Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

U. Douglas Zimmerman


Lycopodium flabelliforme (Fern.) Blanch. sporophytes were collected from a colony west of Flat Rock in Crawford County, Illinois. The material was either ground to a coarse grade using a Wiley Mill (grindate), left whole and untreated (fresh) or water extracted with a Waring blender (extract). The effect of the sporophyte material was tested on the germination of seeds and on the growth of seedlings of Raphnus sativa L. Sporophytes subjected to the grindate treatment showed the most inhibitory effects. It was shown that the alledged inhibitory substance was heat stable and able to be concentrated. Using column chromatography, at 37.7°C, this substance possessed a molecular size and possibly a molecular weight somewhere around that of glucose (MW=180). A "crude alkaloid" fraction was extracted and shown to be inhibitory to the seed germination and seedling growth of Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.
