Faculty Research and Creative Activity
Submissions from 2020
Violência doméstica e Grupos Mistos: percepções de mulheres e homens sobre intervenções psicossociais na Justiça [Domestic violence and multi-gender groups: women and men’s perception about psychosocial internvetions in the Justice System], F. Guimaraes, Mariana Juras, and P. Macedo
Adiposity is related to neuroelectric indices of motor response preparation in preadolescent children, Anne Walk, Anne Walk, Lauren Raine, Arthur Kramer, Arthur Kramer, Neal Cohen, Charles Hillman, and Naiman Khan
Visceral Adiposity and Diet Quality Are Differentially Associated With Cognitive Abilities and Early Academic Skills Among Preschool-Age Children., Naiman Khan, Corinne Cannavale, Samantha Iwinski, Ruyu Liu, Gabriella McLoughlin, Linda Steinberg, and Anne Walk
Effects of 12-week avocado consumption on cognitive function among adults with overweight and obesity., Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, John Erdman, Nicholas Burd, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Use of translated and adapted versions of the WISC-V: Caveat emptor:, Ryan McGill, Thomas Ward, and Gary Canivez
Semantic-to-autobiographical memory priming occurs across multiple sources: Implications for autobiographical remembering., John Mace and Merve Unlu
Conceptualizing Fixed-Interval Praise Delivery:, Margaret Floress, Gary Cates, Kelly Poirot, and Nicole Estrada
Factor Structure of the Differential Ability Scales–Second Edition Core Subtests: Standardization Sample Confirmatory Factor Analyses:, Gary Canivez, Ryan McGill, and Stefan Dombrowski
Auditory and Visual Working Memory Are Differentially Related to Carotenoid Status in Preadolescent Children, Corinne Cannavale, Caitlyn Edwards, Ruyu Liu, Samantha Iwinski, Anne Walk, and Naiman Khan
Macular Carotenoids Are Associated with Neural Efficiency in Children, Caitlyn Edwards, Corinne Cannavale, Samantha Iwinski, Isabel Flemming, Ruyu Liu, Anne Walk, and Naiman Khan
Dietary Xanthophyll and Choline Intake Interactively Influence Cognitive Flexibility in Middle-Adulthood, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, Ryan Dilger, John Erdman, Nicholas Burd, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Technology to Facilitate Telehealth in Applied Behavior Analysis., Kimberly Zoder-Martell, Andrew Markelz, Margaret Floress, Heather Skriba, and Laila Sayyah
A systematic review of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness on P3b., Shih‐Chun Kao, Cristina Cadenas‐Sanchez, Tatsuya Shigeta, Anne Walk, Yu‐Kai Chang, Matthew Pontifex, and Charles Hillman
Construct Validity of the German Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the 15 Primary and Secondary Subtests., Gary Canivez, Silvia Grieder, and Anette Buenger
Measurement Invariance of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition 10-Subtest Primary Battery: Can Index Scores be Compared across Age, Sex, and Diagnostic Groups?:, Stefan Dombrowski, Marley Watkins, Ryan McGill, Gary Canivez, Calliope Holingue, Alison Pritchard, and Lisa Jacobson
Submissions from 2019
Local geometric properties do not support reorientation in hippocampus-engaged homing pigeons, María Inés Sotelo, Daniele Nardi, Karissa Payne, Gino Coppola, Rubén Muzio, and Verner Bingman
Utilizing Staff Incentives to Increase School-Wide Praise, Kari Meyer, Margaret Floress, and Kim Zoder-Martell
Relations between mode of birth delivery and timing of developmental milestones and adiposity in preadolescence: A retrospective study, Morgan Chojnacki, Hannah Holscher, Alaina Balbinot, Lauren Raine, John Biggan, Anne Walk, Arthur Kramer, Arthur Kramer, Neal Cohen, Charles Hillman, and Naiman Khan
Investigating the Theoretical Structure of the Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition Through Hierarchical Exploratory Factor Analysis:, Stefan Dombrowski, Ryan McGill, Gary Canivez, and Christina Peterson
