Content Posted in 2021
001, Theatre Arts
002, Theatre Arts
002, Theatre Arts
003, Theatre Arts
003, Theatre Arts
004, Theatre Arts
004, Theatre Arts
005, Theatre Arts
005, Theatre Arts
006, Theatre Arts
006, Theatre Arts
007, Theatre Arts
008, Theatre Arts
009, Theatre Arts
010, Theatre Arts
1st Place: The Rainbow Fish, Esperanza Murillo
1st Place: The Rainbow Fish, Esperanza Murillo
1st Place: The Rainbow Fish, Esperanza Murillo
2016 EIU Undergraduate Theatre History/Dramatic Literature Research Symposium, Theatre Arts
2017 Celebrating Excellence, College of Education and Professional Studies
2019-2020: Joanna Diaz, Lions In Winter Festival
2019-2020: Kelsey Parker Ervick, Lions In Winter Festival
2019-2020: Nick White, Lions In Winter Festival
2020: 1st Place, Fiction - Savannah Harris, “Retrospective”, Savannah Harris
2020: 1st Place for Poetry - Holly Richardson, "Dandelion Wine", Holly Richardson
2020-2021 Annual Report, Library Services
2020: 2nd Place, Fiction - Alyssa Decker, “Major Ursa”, Alyssa Decker
2020: 3rd Place, Fiction - Ethan Miller, “The Nightwalkers”, Ethan Miller
2020 - Rebecca Tadlock-Marlo, Faculty Senate
2021 Celebration of Scholarship, Creativity, and Engagement, Todd Bruns and Beth Heldebrandt
2021 - Don Holly, Faculty Senate
2021 Library Awards for Excellence Showcase, Beth Heldebrandt
2021 - Paul Switzer, Faculty Senate
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Retirement Reception, Jay Grabiec
2021 Warbler, Eastern Illinois University
2022: Brenda Peynado, Lions In Winter
2022: Rachel Monroe, Lions In Winter
(2 hour event) Fraternity/Sorority Diversity Training: Deliberative Dialogue - “Get in Where You Fit In”, John Davenport, Gina Lee-Olukoya, Alejandro J. Suñé, and Akilah Jones
(2 hour event) Safe Zone Core, Tanya Willard (She/Her/Hers) and Amanda Feder (She/Her/Hers)
2nd Place: The Hobbit, Beatrix Brantley
2nd Place: The Hobbit, Beatrix Brantley
2nd Place: The Hobbit, Beatrix Brantley
3rd Place: The Monster Book of Monsters, Lily Porter
3rd Place: The Monster Book of Monsters, Lily Porter
3rd Place: The Monster Book of Monsters, Lily Porter
Accidents/Injury Prevention, Amanda Gill and Kyle Kuzur
A Collaborative Approach to Anti-Oppression Work at a Predominately White Institution, Madeline Farrell and Akua Forkuo-Sekyere
A collaborative autoethnography on challenging sociohistorical constructions of gender in teacher education, Marie-Helene Brunet and Mark Currie
A Combined Language: The Application of Poly-stylistic Techniques to Concerto Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano, James Calderon
Adapting to Change: Transitional Experiences of Vertical Transfer Students, Anna K. Goldberg
Alabaster, Audrey Cefaly
Alumni Newsletter July 2013, Communications Disorders & Sciences
America: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Comparisons: A Case Study of the Representation of “America” in Preservice Teacher Lectures, Kristal Curry and Suzanne Horn
Am I Canadian: Making Canadian History Personally Relevant to Students (and to Me), Melanie V. Williams
Amplifying Voice with Digital Writing, Robin Murray
An Empirical Analysis of Poverty and Income Inequality in U.S. Southeastern States, Maria del Carmen Tellez
An Examination of the Integration of Augmented Reality in Science Curriculum, Cathleen A. Bierman
An Exploration of the Perception of Faith Development at a Midwestern Public Institution, Zachary Sandoval
Annual MALAS Business Meeting, MALAS
A Novel Palladium BODIPY Photocatalyst for Sonogashira Carbon-Carbon Cross-Coupling, Prahadeesh Nagaretnam
A Preliminary Investigation of the Revised PKATE: An Elementary Sample, Madison Fisher
April 20, 2021, Faculty Senate
April 20, 2021 Virtual Teams Meeting, Faculty Senate
April 21, 2021, Library Advisory Board
April 21, 2021, Library Advisory Board
April 2, 2021, Council on University Planning & Budget
April 6, 2021, Faculty Senate
April 6, 2021 Virtual Meeting, Faculty Senate
Art, Discourse, and Identity in Latin America, Vanesa Carbonetti Landrus, Allen Juan Zegarra Acevedo, Irene Jacobsen, Adriana Domínguez, and Greg Schmidt (Moderator)
August 31, 2021, Faculty Senate
"A Visit to Thirteen Asylums for the Insane: Pliny Earle, European Asylums and American Psychiatry", Miranda Smith
Believe It Or Not I Care: Compassionate community outreach for high school student empowerment and excellence, Heidi Larson
Beyond Bystander, Nora Kollar (She/Her/Hers)
Beyond Pandemic Pedagogy: Thoughts on deconstruction, structure, and justice post-pandemic, Samantha Cutrara
Bolshevik Germany: America’s Perception to Bolshevism and the Origins of the German Revolution, Tanner Skym
Branding Small Businesses in Small Communities, Lacey Jenkins
Breakout Session: 5th grade, J'Kyra Space
Breakout Session: 5th grade, Olivia Jones
Breakout Session: 5th grade English/Language Arts, Lauren Mellott
Breakout Session: 7th grade English/Language Arts, Imani Carr
Breakout Session: Dual Language 1st grade, Reina F. McKenzie
Breakout Session: Early Childhood Education, Ashlee Robinson
Breakout Session: Emotional Learning and Relationship-Building with Low-Income Students & Families, Asia Patterson
Breakout Session: Experiences in Middle School, Reneesha Sanders
Breakout Session: How Teaching Changed Me, Alicia Henning
Breakout Session: HS Business & Health Science, Jenna Jamieson
Breakout Session: Ideas for Student Teaching, Ashley Richardson
Breakout Session: Making the Most Out of Your Undergraduate Career, Michael Arrigoni
Breakout Session: Meaningful Connections with Middle School Students, Charity Huwe
Breakout Session: Physical Education/Health, Jaime Marcos
Breakout Session: Reasons for Pursuing a Career in Education, Tessa Stadnik
Breakout Session: Remember Your Why And Find Your Joy, Sarah Consdorf
Breakout Session: Special Education and Administration, Thais Perez
Breakout Session: Teach, Love, Inspire, Shannon Watkins
Brenda Peynado: Craft Talk, Brenda Peynado
Brenda Peynado: Reading, Brenda Peynado
Bright New Boise, Samuel D. Hunter
Bright Star, Steve Martin
Budget Transparency Report, Faculty Senate
Calcium and Vitamin D: Central to Strength, Ellen Vore, Chelsea Johnston, and Dawson Rhoads
Carolina African Runner Peanuts: Connecting African and Alabamian Agricultural History, Abby West, Gary Padgett, and Matthew D. Campbell
Case Study--Jimmy (Zero Balancing and CST), Judith Sullivan
CATS Update Fall 2013, Center for Academic Technology Support
Celebrating Creativity in Elementary Classrooms, Amy Davis
Cellphilming and Building Solidarity with Queer Youth to Speak Back to Historical Erasures in New Brunswick Social Studies Classrooms, Casey Burkholder
Champaign, IL Altgeld Hall, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL First Presbyterian Church, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL Main Library, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL Mechanical Building and Drill Hall, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL Memorial Stadium, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL State Laboratory of Natural History, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL University Building, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL University Hall, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Champaign, IL University Hall and Harker Hall, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Cheeger Constants of Two Related Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces, Ronald E. Hoagland
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Lizbeth Murillo
Chreia and Lives of Saints: A Study of Hagiography as an Evolved Rhetorical Genre in Late Antiquity, Seth Fisher
Circle Mirror Transformation, Annie Baker
Closing, John Bickford
Closing, Jay Bickford
Coming Together Through Object Based Learning in a Pandemic, Brian Sheehy, Michael Sandstrom, and John Heeg
Community Collaboration for Increasing Inclusion, Jennifer Buchter, Cori More, and Jennifer Stringfellow
Compassionate Indifference, Judith Sullivan
