Eastern Illinois University - School of Business - Faculty Research & Creative Activity | Business, School of | Eastern Illinois University
This page collects the research and creative activity of the faculty of the School of Business at Eastern Illinois University.


Submissions from 2011


An integrated model for customer online repurchase intention, Chao Wen, Victor Prybutok, and Chenyan Xu


Auditor Faux Pas and Managerial Fraud at McKesson and Robbins: A Preliminary Study, Jaysinha Shinde, Greg Poznic, Alicia Buehne, and Udaysinha Shinde


The Perennial Perspective on Entrepreneurship, Jaysinha Shinde and Udaysinha Shinde


The Possible Effects of Need for Uniqueness’s Dimensions on Luxury Brands: Case of Iran and UAE, Alireza Miremadi, Hiva Fotoohi, Farhad Sadeh, Farhad Tabrizi, and Kasra Javidigholipourmashhad


Franchising Research Frontiers for the Twenty-First Century, Rajiv Dant, Marko Grünhagen, and Josef Windsperger


Services as the Crucial Factor for the Success of Retailing in Croatia, Sanda Renko and Marko Grunhagen


Services as the Crucial Factor for the Success of Retailing in Croatia, Sanda Renko and Marko Grunhagen

Submissions from 2010


Not paying dividends? A decomposition of the decline in dividend payers, Candra Chahyadi and Jesus Salas


Not paying dividends? A decomposition of the decline in dividend payers, Candra S. Chahyadi and Jesus M. Salas

Submissions from 2009


Effects of US‐based franchising in the developing world: a middle‐eastern consumer perspective, Marko Grünhagen, Carl Witte, and Susie Pryor


Identifying Pre-Retirees for Bridge Employment: Factors That Influence Post-Retirement Employment Decisions, Sharon Kendrick and Melody Wollan


Identifying Pre-Retirees for Bridge Employment: Factors That Influence Post-Retirement Employment Decisions, Sharon Kendrick and Melody L. Wollan


Motives for Helping: Exploring Cultural Influences on Extra‐Role Behavior, Melody Wollan, Mary de Luque, and Marko Grunhagen


The Institutional Foundations of Materialism in Western Societies: A Conceptualization and Empirical Test, William Kilbourne, Michael Dorsch, Pierre McDonagh, Bertrand Urien, Andrea Prothero, Marko Grünhagen, Michael Polonsky, David Marshall, Janice Foley, and Alan Bradshaw

Submissions from 2008


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing: An Introduction, Marko Grünhagen and Chandra Mishra


Recall of autobiographical memory: A longitudinal analysis of franchisee experts, Marko Grünhagen, Michael Dorsch, and Melody Wollan


An empirical investigation of framing effects in negotiations: A study of single‐family home sales, Carl Witte, Carl Witte, Marko Grünhagen, and James Gentry


A Second Generation of Genetically Modified Food, Klervi Le Marre, Carl Witte, Timothy Burkink, Marko Grünhagen, and Gary Wells


The Effective Delivery of Franchisor Services: A Comparison of U.S. and German Support Practices for Franchisees, Marko Grünhagen, Robin DiPietro, Robert Stassen, and Lorelle Frazer

Submissions from 2007


The Effective Delivery of Franchisor Services: A Comparison of U.S. and German Support Practices for Franchisees, Marko Grunhagen, Robin Di Pietro, Robert Stassen, and Lorelle Frazer


Patenting the Tax Code: Monopolizing Basic Tax Strategy, Nicholas Robinson


A Second Generation of Genetically Modified Food: American versus French Perspectives, Klervi Le Marre, Carl Witte, Timothy Burkink, Marko Grünhagen, and Gary Wells


Norwegian internet shopping sites: An application & extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, Katrina Savitskie, Maria Royne, Elif Persinger, Marko Grunhagen, and Carl Witte

Submissions from 2006


Is there a Lower Propensity to Pay Dividends? A Decomposition of Dividend Payers, Jesus Salas and Candra Chahyadi

Submissions from 2005


Size and Impact of Privatisation – A Survey of Empirical Studies, Candra Chahyadi, William Megginson, and Jeffry Netter


Entrepreneurs or Investors: Do Multi‐unit Franchisees Have Different Philosophical Orientations?, Marko Grunhagen and Robert Mittelstaedt


A cross-cultural examination of the relationship between materialism and individual values, William Kilbourne, Marko Grünhagen, and Janice Foley

Submissions from 2003


Saying Farewell: Management as a Performance Art, Melody Wollan


The Integration of EDI and the Internet, Carl Witte, Marko Grünhagen, and Richard Clarke


Does the Franchisor Provide Value to Franchisees? Past, Current, and Future Value Assessments of Two Franchisee Types, Marko Grünhagen and Michael Dorsch


The Dynamics of Store Hour Changes and Consumption Behavior: Results of a Longitudinal Study of Consumer Attitudes toward Saturday Shopping in Germany, Marko Grünhagen, Stephen Grove, and James Gentry

Submissions from 2002


Is bigger better, Marko Grünhagen and Robert Mittelstaedt

Submissions from 2001


The impact of store hours and redistributive income effects on the retail industry: some projections for Germany, Marko Grünhagen and Robert Mittelstaedt


Franchising from the franchisee's perspective, Marko Grunhagen and Robert A. Mittelstaedt

Submissions from 2000


Single-unit versus multi-unit franchising in the U.S. fast-food industry : a comparative analysis from the franchisee perspective, Marko Grunhagen


Are Some Franchisees More Entrepreneurial Than Others? a Conceptual Perspective on Multi-Unit Franchisees*, Marko Grünhagen and Robert Mittelstaedt