Semantic memories prime autobiographical memories: General implications and implications for everyday autobiographical remembering., John Mace, Megan McQueen, Kamille Hayslett, Bobbie Staley, and Talia Welch
Visual sequential processing and language ability in children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Michelle Gremp, Joanne Deocampo, Anne Walk, and Christopher Conway
Macular Xanthophylls and Event‐Related Brain Potentials among Overweight Adults and Those with Obesity, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Corinne Cannavale, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Aging is associated with larger brain mass and volume in homing pigeons (Columba livia), Gino Coppola and Verner Bingman
Training Teachers to Increase Behavior-Specific Praise: A Meta-Analysis, Kimberly Zoder-Martell, Margaret Floress, Ronan Bernas, Brad Dufrene, and Samantha Foulks
School Lunch Timing and Children's Physical Activity During Recess: An Exploratory Study, Gabriella McLoughlin, Caitlyn Edwards, Alicia Jones, Morgan Chojnacki, Nicholas Baumgartner, Anne Walk, Amelia Woods, Kim Graber, and Naiman Khan
Evidence-Based Assessment for School Psychology: Research, Training, and Clinical Practice, Gary Canivez
Construct validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children – Fifth UK Edition: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the 16 primary and secondary subtests, Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, and Ryan McGill
Interplay Between Systemic Inflammation, Visceral Fat, and Cognitive Control in People with Excess Fat Mass (OR32-06-19), Corinne Cannavale, Melisa Bailey, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Nicholas Burd, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Macular Carotenoids, Retinal Morphometry, and Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (OR05-07-19), Jonathan Cerna, Nikta Athari, Connor Robbs, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Brynn Adamson, Isabel Flemming, Leanne Labriola, Robert Motl, and Naiman Khan
Skin and Macular Carotenoids and Their Implications for Cognitive Control and Achievement in Children (OR05-08-19), Caitlyn Edwards, Corinne Cannavale, Isabel Flemming, Samantha Iwinski, Anne Walk, Lisa Renzi-Hammond, and Naiman Khan
Effects of a 12-week Avocado Randomized-controlled Trial on Cognitive Function and Lutein Status Among Adults with Overweight and Obesity (OR05-01-19), Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, John Erdman, Nicholas Burd, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Kha
Interrelationships Between Household Chaos, Children's ADHD Tendencies, and Diet Quality (P11-113-19), Samantha Iwinski, Corinne Cannavale, Anne Walk, Ruyu Liu, Gabriella McLoughlin, and Naiman Khan
Effects of Avocado Consumption on Abdominal Adiposity and Glucose Tolerance: Findings from the Persea Americana for Total Health (PATH) Randomized Controlled Trial (P21-005-19), Naiman Khan, Caitlyn Edwards, Sharon Thompson, Sarah Burke, Anne Walk, Ginger Reeser, Nicholas Burd, and Hannah Holscher
Dietary choline is related to neural efficiency during a selective attention task among middle-aged adults with overweight and obesity, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Corinne Cannavale, Isabel Flemming, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Challenges to the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory: Empirical, Clinical, and Policy Implications, Gary Canivez and Eric Youngstrom
The role of lifetime periods in the organisation of episodic memories, John Mace and Merve Unlu
Hierarchical factor structure of the Bullying Participant Behavior Questionnaire with a middle school sample, Lyndsay Jenkins and Gary Canivez
Construct validity of the WISC–IV Italian edition: A bifactor examination of the standardization sample: Chi niente sa, di niente dubita, Joseph Kush and Gary Canivez
The Associative Nature of Episodic Memories: The Primacy of Conceptual Associations, John Mace and Amanda Clevinger