Confronting the Misrepresentations about African Americans’ History within Curricula, John H. Bickford
Contemporary Political and Social Issues, Hoyoon Jung, Cruz Bonlarron Martínez, Joshua S. Yudkin, Emily Fitzgerald, Carolina Rocha, and Patrick G. Anderson Avilés (Moderator)
Continental Breakfast & Welcome, EIU
Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Conners 3 Teacher Rating Scale: Comparisons with the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents, Stephanie G. Buhrow
Craft Talk with Creative Nonfiction Writer Kelcey Parker Ervick, Kelcey Parker Ervick
Craft Talk with Fiction Writer Nick White, Nick White
Craft Talk with Poet Joanne Diaz, Joanne Diaz
Culturally Responsive Teaching, Amy D. Davis and Alexis Jones
Daily Eastern News: April 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 02, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 05, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 06, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 13, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 14, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 16, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 20, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 21, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 23, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 28, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: April 30, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 23, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 24, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 25, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 30, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: August 31, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 02, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 03, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 06, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 07, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: December 10, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 03, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 04, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 05, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 10, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 17, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 18, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 23, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 25, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: February 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 13, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 13, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 14, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 14, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 20, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 20, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 21, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 21, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 25, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 25, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 28, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 28, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: January 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 02, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 03, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 04, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 05, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 10, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 16, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 17, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 23, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 24, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 25 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 30, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: March 31, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 02, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 03, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 04, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 05, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 10, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 18, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: November 30, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 04, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 05, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 06, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 07, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 08, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 09, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 11, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 12, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 12, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 13, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 13, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 14, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 14, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 15, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 18, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 19, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 19, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 20, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 20, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 21, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 21, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 22, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 23, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 25, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 26, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 26, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 27, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 28, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 28, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 29, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: October 30, 2020, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 01, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 02, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 03, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 07, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 08, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 09, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 10, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 13, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 14, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 15, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 16, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 17, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 20, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 21, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 22, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 23, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 24, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 27, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 28, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 29, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Daily Eastern News: September 30, 2021, Eastern Illinois University
Days of Plenty Accompaniment, Michael Lynch
Days of Plenty Sheet Music (Women), Michael Lynch
Days of Plenty Voice, Michael Lynch
Day Trips, Life in Camp, and Dogs: An Alaskan Memoir, Karen Reed
Dead Man's Cell Phone, Sarah Ruhl
Debt, Death, and Deregulation: Neoliberalism, Human Rights, and American-Argentine Relations, 1976-1983, Billy Davis
December 4, 2020, Council on University Planning and Budget
December 8, 2020, Faculty Senate
Deconstructing Patriarchy in the Healing Arts, Rebekah Harbour
Dedication Plaque, Theatre Arts
