Theses from 1997
Referral Biases in the Schools, Camela P. Hayes
Administrative Perceptual Inquiry Into School Law Issues, Mary Heeren
Adaptive Significance of Re-nesting Following Nest Abandonment in the Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), Melissa Nicole Helton
Co-opertition: Competitive Communication Behavior During a Cooperative Task, Daniel M. Hlavac
Relationships Between Habitat Variables and Biotic Integrity of the Embarras River Basin, Ann Marie Hogan
Benjamin Franklin and His Critics: John Adams, Mark Twain, and David Herbert Lawrence, Marzuki Jamil Baki Bin Haji Mohamed Johar
Automated Accounting: Are Computers Being Used in Accounting I?, Janet G. Johnson
Use of the Internet Connection in Selected Illinois Schools, Dean Keller
Environmental Requirements for Sporocarp Germination in Marsileaceae, Kevin J. Kruep
Analysis and Comparison of Title I Programs in Rural School Districts in Central Illinois, Rebecca K. Kuhn
The Relationship Between Social Skills, Social Phobia And Behavior Disorders In Adolescents, Kristin A. Lavery
Relations of Burnout to Elementary School Teachers, Special Education Beliefs, and Referral Expectations, Nichole A. Ledermann
Closing The Door: A Roll Call Analysis of Immigration Voting in the 99th and 104th Congresses, Murray Stewart Leith
Perceptions of Family Functioning and Suicide Attitudes, Stephanie Lynch
Birth Order And The Separation-Individuation Of Late Adolescents, Amy Loren Maddrey
Roost Site Selection of the Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis), Kenneth J. Mager
Growing Old and Growing Wise? Parenting and Maturation in Henry James' Selected Tales and Novels, Judit Magyar
Azo Dyes Based on 1,10-Phenanthroline, Minchong Mao
Bosnian Civilian Survivors of War in Exile and in Bosnia: A Comparative Study, Ines Lajla Matijas
Teacher Interest In Year-Round School In The Southernmost Five Counties Of Illinois And Liaison Satisfaction With Year-Round School In Illinois And Its Bordering States, Charles D. McCann
An Evaluation of Southern Illinois Teachers' Perceptions Regarding the Impact of Block Scheduling on Student Enrollment, Student Grade Point Averages, and the Number of Discipline Referrals, Jacqueline L. McCann
Computer Use, Exposure And Experience And Gender Issues Among Preschool Children, Michelle L. Meadows
Differential Perceptions of a Midwestern University Counseling Center, Michele A. Melvin
A Comparison Between Afro-American and White College Student's Attitudes Toward Suicide, Christina M. Mentes
Biological Species Concepts in Eastern North American Populations of Lentinellus ursinus, Andrew N. Miller
Country of Thieves, Jennifer A. Moro
Acculturation and College Attendance in Hispanic Students, Alma D. Najera
"So Long Boys ... Take Care of Yourselves": Vice Suppression and Civil-Military Relations at Chanute Field During World War II, Adelheid Napier
The Ruins of Childhood: Jim Thompson, Erskine Caldwell, and William Faulkner Expose Guilt and Consequence, Robert Thomas Newell
An Investigation Of Block Scheduling In Illinois High Schools, Bruce Owen
Multi-track year round education: Its impact for solving overcrowding in school districts, Debra Owen
An Investigation of Principled Negotiations as It Applies to Contract Negotiations in the Public Schools, Jerry L. Parker
An Analysis of Parental Involvement at IEP Conferences for Students with Hearing Impairments, Kristina S. Kroeker Parker
Young Children's Talk at Play: Orientation to Self and Orientation to the Joint Exigencies of Conversation, Paige K. Parker
The Determinants of Agriculture Growth in China, 1978-89, Jiefei Qiu
Impact of Amateur Educational Video Viewing on Language Acquisition of Preschool Children, Jennifer L. Radcliffe
Life History Characteristics Of Daphnia Lumholtzi And Its Susceptibility To An Invertebrate Predator, Eden L. Rawski
Perceived Effectiveness of Audiographic Distance Education in Three Central Illinois High Schools, Kenneth R. Reed
The Investigation of Block-Eight Scheduling in Illinois High Schools, John E. Reif
In transition: Five women's writings in the cultures of America, Kirsi Rintanen
An Examination of the Intelligence Preparation for Operation MARKET-GARDEN, September, 1944, Steven D. Rosson
Speech-Language Pathologists' Opinions of the Reliability of the Modified Evan's Blue Dye Test for Detecting Aspiration, Amy N. Sanders
A Study of Teachers' Perceptions of Computer Usage and Staff Development Needs in Edwards County CUSD #1, Albion, Illinois, David R. Savage
Retention of Quality Teachers in Small School Districts, Donald E. Smith
Florence McAfee: Her Life and Professional Contributions to Physical Education at Eastern Illinois University, Julie Irene Smith
Writing anxiety and the adult student: Causes, effects, and solutions, Leann Smith
Father's Parenting Style and Childhood Mealtime Experiences: Predictors of Bulimia, Marci C. Smith
