Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Norman S. Greer


The purpose of this paper is to discover if there is any significance between the images of television viewed by people and the increase of the social construction of reality. Stephen LittleJohn (1999) states, [Social construction of reality] consists of meanings and understanding arising from communication with others. This notion known as reality that is deeply embedded in sociological thought. The objective of this topic is to explore the effects that mass media have on life and specifically how television often distorts, and does not accurately communicate the everyday lived experiences in our lives. Television often mimics reality. Television only, at best, mimics the identical replication of the image-maker who creates the mimic. It does not create reality or require individuals to believe particulars, but often does reflect what occurs in society. Television not only reflects the problems that already exist, but also questions its validity in their creation.

Included in

Television Commons
