Submissions from 2020
Are female top executives more risk-averse or more ethical? Evidence from corporate cash holdings policy, Trang Doan and Mai Iskandar-Datta
Is timing everything? The timing of an M&A announcement in a merger wave, T.T. Doan, Padma Sahib, and van Arjen Witteloostuijn
Franchising in the Balkans: History, status, and challenges, Marko Grünhagen, Nada Mumdžiev, Barbara Harča, Tamara Milenković-Kerković, and Jasmina Dlačić
Conflict Aftermath: Dispute Resolution and Financial Performance in Franchising, Jeff Wang, Marko Grünhagen, Marko Grünhagen, Li Ji, and Xu Zheng
Negativity decontaminating: Communication media affordances for emotion regulation strategies, Nan Wang, Traci Carte, and Ryan Bisel
Performance implications of using signaling and screening for expanding interfirm business networks: Evidence from franchising, Farhad Sadeh and Manish Kacker
Managers’ noticing of new organizational IT and influences of IT attributes, Nan Wang
Multibrand, multisystem and multirole franchising: A qualitative exploration and framework development in Brazil, Marko Grünhagen, Marko Grünhagen, Manuel González-Díaz, Dildar Hussain, and Haroldo da Silva Filho
Submissions from 2019
Beyond the Strategies of Feedback Seeking: A Review and Initial Conceptualization of Feedback-Seeking Styles, Mary de Luque, Melody Wollan, and Victor Boyi
Learning From Divestitures to Complete Acquisitions: A Study Using Secondary Data and Logistic Regression Models to Explore the Determinants of Mergers and Acquisitions Completion Likelihood, Trang Doan and Padma Sahib
Performance impact of distribution expansion: a review and research agenda, Jonathan Hibbard, Manish Kacker, and Farhad Sadeh
A Close Look Into Supplier Policy Changes in Response to Their Buyers’ Financial Stress, Jamol Abdiev and Gurkan Akalin
Entrepreneurial ecosystem narratives and the micro-foundations of regional entrepreneurship:, Philip Roundy and Mark Bayer
How Does CEO Career Origin Influence Firm’s Risk-Taking?, Candra Chahyadi and Pamitra Wineka
Policy uncertainty and the maturity structure of corporate debt, Sudip Datta, Trang Doan, and Mai Iskandar-Datta
Virtual Brand Community Experience, Identification, and Electronic Word-of-mouth, Lin Qiao, Mengmeng Song, and Nan Wang
To bridge or buffer? A resource dependence theory of nascent entrepreneurial ecosystems, Philip Roundy and Mark Bayer
Submissions from 2018
Two roads to effectiveness: CEO feedback seeking, vision articulation, and firm performance, Susan Ashford, Ned Wellman, Mary de Luque, Katleen De Stobbeleir, and Melody Wollan
Making Government Data Valuable for Constituents: The Case for the Advanced Data Analytics Capabilities of the ENHANCE Framework, Stephen Kozlowski, Hussein Issa, and Deniz Appelbaum
Lessons from the flipside: How do acquirers learn from divestitures to complete acquisitions?, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making, Nan Wang
An empirical assessment of the Consumer Agency Model: Evidence from India and China, Marko Grünhagen, Rajiv Dant, and Benjamin Lawrence
Cross-border M&As in Related and Technology-intensive Industries : Evidence on the Dynamics of Spatial Distance, Industry Context, and Completion Likelihood of International Takeovers, Elisa Labbas, Padma Sahib, and Trang Doan
The Moderating Effect of Motivation to Comply and Perceived Critical Mass in Smartphones' Adoption, Abdou Illia, Assion Lawson-Body, Simon Lee, and Gurkan Akalin
Boards of directors and firm leverage: Evidence from real estate investment trusts, Trang Doan and Nga Nguyen
Does Gender in the C-Suite Really Matter?:, Trang Doan and Mai Iskandar-Datta
Teaching Data Analytics Skills in Auditing Classes using Tableau, Thomas Weirich, Norbert Tschakert, and Stephen Kozlowski
Submissions from 2017
Development Prospects for Franchising in Southeast Asia: A Review and Outlook, Marko Grünhagen and Andrew Terry
Quality Signaling Through Ex-Ante Voluntary Information Disclosure in Entrepreneurial Networks: Evidence from Franchising, Farhad Sadeh and Manish Kacker
ERP in the Classroom: Three SAP Exercises Focused on Internal Controls, Reza Barkhi and Stephen Kozlowski
Kant VS Aristotle: Evaluating Consumer Responses to A Product Recall, Jaysinha Shinde, Udaysinha Shinde, Alex Hill, and Abdiev Jamol
When the Music Stops Playing: Post-litigation Relationship Dissolution in Franchising, Marko Grünhagen, Xu Zheng, and Jeff Wang
Design and performance attributes driving mobile travel application engagement, Jiaming Fang, Zhirong Zhao, Chao Wen, and Ruping Wang
Teaching Data Analytics Using ACL, Thomas Weirich, Norbert Tschakert, and Stephen Kozlowski
Determinants of Choice Migration Destination: Evidence from the Western Balkan Transit Route, Sabina Sačer, Mirko Palić, Marko Grunhagen, and Tihomir Kundid
