Graduate Program

School Psychology

Degree Name

Specialist in School Psychology

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Terry A. Stinnett


This study examined differences in ratings of treatment acceptability among groups of individuals who are often involved in the recommendation, selection, implementation, and evaluation of behavioral interventions in the educational setting; teachers, school psychologists, and school social workers. An analogue-type study was conducted, utilizing a written case description of a 3rd grader exhibiting a problem behavior, a written case description of an intervention applied to that problem behavior, and a 15-item instrument utilized in rating treatment acceptability (IRP-15) . Also varied in the study was a label (LD, BD, ADD) placed on the student in the vignette, and intervention type (positive or negative-based). There was a significant effect of professional group membership on ratings of treatment acceptability. There was an effect of intervention type on treatment acceptability, however, no label bias was noted. A group by intervention-type interaction was also noted. Implications of the present study, and future research directions are discussed.
