"Burnout Among Master's Level Mental Health Practitioners" by Brenda K. Greeson

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

William G. Kirk


Seventy-eight master's level mental health practitioners completed survey materials including the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Psychologist's Burnout Inventory (PBI), and a demographic and job satisfaction questionnaire modified for this study from a 1994 study of school psychologists (Niebrugge, 1994). The random sample of community mental health centers selected to receive survey materials came from a list obtained from the Illinois Department of Mental Health (DMH). Results suggested that symptoms of burnout frequently occur among this group of clinicians, regardless of their disciplinary training. A relationship between burnout and job-related stressors (e.g., feeling a lack of control in the work place, overinvolvement with clients) was found, however the best predictors of burnout were personal and satisfaction variables (e.g., overall job satisfaction, satisfaction with supervision, case discrepancy index) . Results support Niebrugge's (1994) findings suggesting that supervising psychologists may play a key role in resistance to burnout.
