Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Larry Janes


Sexual harassment exists not only in the workplace but also in the nation's schools. School districts and administrators have a legal responsibility and liability to deal with allegations of sexual harassment.

The purpose of this study was to develop a step-by-step grievance procedure to resolve complaints of student-student and student-employee sexual harassment in which students are the alleged victims for Centralia High School District 200 in Centralia, Illinois. To obtain data for the development of this plan, a survey was taken of the student population at Centralia High School to determine student perceptions of the following:

1. Have they been victims of sexual harassment?

2. From whom have they received sexual harassment?

3. How frequently have they been sexually harassed?

4. Has sexual harassment affected their academic life at school?

5. To whom would they go for help if they were sexually harassed?

6. Are they aware of any policy at school that offers help if they are exually harassed?

Surveys were administered by homeroom teachers and the results were tabulated by the author. The data collected indicated that sexual harassment was probably occurring at Centralia High School, that most was in the student-student form and that females were more often the victims than males.

The existing Student Assistance Program (SAP) was expanded to handle allegations of sexual harassment. Educating students about sexual harassment was to become part of student orientation. A discipline plan was to be developed by the administration.
