
Marilyn Holt

Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

David E. Bartz


The purpose of this study was to evaluate Illinois Educational Service Center #17's Scientific Literacy Program for FY92. Objectives utilized to address this problem were:

1. To determine the effectiveness of the staff development delivered in FY92 which emphasized hands-on approaches to teaching physics concepts to students in grades K-8.

2. To determine the effectiveness of the staff development delivered in FY92 which emphasized hands-on approaches to teaching mathematic concepts to students in grades K-6.

3. To determine the effectiveness of the staff development delivered in FY92 which emphasized hands-on approaches to teaching science process concepts to students in grades K-8.

Teachers participating in the training addressed by these objectives were surveyed to solicit their perceptions of its effectiveness. Further, each of the University's trainers that delivered the staff development were interviewed on his/her perspectives on the training's effectiveness and additional training which may be worthwhile for the future. The study was conducted in the 12 counties composed of ESC #17 which is located in Southeastern Illinois.

The results indicated that the participating teachers felt that the training was effective for each of the components presented in the three objectives. The University trainers also felt that staff development was effective.

Recommendations flowing from this study were:

1. Continue to provide staff development for teachers to increase their knowledge and confidence in science, mathematics, and technology.

2. Provide staff development training focusing on the national trends of science, mathematics, and technology.

3. Provide staff development training on the implementation of science, mathematics, and technology activities into the curriculum.

4. Provide staff development training on techniques for performance assessment in science, mathematics, and technology.

5. Provide staff development training incorporating an interdisciplinary approach focusing on problem solving and higher order thinking skills with science, mathematics, language arts, and technology.
