"Influence of Various Pre-Exercise Routines on Vertical Jump Performanc" by Vladislav Milanovic

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

John D. (Jake) Emmett


The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the influence of three different pre-exercise routines (jogging, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in addition to jogging (PNFJ), and whole body vibration (WBV)) on vertical jump (VJ) performance. Twelve physically active, collegiate males between the ages of 18-24 years were recruited to participate. The subjects performed four VJ tests on four nonconsecutive days with a control VJ being performed on the first day and the three remaining VJ performed after each of the pre-exercise routines that were conducted in random order. The jogging pre-exercise routine lasted 5 minutes at light to moderate intensity of 11-13 on a 6-20 RPE scale). The PNF pre-exercise routine consisted of 10 seconds of maximal isometric contraction of the hamstring muscles followed by relaxation and 10 second passive stretch. The WBV pre-exercise routine was performed on a vibration plate in a half squat isometric position for 30 seconds with a frequency of 50 Hz. For each VJ test, three counter movement jumps (CMJ) were performed. Each CMJ was performed at 15 seconds, 75 seconds, and 135 seconds following each of the pre-exercise routines. The highest CMJ jump was recorded as the VJ for that test. There were no significant differences in VJ performance following jogging, PNF, and WBV routine when compared to the control condition. There were also no significant differences between VJ following the jogging and WBV pre-exercise routines. However VJ performance was significantly higher following jogging (p < 0.018) and WBV (p < 0.042) pre-exercise routines compared to PNFJ.
