Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Dale D. Downs


The investigation was designed to assess growth in listening comprehension after participation in the Structured Listening Activity (SLA) model for improving listening comprehension.

Prior to treatment, two experimental groups and one control group were administered the Science Research Associates' (SRA) Survey of Basic Skills, Level 21, Listening Comprehension Subtest to assess listening comprehension abilities.

Slx SLA model lessons were designed and administered twice a week for twenty minutes over a three week period. SLA model lessons follow five sequential steps: concept building, listening purpose, reading or telling a passage, questioning, and recitation.

SRA’s Survey of Basic Skills, Level 21, Listening Comprehension Subtest was administered again after treatment. Pretest and posttest results were analyzed utilizing descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, t-test analysis, and Pearson correlations.

Overall, the two experimental groups evidenced significant gains (p <.001) on posttest scores, supporting the hypothesis that structured listening training improves listening comprehension abilities. The control group evidenced no statistically significant gains also supporting the hypothesis. The SLA model proved to be successful in increasing the listening comprehension abilities of this population. The results of the study provide justification for continued instruction and research in the area of listening comprehension improvement.
