Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Donald W. Smitley


The use of a computer system to schedule students in a junior high school was the subject of this particular field study. This process has only been used for one year at Martin L. King Junior High School, and the administrative procedures surrounding this had not yet been spelled out, especially in specific terms. It was through observations and conferences with the principal, administrative assistant, and TIES (Total Informational Educational Service) personnel, that I felt a need to look more closely into the scheduling process and develop some guidelines for the administrator to follow.

The creation of this study was brought about mainly through the desires of the administrators and myself, to make this task easier by clarifying the process in simpler terms. Scheduling by computer was new to the school, and everyone did not understand what was actually involved in this somewhat tedious task.

Administrators must determine which method is more beneficial in their school (manual or computer). To help them decide I have investigated and reported the advantages and disadvantages of computer scheduling in this field study also. To aid the administrator with computer scheduling the data-processing service has provided a manual. The manual was used periodically throughout this field study, but I studied and reported each step as I witnessed it being carried out.

Keeping in mind that other administrators assigned to this task at King Junior High might not be computer-oriented, I attempted to develop a step-by-step guideline which will carry him/her from the beginning to end with minimum difficulty.