Submissions from 2018
WISC-V Construct Validity: Hierarchical EFA With a Large Clinical Sample: (512552018-001), Gary Canivez, Alison Pritchard, Lisa Jacobson, Ryan Mcgill, Stefan Dombrowski, and Marley Watkins
Demonstrating Conceptual Clustering in Autobiographical Memory with Voluntary Recall Tasks: More Evidence for the Conceptual Organization View, John Mace and Austin Hall
Investigating the Theoretical Structure of the DAS-II Core Battery at School Age Using Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling., Stefan Dombrowski, Philippe Golay, Ryan McGill, and Gary Canivez
An alternative conceptualization of the theoretical structure of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities at school age: A confirmatory factor analytic investigation., Stefan Dombrowski, Ryan McGill, and Gary Canivez
Factor Structure of the 10 WISC-V Primary Subtests Across Four Standardization Age Groups, Stefan Dombrowski, Gary Canivez, and Marley Watkins
Macular Xanthophylls Are Related to Intellectual Ability among Adults with Overweight and Obesity, Naiman Khan, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Alicia Jones, Corinne Cannavale, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, and Hannah Holscher
Effects of Classroom Technology Policies on Students' Perceptions of Instructors: What is Your Syllabus Saying about You?, Jeffrey Stowell, William Addison, and Samuel Clay
Involuntary Autobiographical Memories, John Mace
Externalizing behaviors within general, at-risk, and special education preschool classrooms: A preliminary investigation, Margaret Floress, Rebecca Rader, Jessica Berlinghof, and Paige Fanok
Chronic Systemic Inflammation Moderates the Relationship Between Adiposity and Behavioral and Neuroelectric Indices of Attention: 3087 Board #3 June 2 9, Grace Niemiro, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Melisa Bailey, Sarah Skinner, Michael De Lisio, Nicholas Burd, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Atypical predictive processing during visual statistical learning in children with developmental dyslexia: an event-related potential study, Sonia Singh, Anne Walk, and Christopher Conway
Factor structure of the WISC-V in four standardization age groups: Exploratory and hierarchical factor analyses with the 16 primary and secondary subtests, Gary Canivez, Stefan Dombrowski, and Marley Watkins
General Education Teachers’ Natural Rates of Praise: A Preliminary Investigation:, Margaret Floress, Lyndsay Jenkins, Wendy Reinke, and Lorena McKown
"Complementary exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the French WISC-V: Analyses based on the standardization sample": Correction to Lecerf and Canivez (2018)., Thierry Lecerf and Gary Canivez
Race and Gender Differences in Teacher Perceptions of Student Homework Performance: a Preliminary Examination, Laura Pendergast, Linda Nickens, Sofia Pham, Simone Miliaresis, and Gary Canivez
The higher order structure of the WISC–IV Italian adaptation using hierarchical exploratory factor analytic procedures, Joseph Kush, Joseph Kush, Gary Canivez, and Gary Canivez
Oral Glucose Tolerance is Associated with Neuroelectric Indices of Attention Among Adults with Overweight and Obesity, Grace Niemiro, Sarah Skinner, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Michael De Lisio, Hannah Holscher, Nicholas Burd, and Naiman Khan
Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the WISC-IV Spanish Core and Supplemental Subtests: Validation Evidence of the Wechsler and CHC Models., Ryan McGill and Gary Canivez
Reliability and Factorial Validity of the Canadian Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Fifth Edition., Marley Watkins, Stefan Dombrowski, and Gary Canivez
Parenting in Low-Income Context: Assessment of a Psychosocial Group Intervention in Brazil, Mariana Juras and L. Costa
Cognitive profile analysis in school psychology: History, issues, and continued concerns, Ryan McGill, Stefan Dombrowski, and Gary Canivez
Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behavioral and Neuroelectric Indices of Cognitive Flexibility in Individuals with Overweight and Obesity, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Sean Mullen, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Construct Validity of the WISC-V in Clinical Cases: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the 10 Primary Subtests, Gary Canivez, Ryan McGill, Stefan Dombrowski, Marley Watkins, Alison Pritchard, and Lisa Jacobson
Retinal morphometric markers of crystallized and fluid intelligence among adults with overweight and obesity, Alicia Jones, Connor Robbs, Caitlyn Edwards, Anne Walk, Sharon Thompson, Ginger Reeser, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Submissions from 2017
Structural validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition: Confirmatory factor analyses with the 16 primary and secondary subtests., Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, and Stefan Dombrowski
Exploratory and Hierarchical Factor Analysis of the WJ-IV Cognitive at School Age., Stefan Dombrowski, Ryan McGill, and Gary Canivez
How fast is your internet? An activity for teaching variance and standard deviation., Bonnie Green and Jeffrey Stowell
Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the French WISC-V for five age groups, Thierry Lecerf and Gary Canivez
Activities for teaching statistics and research methods: A guide for psychology instructors., Jeffrey Stowell and William Addison
Construct Validity of the WISC-IV UK With a Referred Irish Sample: CFA With 15 Subtests: (511062017-001), Marley Watkins, Gary Canivez, Kate James, Rebecca Good, and Trevor James
The Caterpillar Game: A SW-PBIS Aligned Classroom Management System, Margaret Floress and Amber Jacoby
Voluntary Remembering: Elucidating the Mental Strategies Used to Recall the Past, John Mace, Amanda Clevinger, Dayna Delaney, Amanda Mendez, and Stephen Simpson
He was neither a good father nor a good husband: Marital and parental roles in low-income separated families, Mariana Juras and Liana Costa
The Caterpillar Game: A Classroom Management System., Margaret Floress, Angela Rock, and Assegedech Hailemariam
Habitual Physical Activity Moderates the Negative Influence of Adiposity on Cognitive Control: 834 Board #13 May 31 2, Nicholas Baumgartner, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Alicia Covello, Morgan Curran, Ginger Reeser, Andrew Taylor, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Macular pigment optical density is positively associated with academic performance among preadolescent children, Sasha Barnett, Naiman Khan, Anne Walk, Lauren Raine, Christopher Moulton, Neal Cohen, Arthur Kramer, Billy Hammond, Lisa Renzi-Hammond, and Charles Hillman
The Role of Retinal Carotenoids and Age on Neuroelectric Indices of Attentional Control among Early to Middle-Aged Adults, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Nicholas Baumgartner, Morgan Chojnacki, Alicia Covello, Ginger Reeser, Billy Hammond, Lisa Renzi-Hammond, and Naiman Khan
Praise Research Trends and Future Directions: Characteristics and Teacher Training., Margaret Floress, Shelby Beschta, Kari Meyer, and Wendy Reinke
Hierarchical exploratory factor analyses of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Full Test Battery: Implications for CHC application in school psychology., Stefan Dombrowski, Ryan McGill, and Gary Canivez
Social and Language Skills as Predictors of Bullying Roles in Early Childhood: A Narrative Summary of the Literature, Lyndsay Jenkins, Nichole Mulvey, and Margaret Floress
From neuro-pigments to neural efficiency: The relationship between retinal carotenoids and behavioral and neuroelectric indices of cognitive control in childhood, Anne Walk, Naiman Khan, Sasha Barnett, Lauren Raine, Arthur Kramer, Arthur Kramer, Neal Cohen, Christopher Moulton, Lisa Renzi-Hammond, Billy Hammond, and Charles Hillman
