Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Harry Merigis



There are specific tasks which are assigned to the board of education and the administrator in policies adopted by the Commission on Education for the Catholic Diocese of Peoria. The purpose of this study was to discover how informed or uninformed administrators and board members in the Diocese of Peoria are in understanding their authority and responsibilities. Lack of understanding of the assigned roles may represent a need for in-service or training on role and responsibility clarification.


Administrators and board/commission members completed a survey which identified baseline characteristics, revealed a perception of the working relationship between administrators and board/commission members, and assessed the perceptions of authority of the two groups on selected items compared with their actual authority under diocesan policy. The research obtained was analyzed and is presented in Chapter IV to support the conclusions of the research.


The lack of a truly effective Catholic School Board model, as noted, manifests itself to a great degree in the Diocese of Peoria. The survey results clearly show that the administrators are either misinformed or are simply not investigating their areas of responsibility and authority. The literature shows that the publications available do not clearly define what a board/commission member should expect in that role.

Most of the training and/or in-service material available from the Diocese of Peoria Office of Catholic Education tends to emphasize the missions and goals of boards/commissions. Any specific clarification of responsibilities, especially when contrasted to that of the administrator, is extremely vague or, in some cases, actually misleading. Until the lay board/commission members are told that their role is actually consultative, lack of understanding which could lead to totally ineffective boards is likely to result.
