"Brain Dominance and Speed Achievement in Keyboarding" by Janet Clapp Hasten

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Cheryl L. Noll


Students who want to compete successfully in today's marketplace must be proficient in the skill of keyboarding. But not all students of keyboarding are able to achieve the high levels of proficiency in speed. This study investigates one possible explanation for this perplexing and frustrating occurrence--how brain dominance affects learning a motor skill such as keyboarding. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between a student's brain dominance preference and his/her ability to achieve speed in keyboarding. The Human Information Processing Survey, which determines brain dominance preference, was administered to high school students enrolled in a beginning keyboarding class. The results of the study showed that those students who exhibit right brain tendencies in cognitive processing were able to attain a higher average speed on three-minute timed writings. The study also contains practical recommendations for including right brain activities when teaching beginning keyboarding.