Deliberation on the Public Good during COVID-19: A Case Study Examining Elementary Students’ Use of Civic Perspective-Taking, William Toledo and Esther Enright
Developed stock market integration: New evidence from the pre- and post-financial crisis of 2007-2009, Carol Bruce Tagoe
Development of Fluorescence Microscopy Approaches to Study Subcellular Protein Transport and Enzymatic Activity, Anchal Singh
Deviating from the Zero Balancing Protocol, John Hamwee
Diplomacy Lab, Kayla Crowder and Jerimiah Boyd Johnson
Dr. Lori Patton Davis, Eastern Illinois University
Drowsy Chaperone, Lisa Lambert
Drowsy Driving, Shanna Niebrugge, Stephanie Maroon, and Karlie MacKenzie
Effects of Emerging Contaminants on Centrarchidae and Catostomidae in Midwestern Rivers: A Multiple Biomarker Approach, Camden Garret Nix
Effects of insect opportunists on a four-level trophobiotic system involving nectar-producing galls of the cynipid wasp Disholcaspis quercusmamma (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), Stephanie L. Smith
Effects of Wastewater Effluent on Fish Fin Morphology of Larval Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) and Swimming Performance of Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), Seth Michael Bogue
EIU 4192G-099: Film and Contemporary Society Honors, Bobby Martinez
EIU 4192G-600: Film and Contemporary Society Honors, Bobby Martinez
EIU Affordability Report, Faculty Senate
EIU Graduate Catalog 1969-1971, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1971-1973, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1973, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1974, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1976-1977, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1978-1979, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1980-1981, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1982-1983, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1984-1985, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1986-1987, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1988-1989, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1990-1991, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1991-1992, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1993-1994, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1995-1996, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1997-1998, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 1999-2000, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 2001-2002, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 2003-2005, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Graduate Catalog 2005-2007, Eastern Illinois University
EIU Think Tank Proposal, Faculty Senate
Emotions and Opinions: The Causes and Effects of Contemporary Populism, Hunter Driggers
ENG 1000-001: Fundamentals of College Composition, Ashley Flach
ENG 1000-001: Fundamentals of Composition, Denise Davinroy
ENG 1000-002: Fundamentals of College Composition, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1000-002: Fundamentals of Composition, Denise Preston
ENG 1000-003: Fundamentals of College Composition, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1000-004: Fundamentals of College Composition, Angela Vietto
ENG 1000-004: Fundamentals of Composition, Denise Preston
ENG 1001G-001: College Composition I, Denise Preston
ENG 1001G-001: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-002: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-002: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-002: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-003: College Composition I, Karen Reed
ENG 1001G-003: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-003: College Composition I, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1001G-004: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-004: College Composition I, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1001G-005: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-005: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-006: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-006: College Composition I, Denise Davinroy
ENG 1001G-006: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-007: College Composition I, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1001G-007: College Composition I, Niall Nance-Carroll
ENG 1001G-010: College Composition I, Tammy Veach
ENG 1001G-011: College Composition I, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1001G-012: College Composition I, Ann Hart
ENG 1001G-012: College Composition I, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1001G-013: College Composition I, Ann Hart
ENG 1001G-014: College Composition I, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1001G-014: College Composition I, Shelly Spear
ENG 1001G-016: College Composition I, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1001G-017: College Composition I, Tammy Veach
ENG 1001G-019: College Composition I, Niall Nance-Carroll
ENG 1001G-020: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-020: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-021: College Composition I, Shelly Spear
ENG 1001G-022: College Composition I, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1001G-022: College Composition I, Amy Graziano
ENG 1001G-023: College Composition I, Ashley Flach
ENG 1001G-024: College Composition I, Glen Davis
ENG 1001G-028: College Composition I, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1001G-240: College Composition I Dual Credit, Anna Schultes
ENG 1001G-240: College Composition I Dual Credit, Anna Schultes
ENG 1001G-240: College Composition I Dual Credit, Breanne Makovec
ENG 1001G-241: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jacqueline Keeley
ENG 1001G-241: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jacqueline Keeley
ENG 1001G-241: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jacqueline Keeley
ENG 1001G-242: College Composition I Dual Credit, Emily Mikuzis
ENG 1001G-242: College Composition I Dual Credit, Emily Mikuzis
ENG 1001G-242: College Composition I Dual Credit, Chuck Cavazos
ENG 1001G-243: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jill Corr
ENG 1001G-243: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jamie Burns
ENG 1001G-243: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jill Corr
ENG 1001G-244: College Composition I Dual Credit, Danielle Menacker
ENG 1001G-244: College Composition I Dual Credit, Jill Corr
ENG 1001G-244: College Composition I Dual Credit, Danielle Menacker
ENG 1001G-245: College Composition I Dual Credit, Michelle Marconi
ENG 1001G-245: College Composition I Dual Credit, Danielle Menacker
ENG 1001G-245: College Composition I Dual Credit, Michelle Marconi
ENG 1001G-246: College Composition I Dual Credit, Mark Maxwell
ENG 1001G-246: College Composition I Dual Credit, Michelle Marconi
ENG 1001G-246: College Composition I Dual Credit, Mark Maxwell
ENG 1001G-247: College Composition I Dual Credit, Christine Pacyk
ENG 1001G-247: College Composition I Dual Credit, Mark Maxwell
ENG 1001G-247: College Composition I Dual Credit, Gabriel Popovich
ENG 1001G-248: College Composition I Dual Credit, Meredith Silverman
ENG 1001G-248: College Composition I Dual Credit, Christine Pacyk
ENG 1001G-248: College Composition I Dual Credit, Christine Pacyk
ENG 1001G-249: College Composition I Dual Credit, Laura Wagner
ENG 1001G-249: College Composition I Dual Credit, Meredith Silverman
ENG 1001G-249: College Composition I Dual Credit, Chad Scoggins
ENG 1001G-250: College Composition I Dual Credit, Laura Wagner
ENG 1001G-250: College Composition I Dual Credit, Laura Wagner
ENG 1001G-251: College Composition I Dual Credit, Meredith Silverman
ENG 1001G-600: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1001G-600: College Composition I, Randall Beebe
ENG 1001G-600: College Composition I, Woody Skinner
ENG 1001G-600: College Composition I, Terri Fredrick
ENG 1001G-600: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1001G-601: College Composition I, Michael Kuo
