Graduate Program

School Psychology

Degree Name

Specialist in School Psychology

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

John B. Best


Strategy development and the use of strategy as a mechanism of transfer was examined in sixty elementary students while playing the logical deduction game Mastermind and a familiar analogue. In the first couple of two-way ANOVAs subjects showed that they are in fact learning or developing a task-specific strategy that can be applied across the two types of games regardless of which game was in the target position of a transfer paradigm. This suggests that subjects were able to focus on structural similarities rather than surface features and apply what was learned between the game isomorphs. Both the third and fourth ANOVAs indicate that strategic transfer did occur between the Family Dinner Table game and Mastermind game, when mastermind was in the target position of a transfer paradigm. This suggests that strategies can be used as a mechanism in transfer.
