Theses from 2001
Individual Phonological Awareness Intervention for Children with Phonetically-Based Reading Difficulties, Kara E. Hilgenberg
Patterns of Parenting in Relation to Adolescent Achievement in Ninth Through Twelfth Grades, Kimberly D. Hofmann
The Effects of Cognitive and Affective Persuasion on Supporting the Death Penalty, Jason Wayne Hortin
A Ring-Closing Strategy for the Synthesis of β,γ-Unsaturated δ-Lactones, Erbing Hua
Perceptions of Prison Guards by Prison Visitors and Nonvisitors, Frances N. Huber
Walt Whitman: The Optimism of an Evolutionary Pantheist, Katherine R. Hults
The Synthesis of 2-Indenylphenols: Potential Ligands For Transition Metals, Yoon Jae Kim
Isolation Effects of Aquatic Habitat Fragmentation on Greenside (Etheostoma blennioides) and Fantail (Etheostoma flabellare) Darters, Rita M. Klein
Symphony in One Movement: Score and Analysis, Jon Kostal
The Effects of Strength Training on the Bone Mineral Density of Aerobically Trained Perimenopausal Women, Jill Marie Kowalski
The Use of Gesture to Facilitate Early Communication in Language Delayed Children, Jamie L. Labuda
Pirsig's Phaedrus: The Journey of the Shaman, Joseph E. Levora
Early Childhood Special Educators' Perceived Effectiveness and Use of Behavioral Strategies Used with Challenging Behavior, Naomi Janet Lukomski
Differences in Motivation Between Division I Collegiate Female Basketball Players and Swimmers, Meghan McGovern
A Study Of Respite Care Program Effectiveness, Paula McKnight
Protective Factors of Verbal Aggression, Yuria Morimoto
The Effects of Positive Peer Reporting on Children's Social Involvement, Kristyn B. Moroz
Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action, John Summerhill Morris
Phonemic Awareness: One Approach To Individualized Instruction, Kimberly M. Ochs
Educational Motivation In Older Adults, Nancy B. Olson
Financial institution sponsored senior membership programs: Salient characteristics & marketing strategies to the mature consumer, Elaina Flynn Osterbur
Indicators of Constructivist Principles in Internet-Based Courses, Karen M. Partlow
Coach-Athlete Philosophy and Team Cohesion in Collegiate Women's Basketball, Angela R. Patzner
The Nonverbal Communication of Pain as Recognized by Alternative Health Care Providers, Jodi L. Pope
System Security in an Open Lab Environment, Erik Quist
Family Environment, Family Structure, and Personality Traits of Adult Children, Michelle A. Rallins
The Effectiveness of Non-Directive Play Therapy on Decreasing Inappropriate Behavior, Heather M. Sawyer
Construct Validity of the Behavior Assessment System for Children and Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents, Eric Scroggs
CMC Technology in the Classroom: A Look From a Professors Point of View, Michael J. Shannon
From Olden to Golden: A Historical Analysis of Perceptions of Aging, Megan Elizabeth Sherrard
Journey to the Frontiers of Perception: How Women Wrote About the Westward Movement during the Nineteenth Century in Relation to Land, Animals, and the Domestic Sphere, Brandi Dale Spelbring
The Surveillance of T-Lymphocytes in the Human Blood Stream, Ivan Temesvari
The Effects of Social Physique Anxiety Levels, Body Mass Index, and Program Type on Exercise Adherence and Reasons for Exercise, Colleen N. Vandever
Sorrow Into Joy: A Phenomenological Study of Adult Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Eldine M. Webster
Renesting - Female's Success After Nesting Failure and the Renesting of the Dickcissel (Spiza americana) at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Kevin L. Wentworth
Ratings of Assessment Procedures by Learning Disabilities Teachers and School Psychologists, Raquel A. Williams
High-Risk Drinking Levels Among Master's-Level Graduate Students at a Mid-Size Midwestern University, Susan R. Winterhalter
Attachment Patterns Between Hearing Children and Deaf Primary Caregivers, Bette L. Witcraft
Personality Correlates Between Fundamentalist and Non-Fundamentalist Individuals as Measured by the NEO PI-R and the Religious Fundamentalism Scale, Jason Andrew Witt
Narrating Identities: Adult Children of Alcoholics and Their Social Support Systems, Laura J. Wolff
School Safety Planning: A Survey of Bond, Fayette and Effingham County Schools, Teresa A. Wortman
African-American Life Writing: Harriet Jacobs and bell hooks, Luo Yi
Olfactory Behavior in ApoE Knockout Mice, John P. Yost
Pentacarbonyl Derivatives of Polydentate Phosphines, Yi Zang
Theses from 2000
Validation of the Thermochemical Cycle Used in Computing Absolute Gas Phase Acidities and a Molecular-Orbital Study of Protonated Ammonia-Water Cluster Ions, Jeremiah Aeschleman
Social Support Among Women in Families: A Descriptive Study of Support in Intergenerational Relationships, Gina L. Bauswell
Delight, Subversion and Truth in The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer's Talking Birds, Terri Benson Blair
