Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Robert M. Augustine


A relationship between the development of drawing skills and overall development has been well documented. Furthermore, a relationship between language development and drawing development has been suggested by a number of research findings. The research goal of this project is the following: to determine whether there is a predictable relationship between the elements of symbolism in drawing and language development.

Twenty-six children were given a standardized language assessment and a drawing assessment. The children were divided into two groups according to age. Language scores for Group 1 included the following Test of Language Development-Primary subtests (Newcomer & Hammill, 1982): picture vocabulary, oral vocabulary, sentence imitation, and a total of all subtest scores. Language scores for Group 2 included a total of all subtest scores from the Test of Language Development-Intermediate (Newcomer & Hammill, 1982).

A Pearson Product Moment Correlation indicated that a significant correlation existed between chronological age and drawing scores for children in Group 1. There was no significant correlation between chronological age and drawing scores for Group 2.

A Pearson Correlation also indicated a significant relationship between drawing skills and all four language subtests for children in Group 1, although there was no significant relationship between drawing and language scores for Group 2.

Implications for further research have been warranted, especially for children in Group 1 (between the ages of four and eight.) Research investigating the relationship between vocabulary and drawing, the relationship between imitation skills in language and drawing, or the relationship between "artistic" drawing qualities and suprasegmental language skills are all possibilities. Future studies using more in-depth language measures could improve the validity of the findings in this study.