ENG 1001G-601: College Composition I, Colleen Abel
ENG 1001G-601: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1001G-602: College Composition I, Michael Kuo
ENG 1001G-602: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1001G-603: College Composition I, Michael Kuo
ENG 1001G-603: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1001G-604: College Composition I, Rashelle Spear
ENG 1001G-605: College Composition I, Woody Skinner
ENG 1001G-606: College Composition I, Amy Graziano
ENG 1001G-607: College Composition I, Amy Graziano
ENG 1001G-608: College Composition I, Amy Graziano
ENG 1001G-609: College Composition I, Tammy Veach
ENG 1001G-610: College Composition I, Ashley Flach
ENG 1001G-611: College Composition I, Ashley Flach
ENG 1001G-612: College Composition I, Ashley Flach
ENG 1001G-613: College Composition I, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-001: College Composition II, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 1002G-001: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-001: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-002: College Composition II, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 1002G-002: College Composition II, Denise Davinroy
ENG 1002G-002: College Composition II, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1002G-003: College Composition II, Betzy Elifrits Warren
ENG 1002G-003: College Composition II, Ann Hart
ENG 1002G-003: College Composition II, Betzy Elifrits Warren
ENG 1002G-004: College Composition II, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1002G-004: College Composition II, Amy Graziano
ENG 1002G-005: College Composition II, Lucinda Berry
ENG 1002G-005: College Composition II, Ann Hart
ENG 1002G-006: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-006: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-006: College Composition II, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1002G-007: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-007: College Composition II, Ann Hart
ENG 1002G-008: College Composition II, Betzy Elifrits Warren
ENG 1002G-008: College Composition II, Glen Davis
ENG 1002G-009: College Composition II, Jamie Golladay
ENG 1002G-009: College Composition II, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 1002G-009: College Composition II, Amy Graziano
ENG 1002G-010: College Composition II, Glen Davis
ENG 1002G-010: College Composition II, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 1002G-600: College Composition II, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-600: College Composition II, Melissa Ames
ENG 1002G-600: College Composition II, Randy Beebe
ENG 1002G-600: College Composition II, Ashley Flach
ENG 1002G-601: College Composition II, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-602: College Composition II, Colleen Abel
ENG 1002G-602: College Composition II, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-603: College Composition II, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-604: College Composition II, LeAnn Akins
ENG 1002G-605: College Composition II, Michael Kuo
ENG 1002G-606: College Composition II, Michael Kuo
ENG 1002G-607: College Composition II, Michael Kuo
ENG 1002G-608: College Composition II, Samantha Poorman
ENG 1002G-609: College Composition II, Amy Graziano
ENG 1002G-610: College Composition II, Ashley Flach
ENG 1002G-611: College Composition II, Rashelle Spear
ENG 1009G-001: Stories Matter Health and Medicine, Dagni Bredesen
ENG 1009G-001: Stories Matter Health & Medicine, Jeannie Ludlow
ENG 1009G-150: Stories Matter, Terri Fredrick
ENG 1009G-240: Stories Matter Dual Credit, Zachary Poulos
ENG 1091G-099: College Composition I Honors, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 1091G-290: College Composition I Honors, Dagni Bredesen
ENG 1091G-290: College Composition I Honors, Julie Campbell
ENG 1092G-098: College Composition II Honors, Randy Beebe
ENG 1092G-099: College Composition II Honors, Randall Beebe
ENG 1092G-099: College Composition II Honors, Randy Beebe
ENG 1092G-099: College Composition II Honors, Rachael Ryerson
ENG 1099G-099: Stories Matter Health and Medicine Honors, Dagni Bredesen
ENG 1099G-099: Stories Matter Health & Medicine Honors, Charles Wharram
ENG 1105-001: English Forum, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 1105-600: English Forum, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 1105-601: English Forum, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 2000-001: Introduction to Creative Writing, Ann Hart
ENG 2000-600: Introduction to Creative Writing, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 2000-600: Introduction to Creative Writing, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 2205-001: Introduction to Literary Studies, Randall Beebe
ENG 2205-001: Introduction to Literary Studies, Julie Campbell
ENG 2205-600: Introduction to Literary Studies, Bobby Martinez
ENG 2705-600: African-American Literature, Angela Vietto
ENG 2760-001: Introduction to Professional Writing, Angela Vietto
ENG 2760-001: Introduction to Professional Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 2760-600: Introduction to Professional Writing, Angela Vietto
ENG 2760-600: Introduction to Professional Writing, Donna Binns
ENG 2901-001: Structure of English, Angela Vietto
ENG 2901-001: Structure of English, Jad Smith
ENG 2901-001: Structure of English, Jad Smith
ENG 2901-002: Structure of English, Jad Smith
ENG 2901-003: Structure of English, Jad Smith
ENG 2901-003: Structure of English, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 2901-600: Structure of English, Terri Fredrick
ENG 2901-600: Structure of English, Terri Fredrick
ENG 2901-600: Structure of English, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 2901-601: Structure of English, Angela Vietto
ENG 2950-001: Transatlantic Literary History Culture, Literacies, and Technologies I, Charles Wharram
ENG 2950-600: Transatlantic Literary History I, Bobby Martinez
ENG 2960-001: Transatlantic Literary History-Culture, Literacies, and Technologies II, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 3001-001: Advanced Composition, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 3001-600: Advanced Composition, Bobby Martinez
ENG 3001-600: Advanced Composition, Tim Engles
ENG 3001-600: Advanced Composition, Donna Binns
ENG 3001-600: Advanced Composition, Tim Engles
ENG 3001-600: Advanced Composition, Donna Binns
ENG 3001-601: Advanced Composition, Tim Engles
ENG 3001-601: Advanced Composition, Angela Vietto
ENG 3001-601: Advanced Composition, Tim Engles
ENG 3001-601: Advanced Composition, Donna Binns
ENG 3001-602: Advanced Composition, Angela Vietto
ENG 3001-840: Advanced Composition, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 3005-001: Technical Communication, Shelly Spear
ENG 3005-600: Technical Communication, Terri Fredrick
ENG 3005-600: Technical Communication, Donna Binns
ENG 3005-600: Technical Communication, Terri Fredrick
ENG 3005-601: Technical Communication, Angela Vietto
ENG 3008-600: Digital and Multimodal Writing, Robin Murray
ENG 3008-600: Digital Writing and Multimodal Texts, Melissa Ames
ENG 3009G-600: Myth and Culture, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3009G-600: Myth and Culture, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3009G-600: Myth and Culture, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3061-600: Intermediate Nonfiction Writing, Woody Skinner
ENG 3062-600: Intermediate Poetry Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 3062-600: Intermediate Poetry Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 3063-600: Intermediate Fiction Writing, Woody Skinner
ENG 3063-600: Intermediate Fiction Writing, Bess Winter Kosinec
ENG 3064-600: Intermediate Dramatic Writing, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3099G-600: Myth and Culture Honors, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3300-001: Seminar in English Studies, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 3300-600: Seminar in English Studies, Bobby Martinez
