"Teachers' Perceptions of the Influence of Standardized Tests on Curric" by Jennifer Joy Davis Fox

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Linda M. Reven


Does a student's performance on a standardized test measure the quality of education he/she is receiving? Many students today are being bombarded with standardized assessments mandated by state and district policies. The pressure to perform well on these assessments causes teachers to focus their classroom instructional time on test preparation even at the expense of the non-tested topics and curricular areas. A written survey was designed to determine teachers' perceptions of the influence of standardized tests on curricular and instructional practices. Participating in this study were third and fourth grade teachers (n=67) who administer the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT). Participants completed a written survey with questions based on a Likert Scale. This data was collected in April/May 2000 after the administration of the ISAT. The data obtained using Fox's Survey of Teachers' Perceptions of the Influence of Standardized Tests on Curricular and Instructional Practices were analyzed to determine the impact mandated standardized assessments have on curricular and instructional practices in target schools. Survey results were analyzed for commonalties and differences between third grade teachers' and fourth grade teachers' perceptions. Findings indicated that third grade teachers do experience more pressure and changes in their curricular and instructional practices than fourth grade teachers.