Differences In Timing of Developmental Milestones Across Vaginally vs. Cesarean-section Delivered Infants: A Retrospective Study, A. Balbinot, M. Chojnacki, E. Drollette, L. Raine, A. Walk, J. Biggan, A. Kramer, N. Cohen, H. Holscher, C. Hillman, and N. Khan
Construct validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth UK Edition with a referred Irish sample: Wechsler and Cattell-Horn-Carroll model comparisons with 15 subtests, Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, Rebecca Good, Kate James, and Trevor James
Weight Status and Visceral Adiposity are related to Intraindividual Variability in Cognitive Function, M. Chojnacki, C. Edwards, N. Baumgartner, A. Walk, A. Covello, G. Reeser, H. Holscher, and N. Khan
Relationship Between Whole Grain Consumption and Selective Attention: A Behavioral and Neuroelectric Approach, C. Edwards, A. Walk, N. Baumgartner, M. Chojnacki, A. Covello, J. Evensen, S. Thompson, H. Holscher, and N. Khan
Influence of Birth-weight-for-gestational-age on Neuroelectric Function in Preadolescence, A. Walk, M. Chojnacki, E. Drollette, L. Raine, A. Balbinot, J. Biggan, A. Kramer, N. Cohen, H. Holscher, C. Hillman, and N. Khan
The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale-Perpetration Version, Sarah Gervais, M. Davidson, Kara Styck, Gary Canivez, and David DiLillo
Relationship Between Physical Activity, Adiposity, and Attentional Inhibition, Nicholas Baumgartner, Anne Walk, Caitlyn Edwards, Alicia Covello, Morgan Chojnacki, Ginger Reeser, Andrew Taylor, Hannah Holscher, and Naiman Khan
Social skills plus relaxation training with a child with ASD in the schools, Margaret Floress, Kim Zoder-Martell, and Rachel Schaub
Differential effects of carbohydrates on behavioral and neuroelectric indices of selective attention in preadolescent children, Anne Walk, Lauren Raine, Arthur Kramer, Arthur Kramer, Neal Cohen, Naiman Khan, and Charles Hillman
Complementary Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the French WISC–V: Analyses Based on the Standardization Sample, Thierry Lecerf and Gary Canivez
Submissions from 2016
WISC-V Standardization Sample Latent Factor Structure: CFA Bifactor Versus Higher-Order Models: (517902016-001), Gary Canivez, Stefan Dombrowski, and Marley Watkins
Factor structure of the Differential Ability Scales-Second Edition: Exploratory and hierarchical factor analyses with the core subtests., Gary Canivez and Ryan McGill
Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition: Exploratory factor analyses with the 16 primary and secondary subtests., Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, and Stefan Dombrowski
Visual Statistical Learning Deficits in Children with Developmental Dyslexia: an Event Related Potential Study., Sonia Singh, Anne Walk, and Christopher Conway
Exploring the Neural Mechanisms Supporting Structured Sequence Processing and Language Using Event-Related Potentials: Some Preliminary Findings., Gretchen Smith, Gerardo Valdez, Anne Walk, John Purdy, and Christopher Conway
SYMPOSIUM: Psychometric Evaluations of Wechsler Scales: Construct Validity and Diagnostic Utility, Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, Stefan Dombrowski, Ryan McGill, Jason Nelson, Kara Styck, and Laura Pendergast
SYMPOSIUM: Psychometric Evaluations of Wechsler Scales: Cross-Cultural Contexts, Laura Pendergast, Gary Canivez, Marley Watkins, Trevor James, Kate James, Rebecca Good, Muneera Rasheed, Laura Murray-Kolb, Barbara Schaefer, Brittney Williams, Uzma Memon, Saima Siyal, Jelena Obradović, Aisha Yousafzai, Abigail Crimmins, Margaret Kosek, Pablo Yori, and Angel Vasquez
Cross-Domain Statistical–Sequential Dependencies Are Difficult to Learn, Anne Walk and Christopher Conway
High-Fit Children Exhibit Greater Resilience to the Transient Effects of Sucralose on Cognitive Control: 3759 Board #198 June 4, 8: 00 AM - 9: 30 AM., Anne Walk, Lauren Raine, Neal Cohen, Arthur Kramer, Charles Hillman, and Naiman Khan