"A Comparison of Service Delivery Options in the State of Illinois for " by Shelli K. Jennings

Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Rori R. Carson


This study was a replication (Hipple, 1987) designed to ascertain the utilization of a service delivery continuum in the State of Illinois for students with behavior disorders. Responses were randomly solicited from teachers in various-sized community unit school districts throughout the state and compared according to the size of the teachers' school district. The findings were then compared to those from the original study. The results from this study revealed nine significant variables when statistically comparing the grouped responses of teachers according to the size of the district: (a) the teachers' levels of education, (b) the teachers' employer (school district vs. cooperative), (c) program category given for the teachers' service, (d) number of students on the teachers' caseloads, (e) the teachers' opportunity to mainstream their students, and district utilization of (f) self-contained classrooms in a regular school, (g) self-contained classrooms in a special school, (h) hospital/residential placements, and (i) homebound instruction.

In comparison to the results from the original study (Hipple, 1987), this research revealed that four variables identified as statistically significant in 1987 are no longer significantly different when comparing the responses from the different group sizes. These variables are (a) certification, (b) number of districts enrolling students in the teachers' service, (c) use of a teacher's aide, and (d) district utilization of resource services. However, five variables have continued to be statistically significant when comparing the different group sizes. These variables are: (a) teachers' employer, (b) number of students, and district utilization of (c) self-contained classrooms in a regular school, (d) self-contained classes in a special school, (e) hospital/residential placements, and (f) homebound instruction.
