Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Paul D. Overton


Statement of the Problem

This study took place in public high schools in east central Illinois. The subjects studied consisted of 13 school counselors who were using Individualized Career Plans in their respective high schools. All of these counselors had received a mini grant from the Career Guidance Center, Region 9, Lake Land College, Mattoon, Illinois.

The study was done to provide information from the counselors involved about usage, evaluation, future plans, advantages, and disadvantages of Individualized Career Plans.

The study also was conducted to determine whether or not the Career Guidance Center should continue funding and support of Individualized Career Plans.


A questionnaire was developed for surveying the school counselors who received mini grants to implement a system of Individualized Career Plans. The questionnaire was validated by Chris Franklin-Panek of the Career Guidance Center, Lake Land College, Mattoon, Illinois. The opinions, ideas, and suggestions were sought for future planning in the use of Individualized Career Plans. The results are listed in the tables.


Based on the results of the study, four recommendations were made.

  1. It is recommended that the Individualized Career Plans be used to facilitate coordination of services in an effective and efficient manner.
  2. It is recommended that the Individualized Career Plan be used to communicate educational experiences to the parents of students.
  3. It is recommended that the Individualized Career Plan be used by counselors to increase accountability for the delivery of an educational program to students.
  4. It is recommended that further studies be done concerning the use of Individualized Career Plans by school counselors.
  5. It is also recommended that the Career Guidance Center continue to fund and support the implementation and use of Individualized Career Plans.

The advantages, as reported by the counselors, are:

  • The Individualized Career Plan increases accountability for the delivery of educational programs to students.
  • The Individualized Career Plan facilitates the coordination of services in an efficient and effective manner.
  • The Individualized Career Plan serves as an effective means to communicate educational experiences to parents of high school students.
  • The Individualized Career Plan is a time saver for guidance personnel as they work with students and with class schedules.
  • The Individualized Career Plans help districts attain maximum funding for vocational education programs by facilitating completion of vocational programs.
  • The Individualized Career Plan will increase articulation of programs and services available through the different agencies that provide employability education in the community (e.g., high schools, area vocational centers, community colleges, and rehabilitation services).

The disadvantages, as listed by the counselors, are:

  • The work and time needed to initially set up a system of using Individualized Career Plans.
  • The time required to maintain the files of the Individualized Career Plan. In the few instances where clerical help was available, the counselors reported this to be no problem.
