling services to rural women.
  2. Clients met counseling goals in less than six months and reported maintenance of gains at follow-up intervals of six and twelve months.


This study is limited in scope to twenty rural women. However, the writer believes that the results warrant further investigation. Therefore, the following recommendations are offered:

  1. Further study with a larger, randomly selected, sample with pre- and post-testing of counseling gains on bases other than client self-report and counselor judgment should be implemented.
  2. The potential of the Wholistic Model for use with other populations and in group counseling should be examined.
  3. Exploration of the use of the Wholistic Model by counselors, therapists, and other helping persons in self-assessment and self-renewal to avoid professional "burn-out" should be initiated.
  4. Counselor educators should acquaint counselors and counselor trainees, through preservice and inservice experiences, with use of the Wholistic Model to structure their varied counseling techniques into a usable package.

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