"Internet Access in East Central Illinois Public K-12 Schools" by Gary Thomas Grissom II

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Larry D. Helsel


Internet access is becoming increasingly important to the public K-12 school system. This descriptive study reports on the current state of Internet access in east central Illinois public K-12 schools. Baseline data for Internet access have been collected that can be used to measure future progress. This study determined that 84.2 percent of public schools in east central Illinois have building level Internet access. Of the schools that reported Internet access, the mean student to computer with Internet access (SIA) ratio was 65.44. The mean student to computer (SCOM) ratio was 8.27. Analysis by type of connection revealed that 20.5 percent of building level Internet connections were T1 leased lines, 16.1 percent 56kbs leased lines, 12.6 percent ISDN, 19.6 percent dial-up, 5.0 percent wireless, 1.5 percent satellite, and 8.8 percent of respondents reported other types of Internet connections. Over 50 percent of the schools reported a monthly cost for Internet access of less than one hundred dollars. The LincOn Network accounted for 34.8 percent of the Internet connections. The percentage of schools with a district level technology plan was 95.3. Data were also collected on the distribution of computers available to students and teachers. The distribution of computer data indicated that 35.3 percent of computers were located in computer labs, 9.9 percent in media centers, 9.1 percent in administrative offices, and 45.7 percent in classrooms. More than one-half of schools reported having a full-time district technology coordinator. More than one-third of schools reported either no building level Internet access or Internet access that is considered non-robust. The goal of equitable and ubiquitous Internet access is not a current reality in east central Illinois public schools.
