"Writing a Grant Proposal for Funding by the Title IV, Part C of the El" by Elizabeth L. Smith

Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Paul D. Overton



This paper deals with the problem of developing and writing a grant proposal following the Title IV, Elementary and Secondary Education Act guidelines.


The writer explains the procedure she followed to develop her idea into the final project proposal that was submitted to the Title IV, ESEA office. Included in this narrative are: an explanation of how the proper funding was located, the development of the project, a copy of the evaluation process used by the Title IV office to determine which projects are funded, and copies of the·final evaluations of the project proposal.


The writer has drawn the following conclusions from her grant writing experience:

  1. Grant writing is time consuming, but can be accomplished by regular school personnel.
  2. The best source for help and information is the Illinois Office of Education district representative.
  3. The Guidelines for Proposal Writers, Title IV, ESEA was a useful and easy to follow manual.
  4. The evaluation methods developed by the Title IV office to determine which proposals will be granted monies is a fair but impersonal approach.