The Effects of Sex Guilt and Communication on Condom Use, Renée M. Souva
Evaluation of Member and Non-Member Professional Growth and Development Needs for the Illinois Principals Association, Lisa L. Stewart
James Tyrrell, John Locke, and Robert Filmer: Ideas on Property in Late Seventeenth Century England, Christopher Chatlos Strangeman
The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation and Factors Influencing Nest Box Use on the Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) in Southern Illinois, Catherine J. Woodworth
What Can China Learn From East Asia's Economic Success?, Fang Xie
Constancy of Bond Dissociation Energy Ratios for AB₂/AB Systems, Danyu Xu
A Chemical Extraction Study of Lead Contaminated Soil from Granite City, IL, Yan Zhang
Theses from 1996
An Evaluation of the Behavior Disorders Classroom Program of the Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District, Daniel J. Allen
The Effects of Family Planning on Malnutrition in Bangladesh, Ridwan al-Rahman
A Study Of The First Four Fiscal Years Of Eastern Illinois University School Of Family & Consumer Sciences Child Care Resource & Referral, Julie L. Anderson-Michael
A Woman Alone and Writing: Anti-Ideology and Artistic Irony in Writings of Mary Shelley, Delores Archaimbault
The Effects of Daytime Sleepiness on School Performance in Late Adolescence, Lisa R. Ballinger
Training for and the Use of Technology and Assistive Technology in Special Education: A Survey in the State of Illinois, James D. Basham
The Effect Of Resistance Training For Cardiac Patients On Activities Of Daily Living, Amanda Clare Benson
Undergraduate Knowledge of School Psychology and the Effects of Presentation on Graduate and Career Pursuit, Robert J. Bolin
A Survey Of Knowledge Among Illinois School Psychologists Regarding Autism, Julia Bour
An Evaluation Of The Reading Recovery Program At Hawthorn School In Salem, Illinois, Glen A. Bryant
A Study of Home Influences on Young Children's Early Literacy, Christy Buehnerkemper-Elder
Self-Disclosure Among Women in Similar Crisis Situations: Case Studies, Stephanie J. Butler
Annotated Bibliography of Matlon Guide Sources on the Use of Humor in Public Speech, James Joseph Callahan
Growth of Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, and Channel Catfish in Relation to Fish Abundances, Food Availability, and Other Limnological Variables, Sean P. Callahan
Parental Opinions About Full Day Kindergarten, David R. Carey
Developing a Student Code of Conduct for North Clay Jr. High School, Don Carlyle
English Proficiency and Intercultural Communication--A Study of Chinese Students' Ability to Adapt to American Culture, He-ping Cheng
Investigation of Electrotribological and Arc Erosion Behavior of Cu-15vol.%Cr in situ Composite, Zhongyu Chen
The Effectiveness of the Automatic Reinstatement Policy at Eastern Illinois University, Kristi Cobble
Sums of Powers and the Bernoulli Numbers, Laura Elizabeth S. Coen
An Evaluation Of The First Year Implementation Of Sesame Street Pep, Kathryn J. Collier
The Influence of Higher Education and the Perceived Effects on Women and Their Interpersonal Relationships with Significant Others, Tracy L. Conn
A Study of Inclusion, Kelly L. Cook
A Study on How Interactive Distance Education Affects Perceived Instructor Credibility, D. Brent Crebo
A Student Survey of the Effectiveness of Alternative Schools in Hamilton-Jefferson Counties, Illinois, Bryan Cross
Physiological Responses Among Power Air Ball, Spri Tube, and Arm Movement During Step Aerobics, Lisa Dallas
Ecology and Community Relationships of the River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna in a Southern Illinois Backwater, Michael J. Dreslik
A Study of School District Compliance Efforts with the Americans with Disabilities Act in Illinois Schools, Roger L. Eddy
Availability of Technology in Rural and Small Town Central Illinois K-12 Public School Districts, Robert H. Ehlke
A subversive in hyperspace: C.J. Cherryh's feminist transformation of space opera, Susan J. Eisenhour
The Influence of Environmental pH and Bicarbonate Concentration on the Excretion of Nitrogenous Waste Products in Two Species of Freshwater Teleost, Paul D. Fabsits
Small Mammal Community Structure in Restored Prairies, Kathleen A. Falout
Alcohol consumption and abuse among college students in the United States: Influences, consequences, and treatment, Elizabeth M. Fellows
Minority College Students' Attitudes Toward Psychological Help Seeking, Kiesha Ford
Geoffrey Chaucer's House of Fame: From Authority to Experience, Victoria Frantseva
The Effects of Systematic Tactile Application on Confrontational Naming Performance and Its Influences on Motivation and Rapport in Elderly Persons, Christine M. Fraser
Parents' Consideration of the Preschool Child's Perspective Prior to Discipline, Cindy Fritchley-Griffith