Franchising in Southeast Asia: prerequisites, progress and prospects, Andrew Terry and Marko Grünhagen
Submissions from 2016
The role of timing in a merger wave on overcoming challenges in the M&A pre-merger process, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, Arjen Van Witteloostuijn, Arjen Van Witteloostuijn, and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
Shirking behavior and socially desirable responding in online surveys, Jiaming Fang, Victor Prybutok, and Chao Wen
Is Supply Chain Management Replacing Operations Management in the Business Core Curriculum, Gurkan Akalin, Zhentu Huang, and John Willems
Cultural Convergence in Emerging Markets: The Case of McDonald's in China and India, Hyo Jeon, Brinja Meiseberg, Rajiv Dant, and Marko Grünhagen
Research on Franchising & Distribution Networks in Emerging Countries: The Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Approach, Muriel Fadairo, Marko Grünhagen, and Vivian-Lara Silva
Complementary IT resources for enabling technological opportunism, Laura Lucia-Palacios, Victoria Bordonaba-Juste, Yolanda Polo-Redondo, and Marko Grünhagen
Motivated to change? TMT regulatory focus and strategic change, Philip Roundy, Ye Dai, Mark Bayer, and Gukdo Byun
“Food Deserts” in Urban Districts Evidence from a Transitional Market and Implications for Macromarketing, Irena Cerovečki and Marko Grünhagen
Best fit, best practice, or stuck in the middle? The impact of unit ownership on unit HR performance in franchise systems, Evelien Croonen, Marko Grünhagen, and Melody Wollan
Affective and cognitive factors influencing repeat buying in e-commerce, Jiaming Fang, Benjamin George, Yunfei Shao, and Chao Wen
The Relationship between Initial and Ongoing Fees in Franchising: A Meta-Analysis, Farhad Sadeh and Manish Kacker
Transactional quality, relational quality, and consumer e-loyalty, Jiaming Fang, Yunfei Shao, and Chao Wen
When do franchisors select entrepreneurial franchisees? An organizational identity perspective, Anna Watson, Olufunmilola Dada, Marko Grünhagen, and Melody Wollan
Submissions from 2015
Learning To Make Acquisitions From Related Corporate Restructuring Activities, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
Case Study: 2. Does work passion promote work performance? From the perspective of Dualistic Model of Passion, God Is, Ghosh Anupam, Zhang Jian, Sysko Jim, and S Jaysinha
Cultural Convergence in Emerging Markets through Franchising: The Case of McDonald’s in China and India, J Jeon, B Meiseberg, Rp Dant, and M Grünhagen
Crisis Management at Toyota, Sysko Jim and Jaysinha Shinde
The Global Crisis of the Late 2000s and Currency Substitution: A Study of Three Eastern European Economies Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, Gurkan Akalin and Edmund Prater
Unnatural Relationship Dissolution in Franchising: A Dual-Agency Perspective, Xu Zheng, Jianfeng Wang, and Marko Grunhagen
Submissions from 2014
Best fit, best practice, or stuck in the middle? The impact of unit ownership on HR-performance, Evelien Croonen, Marko Grünhagen, and Melody Wollan
Proceedings for the International Society of Franchising; New Orleans (USA), Evelien Croonen, Marko Grünhagen, and Melody Wollan
Learning from Prior Restructuring Activities to Make Acquisitions in an M&A Wave, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
Lessons from the Flipside - How Do Acquirers Learn from Divestitures?, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
An assessment of equivalence between paper and social media surveys: The role of social desirability and satisficing, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Victor Prybutok
E-business implementation and performance: analysis of mediating factors, Laura Lucia-Palacios, Victoria Bordonaba-Juste, Yolanda Polo-Redondo, and Marko Grünhagen
Technological opportunism effects on IT adoption, intra-firm diffusion and performance: Evidence from the U.S. and Spain, Laura Lucia-Palacios, Victoria Bordonaba-Juste, Yolanda Polo-Redondo, and Marko Grünhagen
International Franchising Research: Some Thoughts on the What, Where, When, and How, Rajiv Dant and Marko Grünhagen
The role of E-quality within the consumer decision making process, Chao Wen, Victor Prybutok, Charles Blankson, and Jiaming Fang
The moderating influence of HR operational autonomy on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance link in franchise systems, Marko Grünhagen, Melody Wollan, Olufunmilola Dada, and Anna Watson
Academic Stress in Accounting Students: An Empirical Study, Zhenghong How, Jaysinha Shinde, and John Willems
Submissions from 2013
