Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Walter S. Lowell


NEED: The canoe is being used for many types of work and pleasure. Little evidence is available regarding factors that may influence canoeing instruction.

PURPOSE: This study is an attempt to determine the factors which influence people who cross the Four-Mile Portage at Basswood Lake, Ely, Minnesota to go on a canoe trip.

METHOD OF RESEARCH: By the use of a questionnaire, given to people who go canoeing, valuable information could be obtained on the frequency a person goes canoeing, the type of instruction they received and where they received it, their opinion on offering canoeing in the physical education curriculum, the size of school they attended, their sex, and any comments they might wish to make. From this information, one may be able to determine if personal characteristics are motivating factors that influence selecting a particular site for canoeing.
