Graduate Program

College Student Affairs

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

James A. Wallace

Thesis Committee Member

Kelly P. Miller

Thesis Committee Member

Mona Y. Davenport


The transition from high school to college was examined through the voices of twelve participants' perspectives. The male and female focus group participants were divided into two groups; freshmen and sophomores, respectively. A series of 13 questions were posed inquiring about what Eastern Illinois University (EIU) has done to facilitate their transition into the collegiate atmosphere. The findings consist of a comparison section along with a section dedicated to pointing out any areas of differences with regards to their responses. Participants expressed that frequent interactions with folks that either were enrolled at EIU or were a current member of the EIU community enhanced their decision to attend the institution. Resident Assistants played a very minor role in encouraging participants to attend freshmen orientation activities or in enhancing their overall on-campus community experiences during the first few days at EIU.
