"An Investigation Into the Retention Policies Regarding Special Needs S" by Ronald Dean Graham

Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Beverly Findley


The purpose of this study was to investigate the retention of special needs students in the Sangamon Area Special Education District (SASED) in Illinois. All of the principals of grades K-8 and the special education coordinators that work in those districts in SASED were surveyed. Inconsistencies in SASED's current practices led the author to explore possible alternatives in helping the Multidisciplinary Conferences (MDC) result in better decisions concerning the retention of special needs students. The results of the surveys were analyzed to develop a policy for all the districts to follow. This study focused on two objectives: 1. To determine if the policies on retention of special needs students were the same as those for regular education students. 2. To determine what factors were utilized in decisions concerning retention of special needs students.