ENG 3300-600: Seminar in English Studies, Colleen Abel
ENG 3401-001: Methods of Teaching Composition in the Middle and Secondary School, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 3401-600: Methods of Teaching Composition in the Middle and Secondary School, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 3402-001: Methods of Teaching Literature in the Middle and Secondary School, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 3405-001: Children's Literature, Charlotte England
ENG 3405-001: Children's Literature, Charlotte England
ENG 3405-001: Children's Literature, Niall Nance-Carroll
ENG 3504-001: Film and Literature, Bobby Martinez
ENG 3504-600: Film and Literature, Robin Murray
ENG 3705-001: American Multicultural Literatures, Bobby Martinez
ENG 3705-600: American Multicultural Literatures, Tim Engles
ENG 3705-600: American Multicultural Literatures, Tim Engles
ENG 3802-600: Shakespeare, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3803-600: Renaissance and 17th-Century British Literature, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 3805-600: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature, Jad Smith
ENG 3806-001: British Romantic Literature, Randy Beebe
ENG 3807-001: Victorian Literature, Dagni Bredesen
ENG 3809-600: Contemporary British and Anglophone Literatures, Bobby Martinez
ENG 3892-600: Shakespeare Honors, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3903B-001: Women Literature Language Post-1800, Jeannie Ludlow
ENG 3903B-600: Women Literature Language Post-1800, Robin Murray
ENG 3903B-600: Women Literature Language Post-1800, Colleen Abel
ENG 4060-001: English Studies Career Development, Angela Vietto
ENG 4060-001: English Studies Career Development, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4060-600: English Studies Career Development, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4060-600: English Studies Career Development, Angela Vietto
ENG 4275-001: Internship in Professional Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4275-001: Internship in Professional Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4275-001: Internship in Professional Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4275-001: Internship in Professional Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4742-600: Studies in Genre, Melissa Ames
ENG 4742-600: Studies in Genre, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 4750-600: Studies in African-American Literature, Christopher Wixson
ENG 4750-600: Studies in African-American Literature, Angela Vietto
ENG 4750Z-600: Studies in African-American Literature, Angela Vietto
ENG 4760-001: Special Topics in Professional Writing, Tim Taylor
ENG 4760-600: Special Topics in Professional Writing, Donna Binns
ENG 4760-600: Special Topics in Professional Writing, Donna Binns
ENG 4760Z-001: Special Topics in Professional Writing, Tim Taylor
ENG 4760Z-600: Special Topics in Professional Writing, Donna Binns
ENG 4761-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Woody Skinner
ENG 4761-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Daiva Markelis
ENG 4761-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4761-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4761Z-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Woody Skinner
ENG 4761Z-600: Advanced Nonfiction Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4762-600: Advanced Poetry Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4762Z-600: Advanced Poetry Writing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4763-600: Advanced Fiction Writing, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 4763-600: Advanced Fiction Writing, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 4764-600: Advanced Dramatic Writing, Christopher Wixson
ENG 4765-001: Professional Editing, Tim Taylor
ENG 4765-600: Professional Editing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4765-600: Professional Editing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4765Z-001: Professional Editing, Tim Taylor
ENG 4765Z-600: Professional Editing, Colleen Abel
ENG 4776-600: Research and Rhetoric in Professinal Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4776Z-600: Research and Rhetoric in Professinal Writing, Terri Fredrick
ENG 4801-001: Integrating English Language Arts, Melissa Ames
ENG 4801-600: Integrating English Language Arts, Melissa Ames
ENG 4801-600: Integrating English Language Arts, Melissa Ames
ENG 4901-600: History of the English Language, Angela Vietto
ENG 4903-001: Young Adult Literature, Elizabeth Tacke
ENG 4903-600: Young Adult Literature, Donna Binns
ENG 4904-600: Studies in Film, Robin Murray
ENG 4904-600: Studies in Film, Bobby Martinez
ENG 4905-600: Studies in Youth Literature, Angela Vietto
ENG 4906-600: Issues in Teaching English, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 4906-600: Issues in Teaching English, Melissa Ames
ENG 4906Z-600: Issues in Teaching English, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 5000-001: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 5000-600: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 5000-600: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Randy Beebe
ENG 5000-600: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 5000-601: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Randy Beebe
ENG 5000Z-600: Introduction to Methods and Issues in English Studies, Randy Beebe
ENG 5002-600: Studies in Renaissance Literature, Christopher Wixson
ENG 5004-600: Studies in Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature, Jad Smith
ENG 5007-001: Composition Pedagogies, Tim Taylor
ENG 5007-001: Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Rachael Ryerson
ENG 5007-600: Composition Pedagogies, Donna Binns
ENG 5007-600: Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Donna Binns
ENG 5007-601: Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Rachael Ryerson
ENG 5010-600: Studies in 20th Century American Literature, Tim Engles
ENG 5010Z-600: Studies in 20th Century American Literature, Tim Engles
ENG 5011-600: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric, Tim Taylor
ENG 5011-600: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric, Melissa Ames
ENG 5011-600: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric, Tim Taylor
ENG 5020-600: Workshop in Creative Writing, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 5025-600: Creative Writing Professional Development, Bess Kosinec Winter
ENG 5025-600: Creative Writing Professional Development, Colleen Abel
ENG 5061A-600: Special Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Jeannie Ludlow
ENG 5061B-600: Special Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Melissa Caldwell
ENG 5061B-600: Special Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Suzie Park
ENG 5061B-600: Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Robert Martinez
ENG 5061D-600: Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Woody Skinner
ENG 5061Z-600: Special Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Jeannie Ludlow
ENG 5061Z-601: Topics in Literature and Literary Theory, Woody Skinner
ENG 5500-001: Practicum in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Terri Fredrick
ENG 5500-600: Practicum in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Terri Fredrick
ENG 5502-001: Mentored Composition Teaching, Tim Taylor
ENG 5585-600: Writing Project for Teachers, Robin Murray
ENG 5585-600: Writing Projects for Teachers, Robin Murray
ENG 5585-601: Writing Projects for Teachers, Donna Binns
ENG 5742-600: Studies in Genre, Randall Beebe
ENG 5742-600: Studies in Genre, Randy Beebe
ENG 5742Z-600: Studies in Genre, Randall Beebe
ENG 5960-001: Professional Writing Internship, Terri Fredrick
Engaging Students Using Local History and Perspectives, Meghan E. Cameron Ms and Evan J. Habkirk Dr.
