Graduate Program

College Student Affairs

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion

Spring 2022

Thesis Director

Dianne Timm

Thesis Committee Member

Heather K. Webb

Thesis Committee Member

Nathan J. Wehr


There has been extensive research conducted on students’ perceptions and understanding of hazing in fraternities and sororities (Allen & Madden, 2008; Allen & Madden, 2012; Alexander, 2018; Cokley et al., 2020). Despite preventative efforts and existing research, hazing continues to occur and continues to threaten the future of fraternity and sorority life. There is little to no research on chapter advisors’ understanding of hazing and hazing prevention in their roles. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the role that fraternity advisors play in the education and prevention of hazing, through interview with the advisors. The study looks at the training and resources provided to chapter advisors from national headquarters and institutions to assist them in successfully overseeing their organizations. Results show that there is an overwhelming need for more training, better support, and resources to be provided to chapter advisors. The results indicate that chapter advisors are excellent candidates to educate members on hazing and hazing prevention, but they are not adequately trained on how to do so.
