Graduate Program

School Psychology

Degree Name

Specialist in School Psychology

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Gary L. Canivez


Examiner errors when scoring the WISC-III Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities subtests were examined. Twenty-one graduate students enrolled in school psychology training programs and twenty-three certified school psychologist practitioners participated in scoring a constructed record form containing both standard responses (items clearly accounted for in the WISC-III Manual) and ambiguous responses (items not specifically accounted for in the WISC-III Manual). Descriptive Statistics demonstrated that graduate students and practitioners made errors on all subtests and item types. However, the Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities ambiguous responses contained the most errors. Furthermore, Analysis of Variance demonstrated that for each subtest, ambiguous responses were responsible for greater errors than standard responses and that graduate students and practitioners do not differ when scoring the same WISC-III record form. Results suggest that the WISC-III has made improvements over its predecessors in assisting examiners when scoring actual items on the Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities subtests.
