"Fabrications for Winds and Percussion: An Analysis" by Douglas G. Nicholson

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Peter Hesterman


The purpose of this thesis is to give an analytical description of Fabrications for Winds and Percussion. Part one of this document includes discussion, charts of information, and musical examples. Part two is the original score of the work.

The analysis describes each of the main musical elements, and relates the elements to one another. Charts are included showing relationships between different parts of the composition. Musical examples are presented to help identify and explain the main melodic ideas and accompanimental structures.

Fabrications is in one movement and is approximately eight and one-half minutes in duration. The formal structure of the work is ABA '. Instrumentation is that of the standard wind ensemble with the following exceptions: horns and trombones are written in only two parts, and three separate flute parts plus piccolo are required. The score also includes Eb contra-bass clarinet, double bass, and four percussion parts plus timpani.

The work features two main themes. One of the main themes is derived from the octatonic symmetrical scale. The rest of the melodic material in the work is derived from one pitch series. This pitch series contains two intervallicly equivalent hexachords which are each derived from whole-tone scales. Serial techniques used in manipulating the series include the rotation of hexachords and the use of vertical arrays. These techniques are explained in the analysis.

A serial background texture is used as accompaniment during much of the work. This background texture is made up of short repetitive fragments of the pitch series. The repetitive nature of these background textures, along with the lack of directed chord progressions, lend the piece the characteristics of minimalistic music.

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Composition Commons
