"Why a Negative Body Image? A Study on Gender, Social Media, and Mass M" by Taryn Bland Teeters

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Katherine A. Shaw


This study was designed to identify the contributors to body image (BI) dissatisfaction. The factors affecting the adult body image and the extent of their consequences were examined. This study attempted to determine the extent to which these individual's peers, the mass media, and social media affect their BI, body shaming, and the individual's shame of others.

An anonymous online questionnaire was utilized and sent to participants by snowballing through the use of Facebook and email. Participants were asked to identify their age, gender, pleasing and displeasing body parts, their use of social media, and an overall rating of their BI satisfaction. Correlations, t-tests, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.

The findings of this study indicated males have a higher BI than females; negative BI decreased with age; heavy social media was related to a negative BI, accordingly and significantly, light Snapchat users had a more positive BI. Overall, participants displayed a negative body image, which type of media and the amount of time affected spent utilizing the media outlet. Also, males displayed a body satisfaction when compared to females.

The findings revealed important BI insight. However, new research could ascertain the connection between the cellphone addiction, social media (presented by the phone), and body image. The constant use of cellphones to access social media could contribute to body dissatisfaction. There is also a need to investigate the destruction the factors contributing to body image cause to the individual. If a connection between poor BI, mental problems, and cellphone addiction can be made, healthcare professionals could truly treat the individual as a whole.