Esports and Gaming on Your College Campus: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion infused from Day 1, Jack Blahnik
Examining how Zealots and Racists Shape(d) American History and Biology Curriculum, John H. Bickford III
Examining the Relationship Between Acculturative Stress and Religion/Spirituality Among International Students, Ly'Jerrick Ward
Examining the Relationship Between Social Anxiety and Social Media Engagement, Emilee A. Kruchten
Exploring Actual Social Support Using the Social Convoy Model to Assess the Impact on Depression in Adolescents, Chris Hansen
Faction Mini Cakes, Elizabeth Bawcum
Faculty Senate By-Laws, Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Constitution, Faculty Senate
Faith Down the Rabbit Hole: A Critical Rhetorical Interrogation of Q-Anon and Parasitic Christianity, Nate Carlson
Fall 1991 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 1994 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2005 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2006 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2007 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2008 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2009 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2010 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2011 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2012 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Fall 2013, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall 2014, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall 2018, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall 2019, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall 2021 Program Guide, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall/Winter 2017, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fall/Winter Card 2016, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Fast Food Fix, Samantha Metternich, Melissa Griffiths, and Clay Anderson
Featured Speaker: Dwayne Reed, Dwayne Reed
February 17, 2021, Library Advisory Board
February 17, 2021, Library Advisory Board
February 23, 2021, Faculty Senate
February 23, 2021 Teams Virtual Meeting, Faculty Senate
February 9, 2021, Faculty Senate
February 9, 2021 Teams Virtual Meeting, Faculty Senate
Feels Like Home: On Campus Housing and Its Effect on Sense of Belonging, Makenzie Joseph
Female Student Service Member’s Experiences with Higher Education and Military Transitions, Sophie Cieslicki
FILM 2759G-600: History of Cinema, Robin Murray
Five in 20: An Exploratory Study to Develop and Pilot an Observation Tool used to Assess the Five Features Critical to Effective Classroom Management, Alexandria Cardot
Fixing Food Insecurity, Amayah Farley
ForeverEIU (Summer 2020), Eastern Illinois University Alumni Association
Foster Parents' Knowledge and Perceptions of Behavior and Behavior Management in Children with Adverse Childhood Experiences, Shelby Freeman
Freshman Connection Mentorship Program, Heidi Larson, Aileen Tierney, Max Smith, and Audrey Kim
From the Margins of Learning and Teaching: Changing the way, Mary Lindsay
Genetic Relatedness Can Alter the Strength of Plant-Soil Feedbacks, Kelly M. Clark
Genome-Wide Characterization of Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain Genes in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Saleh M. Aljurbua
Gone with the Whiskey, Jana Aydt
Hello Darkness My Old Friend: An Experience of a Transformative Session with Zero Balancing, James McCormick
Historia Vol. 11, Eastern Illinois University Department of History
Historia Vol. 6, Eastern Illinois University Department of History
House of Desires, Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
How Do I Do This? How Universities Support Students Experiencing Grief, Jackie Hirn
How I Am Accompaniment, Michael Lynch
How I Am Sheet Music (Men), Michael Lynch
How I Am Voice, Michael Lynch
Identifying Scotomata in Hazard Identification Caused By Ignorance and Overconfidence, Allen Johanson
Ident-i-me; Divers-u-see: Respecting race and culture through personal affirmation within group affiliation, Carole Collins Ayanlaja
Imaginary Things, Heather Gardewine
Immediate Response of Black Basses to Dam Removal Is Determined by Habitat Preference, Reuben Frey
Inclusive Practices: Supporting the Success of All Students, Jennifer Buchter, Cori More, and Jennifer Stringfellow
Increasing Access to Inclusion for Students with Disabilities, Cori More, Jennifer Buchter, and Jennifer Stringfellow
Increasing Physical Activity, Cameron Annis, Emily Ingram, and Seth Wilson
Infusing Awareness for Success in a Global Industry with Multicultural Environments and Diverse Populations, Melody L. Wollan, Lisa Brooks, Nichole Hugo, and Rick Wilkinson
Inquiry: Tragic Journeys of Enslaved African People Exposed through Shipwreck Archaeology, Janie Hubbard
Instructor Unconditional Positive Regard as Inclusive Practice in a Pandemic World, Catherine Polydore
Integrating News Media into History Classes to Teach both Content and Civic Literacy Skills, Eric Martone
Internet Safety, Olivia Triplett, Linnix Whitehead, and Beyonce Williams
Introducing the Breakout Sessions, John Bickford
Introduction and Welcome, John Bickford
Introductions in the big room, Jay Bickford
Introduction: Start Here, Rebekah O'Dell
Introduction to Special Issue, Samantha Cutrara
Investigating the Effects of Zero Balancing on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Dimensions of Wellness: A Phenomenological MIxed Methods Pilot Study, Misty L. Rhoads, Mary Murphy, Michele Doucette, Tom Gentile, Dylan Rhoads, and Jacob Watson
Issue 50, Beth Heldebrandt
Issue 51, Beth Heldebrandt
Is the Customer Always Right? An Exploration into the Expectations of Student Affairs Professionals, Brittany Floyd
James's Choice: Treating an Infant with Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Veronica Quarry
January 19, 2021, Faculty Senate
January 19, 2021 Teams Virtual Meeting, Faculty Senate
January 20, 2021, Library Advisory Board
January 20, 2021, Library Advisory Board
January 8, 2021, Council on University Planning and Budget
Joanne Diaz Reading, Joanne Diaz
Julius Caesar, Jana Aydt
Kelcey Parker Ervick Reading, Kelcey Parker Ervick
Keynote - Dr. Lori Patton Davis, Lori Patton Davis Ph.D.
Korean War Coverage in High School History Textbooks, Zarek Nolen
LAC Post COVID Prospects, Richard Feinberg, José Antonio Ocampo, Francisco Mayorga (Moderator), and Luis Enrique García Rodríguez (Discussant)
Latina Lift Off: How Inclusive Innovation Helps Latina Undergraduate Students Rise, Kate Jackson
Latin American Democracy: Emerging Reality or Endangered Species?, Richard Millett Professor Emeritus, Orlando Pérez, John Maisto, Jennifer Holmes, and Michael Gold-Biss (Moderator)
Learn Grow Eat, Laura Dolezal, Arianne Kozeluh, and Rachel Mannen
Legislated Love and Loyalty: An Analysis of State Patriotism Statutes, Benjamin R. Wellenreiter
Letting it go: a transformative session of massage therapy, Amanda Brauman King
Life off of the Syllabus: Empathy and Understanding between Faculty and Students, Michael Gillespie
