Theses from 1998
The Effect Of Birth Order On Depression, Kelley Grinstead
Internet Access in East Central Illinois Public K-12 Schools, Gary Thomas Grissom II
Relations of Explanatory Style, Learning Orientation, and Gender with Children's Academic Performance, Jennifer Grubar
The Role of Bowfin, Amia calva, in Multiple Species Management Plans, Benjamin Jacob Hausmann
Predicting Rape Myth Acceptance in College, Kurt E. Hegeman
An Investigation of Student Retention Practices and Development of a Proposed School Retention Policy for the Beecher City, Illinois School District, Douglas C. Heiden
Historical Romances: An Analysis of Co-constructed Narratives from Engaged Couples, Katie Himes
An Exploration of the Undergraduate Experiences of Faculty, Shannon M. Horn
The Effect of Increases in Labor Supply on Real Wages, Christopher M. Jahnke
Report Card Grading and Adaptations for Students with Disabilities: A Survey of Practices in East Central Illinois, Melissa L. Jones
Identification of Training Needs for School Board Members, David Jordan
Overture for Chamber Band: Score and Analysis, Shinjung Kim
Intercultural Romantic Couples' Interactive Construction of Relational Culture, Amie D. Kincaid
The Effects of Field-Based Learning on the Knowledge, Behaviors and Practices of Teachers and Students, Mary Jo Kosco
The "hope" of Sandra Cisneros's the House on Mango Street: Affirming community and rejecting machismo, Ann Marie Ladner
"The World Adrift in Emptiness": Crossing the Abyss of Transition in Four Tragedies by Wole Soyinka, Michael H. Lake
Effects of Locus of Control and Timing of Retirement on Retirement Satisfaction, Denise A. Lathrop
Consumption And Knowledge Of Folate Among College Students, Dawn Leininger
Validity of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale with a Rural Sample, Julie A. Lindstrom
The Future Relationships Between Mainland China and Taiwan, Tian Li
Demographics And Condition Of Coyotes In Illinois, Daniel M. Lloyd
Teachers' Acceptability Ratings of Arbitrary Versus Functional Based Reinforcers, Cheryl Lungaro
Relations Between Consultant Characteristics and Measures of Consultation Quality and Outcome, Ian R. MacLeod
The Effects of Habitual Physical Activity on Number of Colds and Incidence of Cold Symptoms, Katie Lynn Maniatis
Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Intensive Reflexives in English, Marek R. Marciniak
Principal Perceptions of School Breakfast Programs in Small Enrollment Illinois School Districts, Teresa M. Martin
A Journal of Poetry: The War in Croatia, Diana Katarina Matijaš
Importance of Nonverbal Communication in the Employment Interview, Michelle E. Milano
The Brachiacantha (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Illinois, Harry Wilson Montgomery Jr.
Gender and University Athletic Status as Factors in Rape Myth Acceptance, Johanna L. Moore
Ngatish, Dale T. Mosley
Middle School Student Assistance Programs in the Sangamon Area Special Education District, Thomas H. Mulligan
Examiner Errors in Scoring the WISC-III Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities Subtests, Ryan L. Neitzel
Phonological Awareness Training: Effects on Phonological Awareness and Reading Skills, Cassie Nelson
Multilingualism & Interference: The More Languages We Speak, the More Interference We Experience?, Shelly Ng
A Comparison of F2 Transitions in the Disfluent Speech of Persistent and Recovered Preschool Children Who Stutter, Jennifer K. Niemann
How West Germany's Ostpolitik Contributed to German Unification, Lothar J. Noetzoldt
An Analysis of Using Dramatic Activities to Communicate and Stimulate Learning of Biblical Principles Regarding Drug/Alcohol Abuse Among Teens, Victoria Norton
The Other and Narrative Framing in Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Lolita, and Pnin, Stacey Vivian Overend
Current Discipline Procedures Used in Southern Illinois High Schools, Les Oyler
Women in sports journalism: Do the barriers still exist?, Brandice A. Padgett
The Effects of Teacher Involvement in Classroom-Based Intervention for Vocabulary Acquisition and Classroom Communication Skills, Alexis A. Paramboukas
Relations Between Parent-Child Interactions and Children's Self-Esteem, Lisa D. Parker
A Study of Integrated Learning Systems in the Public Schools, Mary N. Parker
Assessing the Effectiveness of Tactile Stimulation for Task-Related Behaviors and Language Comprehension on Two Children with Autism, Lynn A. Patterson
Strategies, Obstacles, and Methods Related to Conducting Building Bond Campaigns in Rural Illinois Unit (K-12) School Districts, Todd E. Pence
The Making of an AIDS Quilt Panel: A Burkean Pentadic Analysis, Stephanie J. Poole
"That Gentil Text Kan I Wel Understonde": Textual Authority in Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Prologue, Emilie Roy