The equivalence of Internet versus paper-based surveys in IT/IS adoption research in collectivistic cultures: the impact of satisficing, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Victor Prybutok
The equivalence of Internet versus paper-based surveys in IT/IS adoption research in collectivistic cultures: the impact of satisficing, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Victor Prybutok
Cross-cultural examination of online shopping behavior: A comparison of Norway, Germany, and the United States, Rachel Smith, George Deitz, Marla Royne, John Hansen, Marko Grünhagen, and Carl Witte
Food Deserts’ in Urban Neighborhoods: Evidence from a Transitional Market, Irena Guszak and Marko Grünhagen
Strategies for Managers in Handling Workplace Bullying, Melody Wollan
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy's Effect on an Auditor's Issuance of a Going Concern Opinion, Jaysinha Shinde, Trey Stone, John Willems, and Commons Cc-By
Submissions from 2012
Off the Hook: Does the Supreme Court's Scheme Liability Ruling Benefit Firms in Litigation-Prone Industries?, Candra Chahyadi and Menghistu Sallehu
Off the Hook: Does the Supreme Court's Scheme Liability Ruling Benefit Firms in Litigation-Prone Industries?, Candra S. Chahyadi and Menghistu Sallehu
Chronicling the saga of 25 years of International Society of Franchising, Rajiv Dant, Michael Price, Marko Grünhagen, Patrick Kaufmann, James Brown, Gérard Cliquet, and Robert Robicheaux
Participation Willingness in Web Surveys: Exploring Effect of Sponsoring Corporation’s and Survey Provider’s Reputation, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Robert Pavur
Participation Willingness in Web Surveys: Exploring Effect of Sponsoring Corporation’s and Survey Provider’s Reputation, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Robert Pavur
Predicting potential respondents’ decision to participate in web surveys, Chao Wen and Jiaming Fang
Predicting potential respondents’ decision to participate in web surveys, Chao Wen and Jiaming Fang
The Role of National Culture on Relationships Between Customers’ Perception of Quality, Values, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions, Chao Wen, Hong Qin, Victor Prybutok, and Charles Blankson
The Role of National Culture on Relationships Between Customers’ Perception of Quality, Values, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions, Chao Wen, Hong Qin, Victor R. Prybutok, and Charles Blankson
It is not for fun: An examination of social network site usage, Chenyan Xu, Sherry Ryan, Victor Prybutok, and Chao Wen
It is not for fun: An examination of social network site usage, Chenyan Xu, Sherry Ryan, Victor Prybutok, and Chao Wen
How do Firms Learn to Complete Acquisition Deals, Trang Doan, Padma Sahib, and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
An assessment of equivalence between Internet and paper-based surveys: evidence from collectivistic cultures, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Victor Prybutok
An assessment of equivalence between Internet and paper-based surveys: evidence from collectivistic cultures, Jiaming Fang, Chao Wen, and Victor R. Prybutok
Chronicling the Saga of 25 Years of International Society of Franchising, Rajiv Dant, Marko Grünhagen, Patrick Kaufmann, James Brown, Gérard Cliquet, and Robert Robicheaux
Emerging Consumer Perspectives on American Franchise Offerings: Variety Seeking Behavior in China, Marko Grünhagen, Rajiv Dant, and Mingxia Zhu
Survey on the effectiveness of promotional and communication strategies adopted by financial services, Farhad Sadeh, Rosa Birjandi, and Alireza Miremadi
Submissions from 2011
The Role of Education and Experience in CFO Career and Compensation, Candra Chahyadi and Bahaa Abusalim
The Role of Education and Experience in CFO Career and Compensation, Candra S. Chahyadi and Bahaa Abusalim
Franchising During Times of Economic Recession: A Longitudinal Analysis of Automotive Service Franchises, Marko Grünhagen, Richard Flight, and David Boggs
Cultural Convergence in Emerging Markets through Franchising: The Case of McDonald’s in China and India, J Jeon, B Meiseberg, R Dant, and M Grünhagen
Superfluity and Murkiness in the Understanding of Social Responsibility: A Content Analysis, Jaysinha S. Shinde, Raymond Wacker, Udaysinha S. Shinde, and Zhenghong Jane Hou
Superfluity and Murkiness in the Understanding of Social Responsibility: A Content Analysis, Jaysinha Shinde, Raymond Wacker, Udaysinha Shinde, and Zhenghong Hou
Market Saturation or Market Concentration: Evidence on Competition Among U.S. Limited Service Franchise Brands, Robert Stassen and Marko Grünhagen
An integrated model for customer online repurchase intention, Chao Wen, Victor R. Prybutok, and Chenyan Xu