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Li'l Abner, Little Theatre on the Square and David Mobley
Listening to Their Voices: A Narrative on Campus Climate for Trans* Students, Cloe Bourdages
Little House in the Big Woods, Beth Heldebrandt and Janahn Kolden
March 23, 2021 Virtual Teams Meeting, Faculty Senate
March 24, 2021, Library Advisory Board
March 24, 2021, Library Advisory Board
March 5, 2021, Council on University Planning and Budget
March 9, 2021, Faculty Senate
March 9, 2021 Virtual Teams Meeting, Faculty Senate
Mattoon, IL A.J. Laurence Store, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Andrews Home, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Broadway St., EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Buildings, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Business Block South Seventeenth St., EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL House 1, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, Illinois Broadway Bridge
Mattoon, Illinois Broadway Bridge 2
Mattoon, Illinois Construction
Mattoon, Illinois Railroad Poster
Mattoon, IL Mattoon National Bank, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Railroad Land Grants, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Shop 1, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Mattoon, IL Shop 2, EIU Historical Administration Class of 1997
Metal Complexes of Bis(pyrazolyl)methane-Based Ditopic Ligands, Pubudu Nuwan Perera Hapuarachchige
Migrating Away from Jim Crow: Using the C3 Framework to Teach the Great Migration, Jeremiah Clabough
Mindfulness Increases Help-Seeking by Buffering Against Self-Stigma, Sami Boomgarden
Misty Rhoads IJZBTT Editorial Welcome, Misty Rhoads
Navigating Positionality and Power in Classroom Spaces, Elizabeth Tacke
News & Views Vol. 19, Home Economics
News & Views Vol. 20, Home Economics
News & Views Vol. 21, Home Economics
News & Views Vol. 23, Home Economics
News & Views Vol. 24, Home Economics
News & Views Vol. 33, Home Economics
Nick White Reading, Nick White
No Dogs Allowed: Service Dog Advocacy Skills, Anne O. Papalia and Christina Edmonds-Behren
November 17, 2021, Library Advisory Board
November 18, 2020, Library Advisory Board
November 18, 2020, Library Advisory Board
November 9, 2021, Faculty Senate
Nurturing Culture In the Classroom for Success of Indigenous and Pacific Islander Students, Sarah Aten
October 12, 2021, Faculty Senate
October 20, 2021, Library Advisory Board
October 20, 2021, Library Advisory Board
October 21, 2020, Library Advisory Board
October 26, 2021, Faculty Senate
Online Learning, COVID-19, and the Future of the Academy: Implications for Faculty Governance and Collective Bargaining, Anthony Picciano
Optimum Enrollment Report, Faculty Senate
Pamphlet, Communications Disorders & Sciences
Part 1: Helping Students Find Their Voice - Introduction + Space for Language Discovery, Rebekah O'Dell
Part 2: Helping Students Find Their Voice - Exercises for Self-Discovery, Rebekah O'Dell
Part 3: Helping Students Find Their Voice - Risk-Free Writing, Rebekah O'Dell
Part 4: Amplifying Student Voice - Leveraging Voice-Finding to Launch Bigger Writing Projects, Rebekah O'Dell
Perceptions of Conflict Management in Relationships, Shae Page
Physical Activity, Lesley Roughton, Emmalee Sherwood, Katie Springer, and Lacey Steinbaugh
Post-Pandemic Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: An Irresistible Force Meeting and Immovable Object?, James Ottavio Castagnera
Poverty in the Elementary Classroom, Carrie Dale and Kat Stephens
Preparing for Life After College: The Career Skills Learned by Resident Assistant Alumni, Kala Cousineau
Professionals of Color in Predominantly White Institution, Brandy Matthews
Promoting Belonging and Equity Through Course Content., Primrose Igonor
Quarantine and Isolation Experiences in College Students, Brooke Gibson
Queering Faith: The Bible, Betzy Warren (She/Her/Hers) and Jade Mellon (She/Her/Hers)
Rabbit's Search for a Little House, Diane Eckert, Thomas Eckert, and Paul Eckert
Rachel Monroe: Craft Talk, Rachel Monroe
Rachel Monroe: Reading, Rachel Monroe
Racial and Implicit Bias: Diagnosis Disparities in the African Diaspora: implications for Counseling Practice, Jahaan Abdullah
Reading in a way to Improve Diversity Awareness, Jolynn Kindel
Really, Jackie Sibblies Drury
Recent Developments in Latin American Politics, Harvey Kline, Jennie Lincoln, Adriana Crocker, Greg Schmidt, and Richard Millett (Moderator)
Reflections on Being a Historian and Teaching History in the Midst of Historic Times, Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
Resource: Slow Chat, Rebekah O'Dell
Revolution Raps, Rachel Kizziah
RLR Solutions: How to Improve the Center for Student Innovation, Raven L. Ramsey and Rhonda L. Rogers
Self-Esteem, Chanel Dixon, Rachel Bynum, and Ashtyn Cottle
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge and Skills of School Professionals, Julia Kedzior
Senate Report - Committees Recommendations, Faculty Senate
September 14, 2021, Faculty Senate
September 22, 2021, Library Advisory Board
September 22, 2021, Library Advisory Board
September 28, 2021, Faculty Senate
Sit, Stay, Support! Exploring Canine-Assisted Activities with Individuals with Disabilities, Christina Edmonds-Behrend and Anne O. Papalia
SLP Practice and Assessment of Bilingual Students in Illinois, Erin Zurek
Some Pig!, Diane Highland
Speaking to Power: An Exploration of College Students’ Experiences with Student Lobbying, Catie Witt
Spring 1992 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2005 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2006 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2007 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2008 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2009 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2010 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2011 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2012 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2013 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2016 Commencement, Eastern Illinois University
Spring 2022 Program Guide, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2014, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2015, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2016, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2017, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2018, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Spring/Summer 2019, Academy of Lifelong Learning
Stress Management, Sophie Jones, Jerelyn Killebrew, and Emily Kiser
Student Athletes’ Perception of Hazing, Faith Bradbury
Student-Centered Learning Spaces During a Pandemic, Rebeccah J. Maley
Substance Abuse, Riley Baker, Megan Burton, and Kate Bushue
Synthesis and Characterization of a Two Station Starburst Pseudorotaxane, Janaka Prasad Kaviraj Kavikarage
Teachable Moments, John E. Franklin
Teacher Films: Examining Hollywood Representations of our Practice, Amy Mungur and Scott Wylie
Teacher/Indigenous Partnerships: Building Engagement and Trust For History and Social Science Education, Evan J. Habkirk Dr.