Qualitative Aspects Of Alzheimer'S Special Care Units In Central Illinois, Georgia Ryan
Speaking of the Raj: Kipling, Forster, and Scott on the English Language in British India, Victoria K. Tatko
College Students' Attitudes Towards Death Penalty Sentencing, Janelle M. Thompson
A Survey of Illinois Speech-Language Pathologists and School Psychologists Regarding Selective Mutism, Sarah Megan Toland
African American Students on a Predominantly White Campus: Stressful Experiences and Coping Strategies, Katherine Townsend
Race-Class Interactions in Stereotyping, Claudine Hoffman Truong
Parent Perceptions of Speech and Language Characteristics of Children with Fragile X Syndrome, Trina Marie Ungrund
Occupational Stress Levels and Perceived Stressors of College Athletic Directors in the Midwest, Jennifer R. Venzon
Beyond the Problem Novel: Robert Cormier's Vision and the World of Adolescent Tragedy, Erik M. Walker
Seed Vigor of Four Isoline Pairs of Sweet Corn with Two Endosperm Types at Four Temperatures, Ronglin Wang
William Butler Yeats and the Cuchulain Cycle, Zhibo Wang
A Study of Parent Perceptions of the Home/School Connection with Technology in Georgetown-Ridge Farm CUSD #4, Andy Weathers
A Case Study Of The Cross-Age Tutoring Program Offered At Lincoln Trail College, Cora J. Weger
A Systematic Study of the Native Geum L. species of Illinois, Michael B. Wenzel
The Female Sport Experience: History, Development, and Psychological Implications, Dawn A. Whittington
Perceptions Related To Healthful Eating And Physical Activity Among Eastern Illinois University Students, Wendy N. Zaucha
Warren's Audubon: A Vision Revisited, Sylwia W. Zechowska
Theses from 1997
A Study of the Potential Need, Location, and Cost of an Addition to St. Joseph-Ogden High School, James M. Acklin
Identification of Organosulfur Compounds in Illinois Coal, Mandy N. Amin
An Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Composites Containing Recycled Rubber Particles, Ryan C. Archey
Transfer of Immunity Against Hymenolepis diminuta Parasites in Mice, Jerome F. Atta-Fynn
Perceptions of Parents of Elementary Students in Paris Union School District #95, Paris, Illinois, Regarding Curriculum Trends, Instructional Techniques, and Support Services, Lorraine A. Bailey
"Childhood and Other Disabilities", Sandra Beauchamp
The Practice of 7th and 8th Grade Retention in Illinois Public Schools, Steve Bianchetta
Integrating Student Expectations Into Writing Center Theory and Practice, Mary J. Bonevelle
Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Composites of Recycled High Density Polyethylene and Recycled Rubber, Jason G. Boulanger
Multimedia presentations in nutrition: College students' attitudes and perceptions, Lisa Brooks
A Study of the Perceptions of School Administrators Regarding the Current Condition of Public Schools in Illinois South of I-80, Myrtle A. Carey
An Exploratory Study of High School and College Students Attitudes Toward Suicide, Kathy Jo Carroccio
Giving Voice to Women of God: Uniting the Methodist Church, Jennifer M. Clark
A Resource Document for the Development of an Alternative Education Program for Disruptive Youth, Deborah Claunch
Empowering Parents In Their Child Care Decisions, Donna J. Coonce
A Monte Carlo Model of Uncertainty in a Deterministic Hazardous Waste Transportation Risk Assessment, Michael A. Cowen
The Relationship Among Family Environment Attributes, Personological Factors, Low Self-Esteem And Late Adolescent Problem Drinking, Kenneth L. Dalla Costa
An Investigation of Reciprocal Reporting Agreements Between School Districts and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, Mark E. Doan
The Autumn Celebrations of the Ritual Calendar Year in the Later-Stuart Period, Alexander James Dove
Barring the Nursery Window: Narrator Intrusion and Separation Anxiety in Children’s Literature, Mary Alice Dwiggins
Yoknapatawpha as Camelot: The Influence of the Arthurian Legends on the Writings of William Faulkner, Sally Dye
The Effects of Timing and Type of Judge's Instructions and Jurors' Beliefs on Verdicts and Sentence in a Child Sexual Assault Trial, Dawn R. (Campbell) Goldstein
A Look At Profitability And Quality Of For-Profit Day Care Centers, Brenda G. Gray
A Study of the Lichens at Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois, Eric B. Grunder
Growth and Development of Street Gangs, Audrey D. Guymon
The Interaction Between Religiosity and Depression Among Students at Two Universities, Nils Anders Haldorsen
The Perceptions Students Have About Transitioning from a Small Rural K-8 School District (Tamaroa) to a Larger Community High School (Pinckneyville) in Southern Illinois, Robert J. Hamerski