"A Guide to Programs in Industrial Education Offering Masters Degrees" by Philip Joseph Jenks

Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

John R. Wright


A need existed for a readily available source of information concerning masters programs in industrial education. There was a definite lack of information concerning the types of programs, types of degrees, philosophical bases, disicipline bases, objectives, admission requirements, and the financial assistance available. The problem of the study was to develop an organized and current source of information for the prospective graduate student in the process of selecting a masters program.

A literature review was conducted to gather information that could be utilized when;

(1) Compiling information about the various masters programs in industrial education.

(2) Developing a questionnaire to collect data about masters programs in industrial education.

(3) Formulating the data into an information guide about masters programs in industrial education.

With information revealed in the literature review, a questionnaire was developed around four broad topics, these topics are:

(1) General information about the institutions name, graduate coordinator, etc.

(2) Information about the program such as discipline base, objectives, etc.

(3) Information concerning the process of being admitted to the program and the formal evualation process that follows.

(4) Financial information which includes all fees and the financial assistance available.

The questionnaire was distributed of one hundred seventy-nine institutions listed in the Industrial Teacher Education Directory, (Dennis, 1978) as offering masters degrees in industrial education. Eighty-one percent of the questionnaires mailed were returned and seventy-five percent were utilized as a source of information in this study.

The returned data was formulated into an information guide which is included in the appendix of the thesis. An analysis of data was conducted to provide persons interested in industrial education master degree programs with a source of information to compare and contrast the philosophical similarities and differences of the responding institutions. As part of a second review of literature a historical perspective of industrial education masters programs is also included in the research.