Best Practices in Transition: A Descriptive Study of a Rural High School Grades 9 Through 12, Michelle A. Messerli Bolander
Intuition: Theory and Application in Counseling and Psychotherapy, Neva S. Calvert
Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of Isomerization of (CO)5W[η1-PPh2CH2P(p-tol)2] and (CO)5W[η1-P(p-tol)2CH2PPh2], Deliang Chen
Self-Disclosure Within Intimate Romantic Relationships: Determining Relevant Relational Factors, Gretchen L. Clark
Current Trends in Psychological Testing, Kimberle L. S. Crawford
Does Creatine Supplementation Increase Muscle Strength in Women?, Tricia Cross
The Effects of Gender and Parental Marital Status on Late Adolescent Risk-Taking, Jeff Daugherty
The Relationship Between Neurotic Perfectionism and Symptoms of Eating Disorders in College-Age Women, Valerie L. DeVillez
Gary Snyder's Path, Jason Dockter
Degradation of Trazine Compounds via Metallic Iron Under Acidic Conditions, Tracy Dombek
Evaluation of the Freshman Seminar Program at Eastern Illinois University and Its Perceived Impact on First-Year Student Development, Jennifer E. Donahoe
Victorian Philosophies of Useless Work Versus Work for the Mind: Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris, and Marx, Marlaina Easton
Patterns and Implications of Aberrant Singing Behaviors of Black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and Carolina (Poecile carolinensis) Chickadees in Illinois, Patrick Caesar Enstrom
A World Wide Web Site of Special Education Law For Educators in Illinois, Roger L. Epperson
Aggressive Communication, Parental Communication, and Sibling Communication, Kristi K. Eustice
Investigations into the Synthesis and Transformations of an Epoxy β-Lactone, John Farrell
Audre Lorde's Expansive Influence on Black Lesbians: Jewelle Gomez, Cheryl Clarke, and Kate Rushin, Denise L. Fitzer
The Relationship Between Burnout and Personality Dimensions in Domestic Violence Staff, Kristi J. Flatter
The Effects of Diagnostic Status, Assessment Information, and Intervention Type on Teachers' Acceptability of Treatment Recommendations, Rebecca Hassell Fogarty
Teachers' Perceptions of the Influence of Standardized Tests on Curricular and Instructional Practices, Jennifer Joy Davis Fox
Impacts of White-Tailed Deer Grazing on Spring Wildflower Communities, Faye Frankland
Male Sexual Behavior: Revisiting the EIU Sexual Experience Survey and Report, Justin W. Freeman
The Cultural Sensitivity of Pre-service Teachers: Measuring the Degree to Which Teachers Are Prepared to Work With Diverse Populations, Teresa A. Freking
The Noble Survivor and the Sublime Victim: A Study of Two Hardy Heroines, Elizabeth-Jane and Tess, Wei Gao
Writing in the Mathematics Classroom, Ryan C. Ghere
Cognitive Complexity of Heterosexual Arguments on the Civil Rights and Liberties of Homosexuals, Kristopher Michael Goetz
The Effects of Collaboration Versus Traditional Service Delivery on Reading and Listening Comprehension with School-Aged Students, Megan E. Grimaldi
African American Poets of the Vietnam War, Megan Guernsey
Self-Selection vs. Writing Prompts: A Study to Examine the Effects Topics Have on Elementary Students' Writing, Julie Ann Hall
Critical Fantasies: Structure of Chinese Folk Tales, Saihanjula He
"Television and Reality: Are They Different?", Tammy L. Holmes
Effects of Apolipoprotein E on Neurite Outgrowth from Adult Mice Cortical Neurons, Yanwen Jiang
The Effect of Predator Chemical Cues and Conspecific Alarm Signals upon Behavior in Early and Late Developmental Stages of American Toad (Bufo americanus) Tadpoles, Carol Lynette Johnson
Prevalence Rates and Factor Analysis of DSM-IV Specific Phobia Types, Sarah P. Kerrick
Prairie Analysis at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Jasper County, IL, Annette Kessler
The Effects of Program Frequency on the Physical Fitness of Kindergarten Students, Tim Kliethermes
Parental Influence on Career Development Among College Students, Michael W. Ladd
Supporting Those That Make Us a Success: How Community Relations Programs Effect Individual Shopping Choices, Danielle R. LaFayette
Relationship Between Protective Effects of Estrogen, ApoE and Alzheimer's Disease, Sara M. Ludwig
Elementary Teachers and School Psychologists Actual and Ideal Role Perceptions of the School Psychologist, Blake E. Martin
The Effects of Empathy on Speech Ratings, Jill McNamara
Embraced: The Communication Perspective, Community & the Power of "Story", A. J. Mühr
Lessing and Emerson: Conscious Evolution and Ideal Reality, Rachel Hills Newell
Effects Of Apolipoprotein E On Olfactory Neuron Plasticity In Mice, Rafia Nisar
Does "Gangsta Rap" Music Cross Good Judgment Lines and Decency Values?, Ajay Kumar Ojha
"I am no mean player myself": Games and Recreation in Irish Mythology, Julie Lynn Perenchio
The Effect of Two States of Hydration on Muscular Endurance in Men, Melissa L. Petrucci
The Effect of Cross-age Tutoring on Reading Attitude, Joshua John Quick