Teacher Perceptions and Use of Evidence-based Discipline Practices, Taylor Robinson
Teacher Perceptions of Co-Teaching Effectiveness in Inclusive Elementary Classrooms, Ann Sims
"Ten Tongues and One Lie: Turco-Roman Relations c. 552-650'', Jackson Melvin
THA 2258-001: Script Analysis, Christopher Wixson
THA 2258-600: Script Analysis, Christopher Wixson
The Absentee- Script, Julia Doolittle
The Acute Impact of Stair Climbing on Vertical Jump Height, Matthew Grossman
The Analysis of College Students Knowledge, Attitudes. Behaviors, and Perceptions Concerning Sexually Transmitted Infections, Ambrosia Roberts
The Architecture of Eastern's Old Main, Nora Pat Small, Terry Barnhart, Richard Riccio, Bailey K. Young, and Michael Watts
The Breakfast Checklist, Samantha Bubeck, Regina Gunn, and Emily Lane
The Counterculture Generation: Idolized, Appropriated, and Misunderstood, Rina R. Bousalis
The COVID Pandemic in Latin America: Consequences and Responses, Jeongwon Lee, Deborah Rebello Lima, Luiz Augusto Fernandes Rodrigues, and Kimberly Mahaffy (Moderator)
The Cultural Heritage and Potential for Sustainable Site Development of Greater Jezreel, Morgan Davidson
The Decision to Play: College football in the Era of COVID-19, Jason Tabit
The Digital Generation: Exploring the Effects and Creation of Collegiate E-sports Programs, Joshua Gostlin
The Effect of Mortality Salience on Compromising Mate Selection Standards in Homosexual and Heterosexual Individuals, Sydney Rohmann
The Effects of IMF's Lending and Conditionalities on Economic Growth: Case of SADC Countries, Lutete Celina Carlos
The Efficacy of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) with Hispanic English Language Learners in the 2nd Grade, Sonia Duran
The Enchanted Broccoli Forest, Jacqui Worden
The Ethics of Online Teaching, Daniel M. Cabrera, Jason Rhode, Stephanie Richter, and Amanda Smothers
The Gig Academy: Naming the Problem and Identifying Solutions, Daniel T. Scott and Adrianna J. Kezar
The Holodomor National Awareness Tour: A Reflection on Teaching, Alexandra Marchel
The Impact of Mentoring African Americans Males during Their Undergraduate Experience at Predominantly White Institutions, Michael D. Miller
The Impact of On-Campus Resources on Trans* Student Success, Cloe Bourdages and Heather Webb
The Impact of the Therapeutic Relationship on Transgender Clients’ Perceptions of Their Therapist, Aaron Brockie
The Mysterious Island, Georgia Ryan, Jeremy Ryan, and Carol Ryan
The OT Well-Being Summit 2021, Deanna Waggy OTR
The Pajama Game, George Abbott
The Pyramid of Hate, Travis Redden
The Relationship Between Relative Muscular Strength and Joint Mobility in Firefighters, Samuel C. Nozicka
The Role of Language Education in Peacebuilding: The Case of Cyprus, Maya Hunter
The Technologist (2001), School of Technology
The Technologist (2002), School of Technology
The Technologist (2003), School of Technology
The Technologist (2004), School of Technology
The Technologist (2005), School of Technology
The Technologist (2006), School of Technology
The Technologist (2007), School of Technology
The Technologist (2008), School of Technology
The Technologist (2009), School of Technology
The Technologist (2010), School of Technology
The Technologist (2011), School of Technology
The Technologist (2012), School of Technology
The Technologist (2013), School of Technology
The Transcriptome Response of the White-Rot Fungus Trametes versicolor to Wild-Type and Lignin-Modified Hybrid Poplar, Anbarah Alzabaidi
The Use of Zero Balancing in Vestibular Rehabilitation, Mary L. Behrens
“The Women of Wrigley’s Dainty Baseball League”, Alexandra Mann
Trade Books’ Contextualization of Consequential Women’s Historical Significance, Toluwalase Solomon
Trade Integration and Economic Growth in Africa: Lessons from SADC and ECOWAS Regional Trading Blocs, Kofi Ampoma Asuako
Trans 101, Jackie Hirn (She/They)
Transcriptome Analysis of Neuro-2a Cells Treated with Asiatic and Madecassic Acid, Fatimah M. Alqam
Transforming My Teaching of Writing Using Rhetorical-Genre Pedagogy, Adam Oldaker
Transition from High School to College/University for Individuals with Disabilities, Jennifer Stringfellow, April Jackson, and Jennifer Buchter
Unchallenged and Obedient: Status of Nigerian Junior Secondary School Social Studies Curriculum, Toluwalase Solomon
Understanding and Teaching Racisms: Bridging Academic and Public Discourses in the Classroom, Wade Smith
Unit A 1996-1999 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 1999-2002 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 2002-2006 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 2006-2010 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 2010-2012 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 2012-2016 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit A 2018-2022 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 1996-1999 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 1999-2002 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 2002-2006 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 2006-2010 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 2010-2012 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 2012-2016 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Unit B 2018-2022 Agreement, Eastern Illinois University and EIU-UPI
Using Mentor Poems from Contemporary Poets, Kirstin Runyon
Volume 10 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 10 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 11 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 11 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 12 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 12 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 13 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 13 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 14 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 14 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 15 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 15 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 16 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 16 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 16 Number 3, EIU College of Education
Volume 18 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 18 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 19 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 19 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 1 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 1 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 1 Number 3, EIU College of Education
Volume 20 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 20 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 21 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 22 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 22 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 23 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 24 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 24 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 25 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 26 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 27 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 28 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 29 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 2 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 2 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 30 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 31 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 32 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 33 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 34 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 35 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 36 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 37 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 38 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 39 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 3 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 3 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 3 Number 3, EIU College of Education
Volume 40 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 41 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 42 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 43 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 44 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 45 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 46 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 4 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 4 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 5 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 6 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 6 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 6 Number 3, EIU College of Education
Volume 7 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 7 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 8 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 8 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Volume 8 Number 3, EIU College of Education
Volume 9 Number 1, EIU College of Education
Volume 9 Number 2, EIU College of Education
Voluntary Refusal of the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Among College Students, Paul Abraham
WGS 2309G-001: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Marjorie Worthington
WGS 2309G-001: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Marjorie Worthington
WGS 2309G-002: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Jeannie Ludlow
WGS 2309G-002: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Jeannie Ludlow
WGS 4310-001: Queer Theories, Jeannie Ludlow
Where the Crawdads Sing, Arlene Brown
White Roses and Flames, Mady Bettinger
Working in Coalition, and Wall-to-Wall: The New Progressive Normal, Gary Rhoades
Writing Body Paragraphs for Literature Analysis Prompts, Sue Nelligan
Xanadu, Douglas Carter Beane
Xylan-Derived Carbon Nutrient Acquisition by Caulobacter crescentus, Rhoda Ekuama Inkoom
“Yes, My Career Would End”: How the Existence of Illicit Digital Media May Inhibit Women from Participating in Politics, Esther Afrakoma Appiah Dwaah
Zero Balancing and Occupational Therapy: Removing Restrictions to Life Flow, Deanna Waggy OTR and Loren Waggy OTR
Zero Balancing: Conscious Touch and Transformation Book Review, Misty L. Rhoads
Zero Balancing in the Chiropractic Practice, Michele Doucette DC